Today on Meditating the Word: The Seals, The 144,000, Great Multitude in White Robes, Seventh Seal and Golden Censor, Trumpets, Angel With the Little Scroll, Two Witnesses, Seventh Trumpet. This is Day 363. We are reading Revelation 6-11 ---- Father God, thank You for the revelation given to us through the Apostle John. Thank You for the blessing on all who read aloud and on all who listen to this prophecy. We raise our prayers to You like holy incense, Father, and we worship You. We know...
Published 12/29/23
Today on Meditating the Word: John's Vision of Christ, Letters to the Seven Churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea; the Throne in Heaven, the Scroll and the Lamb. This is Day 362. We are reading Revelation 1-5 ---- Father God, what a magnificent vision given to the Apostle John and shared with us. As we read aloud and hear these words of prophecy, we accept the promised blessing and keep these words. We know that the words written to the seven...
Published 12/28/23
This is Day 361. We are reading 2nd and 3rd John ---- Father God, thank You for Your grace, mercy and peace. Our greatest desire is to walk in the truth, not only us, but our entire families. I offer up a special prayer today, Father, for those who have family members who don't know You. Send workers across their paths, Father, people they respect and will listen to. Set examples before them in their lives who can witness how wonderful life is with You in it. We know that Your will is that we...
Published 12/27/23
Today on Meditating the Word: the Incarnation and Word of Life, Light and Darness, Sin and Forgiveness, Love and Hatred, Not Loving the World, Denying the Son, God's Chidren and Sin, Denying the Incarnation, God's Love, Faith in the Incarnate SOn of God.  This is Day 360. We are reading 1st John ---- Father God, thank You for the Light, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You that he has cleansed us from all sin through his sacrifice on the cross, so that we can walk in the light. We don't love the...
Published 12/26/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Confirming One's Calling and Election, Prophecy of Scripture, False Teachers and Their Destructions, Day of the Lord, the Sin and Goom of Ungodly People, a Call to Persevere This is Day 359. We are reading 2nd Peter 1-3 and the Book of Jude---- Father God, thank You that through the glory and virtue of Jesus we have become partakers of the divine nature. Give us revelation of this truth, Father. Help us to comprehend the true meaning behind these words. Moral...
Published 12/25/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Appeal for Loyalty to Paul and the Gospel, Examples of Loyalty and Disloyalty, Dealing with False Teachers, Final Charge to Timothy This is Day 358. We are reading 2nd Timothy 1-4---- Father God, we stir up the gifts You have placed within us. We know You didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control. So we aren't ashamed of the Gospel, but proclaim it boldly. We know that You are able to guard us and all that we commit to You. So we commit...
Published 12/24/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Faith in Action, God Disciplines His Children, Warning and Encouragement, Mountains of Fear and Joy. This is Day 357. We are reading Hebrews 11-13---- Father God, reading about those who led the way in the faith walk, we are encouraged. It isn't perfection you seek. We have read about the lives of all of these great men and women of God, and not one of them was perfect. Each of them were flawed and missed the mark. But they loved You and had faith in Your Word...
Published 12/23/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Melchizedek the Priest, Jesus LIke Melchizedek, High Priest of a New Covenant, Worship in the Earthly Tabernacle, Blood of Christ, Christ's Sacrifice Once for All, Persevere in the Faith. This is Day 356. We are reading Hebrews 7-10---- Father God, thank You for Jesus, our high priest forever after the order of Mechizedek. He is our guarantee of a better covenant based on even better promises. Thank You that he is forever making intercession for me -- for I...
Published 12/22/23
Today on Meditating the Word: God's Final Word: His Son, The Son Superior to Angels, Warning to Pay Attention, Jesus Made FUlly Human, Jesus Greater Than Moses, Warning Against Unbelief, Sabbath-Rest for the People of God, Jesus the Great High Priest, Warning Against Falling Away, Certainty of God's Promise This is Day 355. We are reading Hebrews 1-6 ---- Father God, thank You for Your Word which is sure and stands forever, settled in heaven. Thank You for Jesus, who tasted death for us so...
Published 12/21/23
Today on Meditating the Word: A Living Hope, Be Holy, the Living Stone and the Chosen People, Living Godly Lives in a Pagan Society, Suffering for Doing Good, Living for God, Suffering for Being a Christian, the Elders and the Flock. This is Day 354. We are reading 1st Peter 1-5 ---- Father God, thank You for the new birth. We have been born again, not of the corruptible seed of fallen humanity, but from Your incorruptible seed in Christ Jesus. Help us to prepare our minds for action through...
Published 12/20/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Appointing Elders Who Love What is Good, Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good, Doing Good for the Sake of the Gospel, Saved in Order to Do Good. This is Day 353. We are reading Titus 1-3 ---- Father God, in whatever place we serve, let us be blameless, not self-pleasing or easily angered. Let us be hospitible, love good, and use every opportunity to build others up in the faith. We don't seek dishonest gain, Father, but are fair in our dealings doing everything for...
Published 12/19/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Oppose False Teachers, the Lord's Grace to Paul, Instructions on Worship, Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons, Widows, Elders and Slaves, False Teachers and Love of Money, Fight the Good Fight of Faith. This is Day 352. We are reading 1st Timothy 1-6 ---- Father God, we pray for our leaders, for those in positions of power. We pray that they lead with godly wisdom. May those who don't know You be surrounded by men and women of faith who can guide and advise...
Published 12/18/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Thanksgiving and Prayer, Paul's Chains Advance the Gospel, Life Worthy of the Gospel, Imitating Christ's Humility, Do Everything Without Grumbling, Timothy and Epaphroditus, Confidence in the Flesh, Following Paul's Example, Steadfastness and Unity, All Needs Met. This is Day 351. We are reading Philippians 1-4 ---- leave the past behind, both the good and the bad. Truly, our accomplishments are worthless compared to the glory that awaits us in Christ Jesus. Help...
