"Don't create content as a creator, but create content as a marketer" - Steve J Larsen If you're an online marketer, you MUST publish content. Whether it's on blog, podcast or youtube. That's how you build authority, audience and getting more visibility. But remember, always have a plan to monetize it. Otherwise you'd be wasting time, energy and money. Get your Content Marketing Blueprint at bit.ly/cmhacks Discover how to attract Your Perfect Client. Grab my ebook at...
Published 07/21/21
How to maintain the relationships with your Dream100 list?  If you have a podcast and doing interviews, what are you going to do with those guests?  What ever it is, you have to realize that you guests are a very valuable asset. So, leverage that connection wisely. Get your Content Marketing Blueprint at bit.ly/cmhacks Discover how to attract Your Perfect Client. Grab my ebook at bit.ly/perfectclientebook
Published 07/20/21
Your content marketing game is about to change. Your struggle in making sales with your content will be fixed. You will no longer trap in creating endless content and burn yourself out. There's a reason why top marketers are able to sell their stuff through content. Even if the content doesn't get tons of engagement, even if they have less than 1000 followers, and even if their content looks bad. Get your Content Marketing Blueprint at bit.ly/cmhacks Grab my ebook at...
Published 07/08/21
This is my announcement that I'll be changing my podcast name to something new. The structure of the podcast episode will also be a bit different than before. Tune in to see what new things coming up and how it will benefit you even better. Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/perfectclientebook Love or Hate the show? Tell it in Rates & Reviews
Published 06/30/21
TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: - How to make partnership with high level people when you start from nothing. - How having a million dollar network can amplify your business. - How to leverage the network with the guests so they always want to work with you. This is the 2nd part of the whole interview. Subscribe or Follow this podcast! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/perfectclientebook Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates &...
Published 06/23/21
Jeremy is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast. He and his wife founded Command Your Brand Media. TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: - How to get top influencers’ contact info so you contact them directly - Strategy to get big influencers to come on your show - How to maintain relationship with them so you can leverage it many times This is the 1st part. Subscribe or Follow this podcast! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/perfectclientebo
Published 06/16/21
TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: - How to deal with haters with only one sentence. - Two things to have to build real connection with your listeners. - How to bring the right personality when recording an episode. Subscribe or Follow this podcast to know more about how to monetize your social media the smart way! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/perfectclientebook Love or Hate the show? Tell it in Rates & Reviews
Published 06/09/21
A lot of podcasters have been struggling to get past 1000 thousands. Let alone 15k. In this episode, you’ll discover the ACTUAL way to do it. TOP 3 TAKEAWAYS: -Why growing your listeners can hurt your podcast -Case study to get 15k downloads in less than 2 years -Having big name guests is bad, do this instead.. This is the 2nd part. Follow this podcast for more social media tips! 7 steps to identify Your Perfect Client. Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/perfectclientebook
Published 06/03/21
Olivia is a Podcast Coach & Strategist. Her podcast has reached over 15k podcast downloads organically and has generated over $21k in revenue.  TOP 3 TAKEAWAYS: 1. Mistakes podcasters make in growing a podcast 2. When to care about the download numbers so you can grow it strategically 3. How to not get obsessed with the numbers This is the 1st part of the whole interview. Follow this podcast! 7 steps to identify Your Perfect Client. Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at...
Published 05/27/21
I know it hurts to hear all those insults and sarcasms, especially if it's coming from your closest one. So, in this episode, I'm going to share how you can deal with these people ethically. And it's NOT just about cutting them out of your life! Subscribe or Follow this podcast! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates & Review
Published 05/13/21
"Don't create, document" - Gary Vee. While I do agree document your journey is better, there are 2 things that people miss out the most when they do it which make them stuck. In this episode, I'm going to reveal the 2 crucial things to have when documenting your journey so you can get to your goals faster! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates & Reviews
Published 05/06/21
Have you ever feel tired even before seeing your social media feed? Do you feel like you have no time to create content or TWO BIG TAKEAWAYS: 1) How to create content the SMART way even if you have no time in your day. 2) How to engage your audience so they'll become your lead or even buyer! Subscribe or Follow this podcast! Want to know how to identify your Perfect Client? Grab my eBook "Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates & Reviews
Published 04/30/21
Selling in social media is hard. Whenever you post something about yourself, you get high engagement. But when it comes to your offer, none of them reached out to you to ask more detail. In this episode, I'm going to reveal the reason why and how to fix it so you can always make sales on demand. Subscribe or Follow this podcast! Want to know who should you work with? Grab my eBook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates...
