Published 01/23/23
Dolores Cannon Tribute from the 2015 Transformation Conference FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozarkmtpub Twitter: https://goo.gl/LunK5D Website: https://goo.gl/2d5cX4 ASSOCIATED LINKS: Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.: https://goo.gl/xhgoAP Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy: https://goo.gl/64G7RD
Published 10/25/22
2011 Transformation Conference FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozarkmtpub Twitter: https://goo.gl/LunK5D Website: https://goo.gl/2d5cX4 ASSOCIATED LINKS: Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.: https://goo.gl/xhgoAP Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy: https://goo.gl/64G7RD
Published 10/25/22
2009 Transformation Conference FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozarkmtpub Twitter: https://goo.gl/LunK5D Website: https://goo.gl/2d5cX4 ASSOCIATED LINKS: Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.: https://goo.gl/xhgoAP Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy: https://goo.gl/64G7RD
Published 10/25/22
M. Don Schorn, Ozark Mountain Publishing author of ELDER GODS OF ANTIQUITY, LEGACY OF THE ELDER GODS, and GARDENS OF THE ELDER GODS, presented "The Elder Gods Theory" at the 2008 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. Don discussed his Elder Gods Theory detailing two different groups of extraterrestrial beings that influenced the early development of humanity and the emergence of civilization on Earth. Focus is on the legacies provided by those benefactors as contained in the Second...
Published 10/25/22
The Fourth Age of Earth is ending and the Fifth Age is Being Born. Those who know predict that it will be an Age of Light where Humanity will once more awaken their latent Spiritual abilities. What are the Signs that this New Age is approaching? The development of Space Travel, Faster than Light Technology, and vast discoveries in the fields of Astronomy, Quantum Physics, DNA research and Fiber Optics are all reflections of this awakening. So is the appearance of our Star Brothers in the...
Published 10/24/22
Annie Stillwater Gray talks about your personal Guardian Angel or Life Guide and other spirit helpers available to you. She asks you to expand your vision as far as what can occur between you and your spirit helpers and what you can accomplish together. Presentation from the 2017 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozarkmtpub Twitter: https://goo.gl/LunK5D Website: https://goo.gl/2d5cX4 ASSOCIATED...
Published 10/24/22
What if we were given an owner’s manual when we are born? Imagine what our lives might be like with this guidance. Join Patrick Andries for this transformative and whimsical look at the potential we have to master the essential skills of our minds. Fresh off the presses of the Makers of All That IS, we now have this guidance in physical form. We have been assured that the guidance was there all along. All we needed to do was to look within. Presentation from the 2016 Ozark Mountain...
Published 10/24/22
Are there times you feel you are not living at your true potential? Could it just possibly be you don’t know the depths of your real knowledge? Like who and what you are, and where you really are from? Why are we afraid to reach into these depths? Many individuals have described at times in their lives when they have experienced peak performance, and all of them having different ways of explaining this. But every one of them says the performance seemed effortless. Presentation from the 2016...
Published 10/24/22
Justine will discuss some interesting predictions that have happened in the past few years, and she will go into the audience and describe the Court Cards by selecting people who match the archetype, as each person is represented by a card in the deck. You can use the knowledge of the archetypes of the Court Cards to solve relationship conflict. Presentation from the 2016 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram:...
Published 10/24/22
Presentation from the 2015 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozarkmtpub Twitter: https://goo.gl/LunK5D Website: https://goo.gl/2d5cX4 ASSOCIATED LINKS: Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.: https://goo.gl/xhgoAP Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy: https://goo.gl/64G7RD
Published 10/24/22
We came to this Earth from many planes, dimensions, planets and star systems to life her out of darkness into light. We have sacrificed and suffered for thousands of lifetimes, we have kept the Flame and the Light alive. This is the lifetime where we complete the mission. We lift ourselves and the Earth out of the density of the third dimension into the eternal life of the fifth. In order to do this we must release all of the memories of being traumatized and victimized so that we can fully...
Published 10/24/22
There is a body of Tibetan thought that contends enlightenment occurs in the body, not in the mind. They might say that awakening is an embodiment, and prescribe a number of somatic practices in order to experience it. Breath work meditation is one of those approaches. Deep within us is a tremendous well of information in more forms than we can imagine. Call it the knowledge of the heart, or the way of the soul, or any of the descriptors that point toward accessing that which is beyond our...
Published 09/28/22
Garnet will talk about his astral journeys with his spirit guide, Albert, as recounted in his second book, Dancing Forever with Spirit. During these out-of-body excursions Garnet was able to explore a dazzling white city on the Spirit Side, other planets in the galaxy with intriguing life forms, and some of the far-flung regions of our planet that suffer from human abuse. These fascinating astral trips included a visit to a water planet where the resident cetaceans implore humans to stop the...
Published 09/28/22
Dolores Cannon’s presentation will be an “Open Mic” for questions from the audience about her books and investigations. This will deal with the vast amount of information she has accumulated in her 45 year career in hypnosis, and 27 years in UFO work. She will also discuss some of the new concepts and theories she has discovered through her work with hypnotherapy. Presentation from the 2014 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram:...
Published 09/28/22
The Alien Abduction topic is one filled with much speculation and conjecture by the UFO investigators. Most of the analysis is being done by those who have never even had a contact experience themselves and can only form opinions based on what they hear and observe from the actual participant. Sherry has had an overwhelming amount of physical contact with beings from an alternate reality and has worked her way through the layers of disbelief, fear, confusion and ridicule. She found support...
Published 09/28/22
Blair is the channel for Tabaash, and he is pleased to tell you that once again he is able to bring to you Tabaash. It is a great time to be authentic in Mind, Body and Spirit and so the subject of Tabaash’s lecture is going to be, “BEING YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF”. We have all been on our soul journey for such a long time now and in this time where everything seems to be so exaggerated, we need to remember that it’s our own personal authenticity that is prevailing and influential to us. This is a...
Published 09/28/22
You have your own Guardian Angel, your own Spirit Guide who has chosen to focus on you and watch over you from before birth until after you pass from Earth life. Who is this Life Guide? Where does this Spirit Guide come from? How do you consciously communicate and interact with this personal Guardian Angel? What kind of help can your Life Guide provide? Annie will present answers to these questions, plus she will talk about the training that our Life Guides undergo in order to qualify as our...
Published 09/28/22
Author of "Windows of Opportunity" and "Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age," Sherri is originally from New York State, and currently resides in Orlando Florida with her husband, Ted Dylewski, where she is the Director of Specialty Sales for Westgate Resorts. Sherri also teaches a series of workshops based on her books, and designs crystal and stone jewelry. She is a continuing student in the field of Herbology, which studied originally under Rosemary Gladstar, and earned a Doctor of...
Published 09/28/22
Justine Alessi is a Master Tarot Reader and Teacher of the Tarot who brings over a decade of practical experience to the table. She has read the cards for people from almost every state in the Union, and word-of-mouth has people seeking her out for her wisdom and accuracy. Justine’s uncanny accuracy makes believers out of the skeptical, and those who are initially the most hesitant are usually the first to try to acquire more of her time and talents. A former librarian, her interest in the...
Published 09/28/22
Sherri Cortland channels and shares information communicated by her Guide Groups in her books and workshops with the express intention of providing tools that you can use to (1) expedite your spiritual growth and (2) increase your vibrational level and positive energy output to make the completion of the Shift easier for everyone and for our planet. Presentation from the 2013 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://goo.gl/rwvBfw Instagram:...
Published 09/28/22