For the second in our holiday horror series, we decided to try this anthology that LOOKED promising due to the recognizable faces in it.
Published 12/16/23
A movie based on the Black Friday shopping phenomenon holds a lot of promise. With this 2021 film, unfortunately, it's another case of "great concept, poor execution". Even Bruce Campbell couldn't save this uneven and mostly un-funny horror-comedy. But at least there's a ton of holiday spirit in there! We sure enjoyed chatting about it, and discussing OUR memories of Black Friday madness. Enjoy!
Published 12/08/23
This week, we couldn't resist discussing Five Nights At Freddy's, along with the video game series that inspired it. Despite negative critical reviews, it seems to be a hit with audiences. How many of you have played the games? If you're a fan of the games, how did you feel about the film? Let us know, because it seems like there will be at least two more coming down the pike.
Published 11/28/23
It all started 10 years earlier in 1989 with The McPherson Tape (aka U.F.O Abduction), which was lost to the world until it suddenly resurfaced within the UFO-tracking community as purportedly genuine evidence of a family's alien encounter (it's not). Once TV news organizations got ahold of it 5 years later, director Dean Alioto was tasked with remaking it for Dick Clark Productions. It's this 1998 version - just a year ahead of The Blair Witch Project - which showed on TV and fooled a...
Published 11/23/23
Long-time listeners of the podcast know and understand why we tend to shy away from covering such iconic films. What can we possibly say that hasn't already been said about one of the most notorious films of all time? So we ended up with more of a celebration of the legacy of the film (as one of our Patrons put it) than a typical play-by-play review. But oh boy, was it fun to revisit this film after so long, and be reminded of just how good of a FILM it is overall - horror or otherwise. Enjoy!
Published 11/16/23
We're taking our 367th episode to celebrate our 366th! Why, you may ask? Because at 366, you now have enough episodes to watch an episode a day for a full year - even on a leap year. To christen this milestone, we chose this Hulu-exclusive that came out around the pandemic days. It's a charming little zom-com that isn't afraid to pop a handful of zombie children in there. Very reminiscent of Cooties, and fun for the whole family, really. More or less. Just don't confuse it with the Fred...
Published 11/07/23
This fascinating movie was a labor of love for 19 year-old writer-director Daniel Erickson, who seemed to bring together the entire acting community of Austin, Texas, to fulfill a piece of his vision. Starring a fresh-faced John Hawkes, Butch Patrick (Eddie Munster) and a supporting cast of nobodies, the film has a lot of grit and heart, but ultimately...well, we thought it was a bit of a slog, despite the shock ending. Still, Halloween spirit abounds. If you've ever enjoyed a haunted...
Published 10/31/23
We put it to our Patrons to choose the last two movies of the month. We're happy to announce that the first of those films is this Mexican flick from the 80's that is almost like two movies in one: It begins life as a standard slasher, and wraps up as a Thriller-inspired kid's flick. It's not perfect, and it's certainly derivative, but Cemetario del Terror hits the mark when it comes to pure Halloween-style joy. Thanks once again to the collective wisdom of our loyal Patrons!
Published 10/24/23
We head to the theaters to give our take on a contentious movie, The Exorcist Believer. And we're delighted to have our returning guest and old friend, Heather, join us to give her take as well. How does this sequel stand up the original? And how does this first installment bode for the trilogy of Exorcist films that David Gordon Green is bringing into the world? Early reviews have not been kind. Where will the three of US fall on the spectrum? Listen up - you may be surprised....
Published 10/18/23
How did we ever miss this one? We tackle a spooky ghost tale that just sits perfectly for the Halloween season. Not only does it center around Halloween night, but it's one of those "kid horror" flicks that we have a serious soft spot for. Long requested by loyal listener and good friend, Heather, we're excited to discuss this overlooked gem of a movie that we OURSELVES somehow never managed to catch until now.
Published 10/14/23
We could've just as easily chosen Gothic for our Julian Sands tribute episode, as he puts on an incredibly bold and melodramatic performance, along with some opther stellar and emotional acting by Gabriel Byrne, Natasha Richardson, and Timothy Spall. This is a dramatization of the historically true party night between Lord Byron, the Shelley's and others which inspired Mary to come up with the story for Frankenstein. Truly a movie to be experienced!
Published 10/05/23
Is this a hidden gem? Or just a dumb schlocky mess? Listen and pick a side, then let us know YOUR feelings in the comments!
Published 09/29/23
How does The Platform hold up in 2023? Have a gander at our hot take. Cheers to the capitalists out there!
Published 09/19/23
This week's schlockfest is the classic cable TV staple, "Maniac Cop", written by our fave Larry Cohen and directed by Warren Lustig of "Maniac" fame. Loads of familiar faces in this one, and some pretty impressive stunts for a low-budget movie. Enjoy!
Published 09/14/23
Although technically a cannibal movie, it's not much of a horror flick after the first 10 minutes or so. A star-studded lineup only added to the mystery of why we had never heard of this movie before. Is it worth your time? Listen to find out!
Published 08/30/23
Would you believe he did a horror movie? Well, technically it's a horror comedy, but of course Craig was chomping at the bit to discuss one of his favorites from long ago. AND to gush over the incomparable Mr. Reubens - with perhaps more of the latter than the former. Enjoy!
Published 08/26/23
With a star-studded cast and tongue planted firmly in-cheek, Creepshow translates the iconic horror comics of the 50's to the silver screen with glee. We loved chatting about this iconic and legendary film and film series in the horror pantheon. Enjoy!
Published 08/18/23
This insanely fun romp took us all the way back to the hyper-masculine, ultra-violent 80's action flicks we grew up with.
Published 08/10/23
This is a 90's movie through and through, and our memories of were a bit rosy. Watching it today for the first time in a long time, we mostly had fun laughing at it, but appreciating Sands' fine performance. Enjoy!
Published 07/27/23
Pearl gives us some deep, heart-wrenching insight into the villain from the previous film, while copping the style of 1930's Hollywood. For us, much like X, it worked beautifully.
Published 07/17/23
Suffice it to say that we were big fans of this flick that chronicles a group of youngsters heading out into the farmlands to shoot a porno movie and end up getting much more than they bargained for.
Published 07/12/23
In celebration, we dive deep into a rather shallow flick - the straight-to-video 1996 release "Uncle Sam", directed by William Lustig and written by Larry Cohen. High-concept social commentary and silly elements blend together for a wild ride that will get your patriotism pumping. Enjoy!
Published 07/04/23
Todd thinks it's exploitation fare striving for something a little greater. Craig thinks it's just porn. You be the judge as you listen to this week's discussion of one of the most notorious lesbian vampire flicks of all time.
Published 06/27/23
As Craig says about his childhood carnival experience: "They just look run down and they're just held together with spit and shoe polish... it's like a miracle that I'm not dead." Well, quite a few people end up dead in this movie, but not from the rides. Check it out and let US know what you think!
Published 06/20/23
While we admire Daphne Zuniga's performance and it's easy to root for her as a "scream queen," the film's plot development and pacing leave a bit to be desired, especially compared to other slashers of the era.
Published 06/15/23