Published 04/21/21
Affiliate marketing is a great business opportunity for anyone from beginner to professional level. But there's one thing that people may not aware of. This thing can cause them to NOT moving forward. In this episode, I'm going to talk about how to overcome this thing or how to prepare for it. Want to know who should you work with?  Grab my eBook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates & Reviews
Published 04/14/21
Building a personal brand is a MUST when it comes to social media. That's how you stand out from the crowd, attracts the right people & repels the wrong one. TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS:  1. 3 questions to ask to build a great brand 2. What Coca cola teaches you about branding 3. How to create a message that target into people’s emotion Visit getabsolutemarketing.com to discover more about social media marketing. Grab my eBook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou
Published 04/01/21
Elizabeth is an International Speaker and Expert Marketer with over 20 years of experience. Her goal is to help clients achieve success and freedom through the power of Absolute Marketing™. TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: -3 embarrassing mistakes in content creation -What to post to get people buy from you -How to separate between free & paid stuff when posting content Grab the ebook "7 Questions To Identify Your Perfect Client" at bit.ly/clientforyou Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates...
Published 03/25/21
If you want to start a new business that requires more money than your budget, then this podcast will help you to get the scholarship money. TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: 1. Which scholarship you should prioritize? 2. Why does the longer the process the better? 3. Why do people give scholarships money? This is a part 2 series of winning the scholarship money. Check out Ep.70 for the 1st part. FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: bit.ly/FOWstrategy Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates &...
Published 03/06/21
Jean is a co-founder of Connections101 and a scholarship expert. She has helped students find outside scholarships to reduce college debt and attend college for free. TOP 3 TAKEAWAYS: 1. 4 step process to apply and win scholarship. 2. The many types of scholarship you can take advantage on. 3. How to use scholarships for business, podcasting & anything! FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession Love or Hate the show? Share it in Rates &...
Published 02/24/21
This is a 2nd part of Selling High Ticket Coaching On Facebook. Check the Ep. 68 for the 1st part. TOP 3 TAKEAWAYS: -How to get people taking up on your offer -How to earn credibility so your clients trust you -How to convince your potential clients that working with you is the best option Visit magicsaucemarketing.com to learn more about building a business using Facebook. FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession Share your thoughts in Rates &...
Published 02/17/21
Richard first started a business in a dating niche. After spending 15 years learning online marketing, he finally offered his coaching service. Now he’s constantly making $20k per month using Facebook. TOP 3 TAKEAWAYS: -Mistakes coaches do to get clients -Why your own results don’t attract clients -How to get people invest in you instead of in other coaches FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews
Published 02/10/21
TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: 1. How to upgrade your creativity 2. How to apply creativity in business 3. Leverage your connection through social media Visit mark-stinson.com to know more about creativity and building a brand. FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession My FB: facebook.com/asyraafero Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews to claim your gift
Published 01/27/21
Mark is a brand innovator, podcast host, and creative catalyst. He is founder of Bioscience Bridge. He has been awarded a Brand Innovation award from the Asia Brand Congress. TOP 3 BIG TAKEAWAYS: 1. What does it mean by 'creativity'? 2. What Leonardo Da Vinci taught us about creativity 3. How to keep being creativity? FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession My FB: facebook.com/asyraafero Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews to claim...
Published 01/20/21
It's great to publish content, but often times it doesn't help you in growing your business. And it's most likely because you attract the wrong people. You may not realize which part you get it wrong. So on this episode, I'm going to share what's wrong with it, why it's wrong and my updates to my plan that I shared in ep.64. FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession My FB: facebook.com/asyraafero Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews to claim...
Published 01/13/21
Have you ever felt depressed when your social media presence starting to become weak?  All the hard works that you've put into growing it, but for some reasons you abandon it for awhile, that's when everything started to go down. On this episode, I'm going to share my strategy on how I'd revive my dead social media account.  FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession My FB: facebook.com/asyraafero Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews to...
Published 01/06/21
Each and every year has its own lessons. I believe everything happens to make us stronger and wiser. And these are the top 7 things that I wanna highlight because it has never happened to me before, so it was my first time experiencing it.  Btw, I wanna wish you Happy New Year 2021! Hope this year will be better for you :) FREE Podcast Strategy Session with me: https://calendly.com/fowinning/strategysession My FB: facebook.com/asyraafero Share your thoughts in Rates & Reviews to claim...
Published 12/30/20