The Arrow of Time
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Transcript: There may be a profound connection between entropy in the universe and the arrow of time, the pervasive since that time moves only in one direction. Remember that the microscopic laws of physics have no arrow of time. However, in any statistical system of particles there’s a tendency for it to move to its most probable state. Entropy is disorder or chaos, but it’s also related to the number of possible states in a system. Imagine the shuffling of a deck of cards as an analogy for the evolution of the universe. Our universe has a relatively low entropy or low degree of disorder, especially compared to a situation where the universe was filled with black holes; the entropy would be millions of times higher. This corresponds to a highly ordered deck of cards. As the deck is shuffled, objects interact in the universe. The order becomes less. The entropy increases. The arrow of time is obvious in this. Interactions will always tend to produce more disorder. However, if the disorder was high to start with, a high degree of entropy at the beginning of the universe, a well shuffled deck of cards, then as the deck is shuffled again there is no change as the deck is shuffled over and over. So high entropy initial state produces no sense of the arrow of time.
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