Description We speak with Mandy Henk and Byron Clark about their recently developed Climate Disinformation Night School, the ways that the information space around climate discourse have developed over time and how different communities might be targeted by groups peddling disinfo.Sign up for the course here! This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Mandy, Byron Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:57 The Way Climate Change Disinformation Develops 7:04 Why It Doesn’t Matter 10:12 Facing Away from...
Published 02/21/24
Description 1/200 speaks with Siouxsie Wiles and barrister Peter Kelly to talk about the current state of the pandemic, the effect on schools and workplaces, and what possible legal options might exist to challenge the status quo in lieu of government or institutional action. You can find more advice and details about advocating for Covid action here This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Oliver, Siouxsie, Peter Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 3:58 Where We Are With Covid 11:46 On Long...
Published 02/16/24
Description We update on Gaza alongside the impotency and dilapidation of US leadership. The West is looking in bad shape as multiple governments adopt increasingly fascistic policies in response to their own roles in genocide. In NZ the right-wing continues to push anti-Indigenous rhetoric, this week among the main targets has been Section 27 cultural reports - Oliver and Simon give us the expert rundown on what they are and why this attack is so damaging. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle,...
Published 02/11/24
Description We discuss the creeping attack on the machinery of state - from potential cuts to the Office of the Clerk to frontline cuts in public services to the use of urgency to push repeals unnecessarily alongside removing Regulatory Impact Statements. Is there fire among the smoke here? Is this a considered approach by National and its partners, or brute incompetence? And how does the undermining of Te Tiriti by ACT play into this? This episode’s co-hosts Angela, Kyle,...
Published 02/07/24
Description We assemble a range of co-hosts to discuss National government “woes” and nastiness before checking in on the Greens, with James Shaw announcing his resignation and Chlöe Swarbrick announcing her candidacy for the co-leader role. This episode’s co-hosts Stephanie, Paul, Jack, Kyle Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:55 MMP Woes 14:08 Cuts Cuts Cuts 27:55 James Shaw Goneburger 52:014 Greens on the Ground 1:13:21 Closing Intro/Outro by The Prophet Motive Support us here:...
Published 02/03/24
Description We speak with Kieran Kelly about genocide and the history of the Genocide Convention then go through the ICJ’s 26 January Order for provisional measures in response to South Africa’s application.https://ongenocide.com/ This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Kieran Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 3:00 Writing on the Genocide 6:36 South Africa Putting the Application Forward 11:05 The Accountability Archive 13:24 The Concept of Genocide 24:37 The Consequences of the ICJ 26:48 Provisional...
Published 02/01/24
Description We discuss the ICJ ruling, NZ’s stance on the Red Sea and deployment of NZ Defense Force personnel, and the very clear moves of the right-wing political apparatus to use Te Tiriti disinformation to create division. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Philip, Finlay, Simon Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:41 International Court of Justice Ruling 22:25 New Zealand's Easter Egg Catalyst  37:24 Tiriti o Waitangi Under ACT 1:06:48 Closings Intro/Outro by The Prophet Motive Support us...
Published 01/27/24
This week we saw multiple clear examples of the way that right-wing politics manipulate and frame the media to suit them. From the coverage of MP Golriz Ghahraman to David Seymour’s bizarre pronouncements about Te Tiriti it seems like there is little understanding of the ways in which news reporting is compromised, and this directly assists with the astro-turfing and radicalisation of politics in the West.
Published 01/20/24
Description We speak with Dylan Asafo and Emmy Rākete about open letters in support of Gaza and the need for solidarity and organising within the academy in service to decolonisation among other sites of struggle. This episode’s co-hosts Oliver, Kyle, Emmy, Dylan Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:22 Academic Solidarity 8:20 Aversion to Antagonistic Politics 12:08 Conservative Attacks on Academia  17:12 New Zealand’s Position in the West 20:07 Turning An Open Letter into Action 27:10...
Published 01/18/24
Description We’re back in 2024 and Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza continues. We’re joined by Hamza Ali Shah from the UK to update on events in the last two weeks and discuss the way that the UK political and media classes have responded. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Hamza Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 3:20 UK’s Media Relationship with Politics 9:48 Murdoch Media  14:37 Mainstream Journalist Hesitation 20:07 Palestinian Voices on Social Media 23:57 Misinformation Peddling 26:08 The US...
Published 01/06/24
Description We talk with Van Jackson about his new book Grand Strategies of the Left and the crisis in International Relations. What are the current challenges in IR frameworks, what progressive principles can be applied and how can we move forward? This episode’s co-hosts Josephine, Kyle, Van Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 3:27 The Dominance of the West 7:03 Campaign Trail  10:26 Progressive Conversations 20:15 Falsified Productive Manufacturing 27:57 The Nightmare of US Foreign...
Published 12/21/23
Description We’re joined again by Tameem to discuss the genocide in Gaza, the slight shift in the international response in the UN and from western countries (including NZ) and the importance of protest and continued action to keep moving politicians towards a ceasefire. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Josephine, Tameem Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:48 US Blocking the Security Council Vote 13:03 The Morality of Armed Resistance 17:42 New Zealand, Canada and Australia’s Joint...
