Mises Institute
Narrated versions of the Mises Institute's Immigration Roundtable series of articles, presenting the views of prominent Austrian and libertarian thinkers. The Mises Institute offers more intellectual diversity on the topic than most organizations, and our goal is to present each thinker's views...
A definitive defense of the methodological foundations of Austrian economics. These lectures astonished students at the Mises University when they were first delivered. They were later turned into this monograph, which has been a staple of Austrian pedagogy ever since. Narrated by Gennady...
Great Economic Myths
Economic myths are perpetuated by the government to keep control over the printing presses. Myths are not reality and rarely survive the light of truth. 18 February 2008, Houston, TX.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Choice in Currency: A Path to Sound Money
How can we return money to its natural market home? Why is this so necessary? This conference addresses these questions and providea answers that are radical but practical, too. 3 September 2008, Vancouver, Canada.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Henry Hazlitt's line-by-line commentary and refutation of Keynes's General Theory, one of the most destructive, fallacious, and convoluted books of the twentieth century. Narrated by Josiah Schmidt.
Economic Downturn: Cause and Cure
Every government-based stimulus that has ever been tried has failed. This one-day event features some of the best economic minds currently writing on the issue of stimulus and depression. 14 November 2009, Newport Beach, CA.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
The state's efforts to stimulate the economy have had the reverse effect. The recovery is largely a myth. Real change must rest on an intellectual foundation. And that means sound economic theory and policy in the Misesian tradition. 8–9 October 2010, Auburn, AL.
Prosperity, War, and Depression
Mises Institute scholars provide an inside look into the latest issues and arguments that are driving current debate, and show how the Austrian School of economics is working to advance a logical, liberty-minded response. Presented at the Mises Institute, October 24–25, 2003.Download the complete...
ASC 2003
Recordings of the Austrian Scholars Conference: 13–15 March 2003.
ASC 2006
Recordings of the Austrian Scholars Conference: 16–18 March 2006.
Selected recordings from the 1990 Mises University, recorded at Stanford University; July 7–14, 1990.
Lew Rockwell and Jeff Deist host Judge Andrew Napolitano, Tom Woods, Tom DiLorenzo, Peter Klein, and Patrick Newman. Held at the historic Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia, October 8–10.
This 25-lecture instructional seminar presents a reinterpretation of the history of liberty from the ancient world—an ambitious agenda, but a wonderfully successful conference. Hosted at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, 24-30 June 2001. Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
The Fed and War Finance
In the debate on American foreign and economic policy, the topic of financing is hardly ever raised. If tax increases are politically impossible but the government still wants empire, the printing is there to assist. But at what cost today? What cost in history? 16 September 2006, Manhattan,...
This is the essay that overthrew the socialist paradigm in economics, and provided the foundation for modern Austrian price theory. When it first appeared in 1920, Mises was alone in challenging the socialists to explain how their pricing system would actually work in practice. Mises proved that...
Austrian Economics and the Financial Markets (1...
Recorded at the Toronto Stock Exchange; September 16-17, 1999.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Speakers discuss the best strategies for spreading the word of liberty. 9 April 2011, Chicago, IL.
ASC 2004
Recordings of the Austrian Scholars Conference: 18–20 March 2004.
The Libertarian Scholars Conference is a revival of the original series of conferences in the 1970s, and the brainchild of Murray Rothbard, Ralph Raico, Ronald Hamowy, and other giants of the modern libertarian movement. In that spirit, the conference addresses Human Liberty from the different...
Conference on the Gold Standard
The Capitol Hill Gold Conference was hosted by the Mises Institute in Washington, DC, in November 1983. Presentations include a debate on the Gold Standard between Congressman Ron Paul and Charles Partee, member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.Download the complete audio of this event...
The Mises Institute in Orlando. Economist Robert Murphy, Mises Institute president Jeff Deist, Praxis apprentice Lena Wang, and talk radio host David Gornoski present a radical, unvarnished look at the state of America in 2019. Recorded on February 16, 2019.
The Mises Institute celebrates "Homecoming" in Auburn, Alabama, 27-30 September 2018.
Austrian Economics and the Financial Markets (2...
How Austrian economics can help make sense of financial markets in an interventionist environment. 22 May 2010, New York.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Speakers tackle electoral politics, war, socialism, and the reality of whether the American economy will survive in 2018 and beyond. Featuring Daniel McAdams, Yuri Maltsev, Nomi Prins, and Danielle DiMartino Booth. Recorded in Fort Worth, Texas, on 2 June 2018.
Will the Decline Continue?
Speakers will examine current economic conditions, delve into history to look at the conditions that made other recoveries possible, and present a road map for the restoration of true economic health and vibrancy. 12 September 2009, Seattle, WA.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
This one-day conference examines the motivations, the bad theory, and the dangerous implications behind "countercyclical" policy and artificial stimulus. This event takes a look back at the Great Depression and examines whether the government is currently creating another one. 29 August 2009, San...
ASC 2005
Recordings of the Austrian Scholars Conference: 17–19 March 2005.
The Gold Standard Revisited
The dollar is in grave danger, the government is growing at the expense of society, and the business cycle has been unleashed with ferocity. The answer: restore sound money, stop inflation, and get government out of the money business. 31 October – 1 November 2008, Auburn, AL.Download the...
Titus Gebel lays out a model of private companies competing to provide protection of life, liberty, and property. He explains how services like internal and external security, legal and regulatory systems, and independent dispute resolution could be implemented, and he addresses the problems that...
The Mises Circle in Las Vegas
Mises Circle joins FreedomFest — perhaps the largest gathering of liberty-minded people during the year. Mises Institute speakers address their latest books and topics of research. 14–16 July 2011, Las Vegas, NV.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Narrated version of important essays.
Secession, State, and Economy
Speakers explore the secessionist movements, current and historical, and the moral right of states and regions to secede. 7–9 April 1995, Charleston, SC.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Despots Left and Right: The Tyrannies of Our Times
Whoever has power abuses it. It seems that ideology works only as a cover, such that the right is as likely as the left to fasten control over our lives and property, if only in different ways and with different excuses.14 April 2007, Houston, TX.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Recordings of the 2019 Austrian Economics Research Conference at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, March 22-23, 2019.
Introduction to Austrian Economic Analysis
Joseph T. Salerno presents this series of ten lectures on the fundamentals of Austrian economic theory, with a special emphasis on its technical aspects. Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Recordings of the lectures presented at Mises University: 30 July–5 August 2006.
The Mises Circle in Houston 2006
Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell present a mini-seminar on Austrian economics and libertarianism. 4 March 2006, Houston, TX.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Liberty-loving people have an obligation to challenge and refute propaganda at every turn: to present truth as a non-negotiable element of a free society. Speakers explore propaganda in the context of the upcoming 2020 presidential election, which is certain to create a barrage of disinformation...
Seminar on Money and Government
A seminar about the affects of the Federal Reserve on the government and its policies. 27 October 1984, Houston, TX.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.
Depression, Monetary Destruction, and the Path ...
The speakers focus on the relationship between anti-depression policy and inflationary finance, and discuss what the current monetary trends mean for the future of the dollar. 3 October 2009, Greenville, SC.Download the complete audio of this event (ZIP) here.