Published 12/17/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Spiritual Blessings in Christ, Made Alive in Christ, Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ, God's Marvelous Plan for the Gentiles, Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ, Instructions for Christian Living, Armor of God. This is Day 350. We are reading Ephesians 1-6 ---- Father God, from the foundation of the earth, You made a way. You called us and predestined us for glory in Christ Jesus. We are Your workmanship, created to walk in the good works You have...
Published 12/16/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Thanksgiving and Prayer, Paul's Labor for the Church, Spiritual Fullness in Christ, Freedom from Human Rules, Living as Those Made Alive in Christ, Instructions for Christian Households, Paul's Plea for Onesimus. This is Day 349. We are reading Colossians and Philemon ---- Father God, thank You that Your Word bears fruit in our lives. We pray without ceasing, and ask that You give us wisdom and knowledge of Your will so that we may walk worthily of You and our...
Published 12/15/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Paul Sails for Rome, The Storm and Shipwreck, Paul on Malta, Arrival at Rome, Paul Continues to Preach in Rome. This is Day 348. We are reading Acts 27-28 ---- Father God, thank You for Your covenant of protection that protected Paul as he preached the Gospel, and protects us today. Father, open our eyes so that we see the truth. Open our ears so that we hear. Soften our hearts so that we understand. Thank You for Your Word, full of truth and life. Thank You for...
Published 12/14/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Paul's Trial Before Felix, Paul's Trial Before Festus, Festus Consults King Agrippa, Paul Before Agrippa This is Day 347. We are reading Acts 24-26 ---- Father God, let us be crazy like Paul, unafraid to speak the truth boldly! Whether to our family, friends, authorities or kings, let us be unashamed to tell the Good News that Jesus came, died and was raised from the dead and is now seated at Your right hand making intercession for us. There could be no better...
Published 12/13/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Paul's Travels Through Macedonia and Greece, Eutychus Raised from the Dead, Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders, Paul Travels to Jerusalem, Paul Arrested, Paul Speaks to the Crowd, Paul Announces His Roman Citizenship, Paul Before the Sanhedrin, The Plot to Kill Paul, Paul Transferred to Caesarea This is Day 346. We are reading Acts 20-23---- Father God, give us the boldness of the Apostle Paul. He never shrank back from spreading the Good News of the Gospel....
Published 12/12/23
Today on Meditating the Word: The Weak and the Strong, Paul the Minister to the Gentiles, Paul's Plan to Visit Rome, Personal Greetings. This is Day 345. We are reading Romans 14-16---- Father God, help us to be more aware of those around us and of the subtle influence our lives can have on them. May Holy Spirit guide us when our actions might be a stumbling block to others, to make different choices. May we always seek opportunities to build up others and to encourage them in the faith....
Published 12/11/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Remnant of Israel, Ingrafted Branches, All Israel Will Be Saved, Living Sacrifice, Humble Service in the Body of Christ, Love in Action, Submission to Governing Authorities, Love Fulfills the Law, Day is Near This is Day 344. We are reading Romans 11-13 ---- Father God, we are grateful for the Jewish people, Your chosen ones, through whom our redemption came. Your covenant was with them, and through them, through Jesus, we have been grafted in to receive the...
Published 12/10/23
  Today on Meditating the Word: Life Through the Spirit, Present Suffering and Future Glory, More Than Conquerors, Anguish Over Israel, God's Mercy, Israel's Unbelief. This is Day 343. We are reading Romans 8-10---- Father God, thank You for Holy Spirit who dwells in us. I think we forget that the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, is the Spirit that lives in us. That same life-giving power. He lives in us and through us, giving supernatural life and health to our mortal bodies. He...
Published 12/09/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Abraham Justified by Faith, Peace and Hope, Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ, Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ, Slaves to Righteousness, Released From the Law, Bound to Christ, the Law and Sin. This is Day 342. We are reading Romans 4-7---- Father God, certainly, the spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. If there is one thing we have proven over and over again, it's that we can't keep Your law, Your commandments in our own strength. Thank You, Father, that...
Published 12/08/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Paul's Longing to Visit Rome, God's Wrath, God's Righteous Judgment, the Jews and the Law, God's Faithfulness, No One is Righteous, Righteousness Through Faith. This is Day 341. We are reading Romans 1-3---- Father God, it is so easy to fall under the law, thinking we can earn our salvation. But scripture makes it clear that all have fallen short. All have sinned. No one is capable of keeping the whole of the law. And, if we break one commandment, scripture says...
Published 12/07/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Paul's Defense of His Ministry, False Apostles, Paul Boasts About His Sufferings, Paul's Vision and His Thorn, Paul's Concern for the Corinthians. This is Day 340. We are reading 2nd Corinthians 10-13 ---- Father God, help us to remember as the Apostle Paul wrote, we do not fight against flesh and blood, and we do not fight with earthly weapons, but with spiritual. Weapons You have provided through Your world that are powerful enough to demolish even the most...
Published 12/06/23
Today on Meditating the Word: Awaiting the Spiritual Body, Paul's Hardships, Warning Against Idolatry, Paul's Joy Over the Church's Repentance, Collection for the Lord's People, Titus Sent to Receive the Collection, Generosity Encouraged. This is Day 339. We are reading 2nd Corinthians 5-9 ---- Father God, thank You that we abound in everything. Thank You for blessing us so that not only our needs are met, but that we can bless others out of the overflow. We give gladly out of our abundance,...
Published 12/05/23