Published 12/15/23
Description The genocide in Gaza continues to get worse with the blessings of the western world, and the US in particular. We continue to cover the situation there. We also discuss the NZ response now that parliament has resumed, and the incoming policy platform of the National/ACT/NZF government. This episode’s co-hosts Ginny, Lamia, Kyle Intro/Outro by The Prophet Motive Support us here: https://www.patreon.com/1of200
Published 12/09/23
Description Kyle speaks with Professor Mohan Dutta about his work in decolonial frameworks and communication in reference to media in NZ specifically as it impacts Māori and, in recent times, coverage of the genocide in Gaza. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Mohan Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:17 Whiteness Shaping Dialogue and Erasure 4:44 Civility Politics 8:02 The Culture War Knee Jerk 10:03 Journalists and Positions of Power 12:42 Far Right Platforming Coming Full Circle 15:25...
Published 12/06/23
Description In a week where too much continues to happen we once again talk past the hour mark to bring you our thoughts on the genocide in Gaza, the death of Kissinger and the incredibly worrying start to the new NZ government’s policy program. This episode’s co-hostsStephanie, Kyle, Oliver Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:45 Kissinger is Dead 9:28 The People Kissinger Left Behind 11:09 The Ever Changing Perception of Gaza 21:49 Overproduced Propaganda  25:47 Victim Blaming 28:47 The Rise...
Published 12/02/23
Description We speak with Jeremy Moses to discuss the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the media response here alongside the censoring and attacks on academics speaking out about the humanitarian crisis. NZ also, finally, has a government - we discuss some of the policy details we already know and what the future might look like over the next three years. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Jeremy, Ginny, Simon Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:24 Jeremy’s Studies in Humanitarianism  4:59 Surgically...
Published 11/25/23
Description We cover the week’s events, pale as they may be in comparison to the ongoing genocide in Gaza (which we also discuss). Ginny Andersen is being accused of bullying, coalition negotiations flounder and Elon Musk is being even more publicly antisemitic than usual. This episode’s co-hosts Stephanie, Ginny, Kyle Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:50 Not To Be Confused With Ginny Anderson 7:02 Why Is This Happening With Labour Again 8:44 Trending As Ginny 10:07 Lack of News Media 13:49...
Published 11/18/23
Description We talk with Tameem Shaltoni about the Palestinian perspective on Gaza and the response of NZ’s media and politicians. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Josephine, Tameem Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:23 New Zealand Leaders Continuous Lack of Action  4:46 Reflection on Our Leaders 8:38 The Global Plight of Colonised Oppression 11:59 The People and The Ruling Class  18:12 Tameem’s Funded Poll 26:26 New Zealand’s Position Compared to the Global Stage 29:03 The Poll Results...
Published 11/17/23
Description We’re joined by Zarahn Southon to discuss the week’s events relating to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We talk about Phil Twyford’s fumble on the stage at last weekend’s march, the attacks on Chlöe Swarbrick for the use of the phrase “From the River to the Sea”, and the appropriation of Māori indigeneity by people in the pro-Israel camp. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Zarahn Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 3:18 River to Sea and Protests and Speeches 12:30 The Misrepresentation of...
Published 11/11/23
Description We are joined by Dita De Boni to discuss the changing media environment in New Zealand over the last couple of decades. As the move to digital advertising occurred, alongside funding and capacity issues, how has this affected the output and design of news alongside a steadily growing influence industry. This episode’s co-hostsKyle, Ginny, Dita Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 4:57 The Shifting of News Media 6:53 Discerning News from not News 10:41 The Hierarchy of Important...
Published 11/10/23
Description The final count is complete for the 2023 NZ election and we now move from vote predictions to coalition predictions as David Seymour and Winston Peters fight it out for pride of place alongside Christopher Luxon. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Rustie Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:23 An Update on Gaza 8:57 The Final Vote Count14:13 Rustie’s Prediction Results 22:08 The Long Term Outlook 30:09 Leverages and Ministries 36:43 The Incoming Prime Minister  41:13...
Published 11/04/23
Description We speak with Dr Josephine Varghese and Dr Arama Rata about the NZ government’s response and foreign policy framework regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.Link to Mick Hall’s In Context article This episode’s co-hostsKyle, Jospehine, Arama Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:10 NZ’s Vote at the UN 5:14 Arama’s Analysis of New Zealand’s Position 8:02 The Global Response and Media Coverage 12:20 Working Class Imperial Interests 13:34 New Zealand and the US 14:37 New Zealand’s...
Published 11/02/23
Description Political news in NZ has been on hiatus with National and it’s partners refusing to discuss coalition negotiations and the parliamentary gallery seemingly unable to do anything about that. In to the gap has flowed respectability politics as pundits wonder “why haven’t the Greens saved National from Winston Peters??”. We discuss that absurdity alongside the question of how the left moves forward electorally over the next three to nine years. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle,...
Published 10/28/23
Description 1/200 chats with Emmy and Olivier about news, social media and propaganda in relation to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Emmy, Olivier Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 1:17 Olivier’s Background 4:58 Emmy’s Introduction 10:21 The accelerated history of Israel 14:19 The Facistic Nature of Israel 20:01 Media Disinformation 24:24 The Media Ecosystem 29:42 The Ruling Class Narrative  38:28 Difficulty of Finding Source Information on the Left 40:47 Guidance...
Published 10/27/23
Description First current events back post-election as we wait for the final results to be counted with the special votes! We update on the atrocities in Gaza, do a bit of post-election coverage and discuss what the left need to be focusing on both electorally and on the ground during a National/ACT government. This episode’s co-hosts Kyle, Olivier, Stephanie Timestamps 0:00 Introductions 2:21 The Bad to Worse Situation in Gaza 12:06 Post-Election Media Coverage 17:02 Stephanie’s Rant on...
Published 10/21/23