The birth rate in many countries is plummeting below what’s needed to maintain the population. In China, it’s estimated the population will shrink by 50%. In the U.S., by about 20%. Should we hit the panic button? According to American Enterprise Institute scholar, Nick Eberstadt, the answer is a thoughtful “no.” Listen and find out why.
Published 12/12/23
Operation Warp Speed achieved in 7 months what normally takes 8–12 years. Former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, reveals in fascinating detail how it was done — the key people involved, how it was influenced by the Manhattan Project, the government’s critical, groundbreaking partnership with the drug industry, and more.
Published 12/05/23
News flash: By every measure that matters, the U.S. economy is dramatically outperforming the industrialized world. The Provost of King's College at Cambridge University, Gillian Tett, explains why. She also shares brilliant insights on the enormous volatility in the world, the future of globalization, why Brexit is a disaster, and more.
Published 11/28/23
There’s great debate these days about the merits of a college education. Here, an expert on the topic, Harvard’s David Deming, weighs in with facts and insights on how colleges fail and succeed, the essential skills universities need to teach, how a college education fights inequality, the true usefulness of college, and more.
Published 11/21/23
As war rages between Israel and Hamas, former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami shares some remarkable insights about the encirclement of Israel by well-armed Iranian proxies; the possibility the war will spread; the rise of antisemitism in America and Europe; and a possible path to peace. Don’t miss this important conversation.
Published 11/14/23
Can the world make an orderly transition from fossil fuels to lower carbon solutions? Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, believes we can, but there are major challenges ahead. Join us as he shares his thoughts on EVs, fusion, carbon capture, geothermal, and other technologies. The future is coming. Will the world be ready? Listen to find out.
Published 11/07/23
Attention Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos: What on earth are you thinking?! Settling in space is fraught with monumental challenges. Here, serious and funny spaceheads Kelly and Zach Weinersmith discuss some of them — the effects of partial gravity on sex and having babies, food and energy production, laws that govern space society, and more.
Published 10/31/23
Karl Rove, former political consultant and presidential advisor, shares his take on the current ugliness in American politics … the critical challenges of the Republican and Democratic parties … the immorality of Donald Trump … the corruption of Joe Biden … and how America can be healed. Don’t miss this riveting talk with a remarkable man.
Published 10/24/23
According to U.S. Congressman Tony Gonzales, whose district runs along the majority of Texas’ border with Mexico, the border is “essentially open and anyone can cross.” Here, with blunt honesty, he talks about the scope of the problem, its horrifying impact, how little is being done to address it, and our desperate need for genuine solutions.
Published 10/17/23
The U.S. and China are locked in an economic battle that threatens world stability. According to former Morgan Stanley Asia Chairman Stephen Roach, both nations are equally at fault for relying on false narratives to accuse the other. Listen, as he shares both countries’ perspectives and answers the critical question: Is there a way out?
Published 10/10/23
Imagine a world in which no child starves to death and electricity is available to just about all. Raj Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, has a plan for making it happen: making big bets — the kind that have worked to vaccinate 900 million children and stop the spread of Ebola. Learn why thinking big is key to solving big challenges. Raj's new book is Big Bets.
Published 10/03/23
The attempt across much of America to achieve social justice by advantaging people based on their identity is noble and well-intended. It’s also misguided and destined to fail. So says Yascha Mounk, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Listen as he explains the need for a shared humanity.
Published 09/26/23
Why does the feeling of inequality lead some people to make self-defeating decisions? Why does feeling poor sometimes have a more powerful effect on people than actually being poor? How can people avoid the damage caused by feeling “less than?” Keith Payne, a psychology professor at the University of North Carolina, has answers.
Published 09/19/23
The world is filled with speculation about the impact of AI, automation and other technologies. Here, a world-leading tech analyst, Benedict Evans, shares his unique insights into what the near- and long-term future will hold, especially for jobs. Other topics include ChatGPT, crypto, Chinese EVs, virtual reality, blockchain, and more.
Published 09/12/23
Failure will happen. Count on it. Especially in today’s complex, uncertain world. Here, Harvard professor Amy Edmonson explains how we can transform our relationship with failure, how people and organizations can fail wisely, and how we can use failure as powerful fuel for success. You may never look at failure the same way again.
Published 09/05/23
“Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard. In the end, what’s most meaningful is creating positive, uplifting outcomes.”  Danny Meyer, founder and Chairman of Union Square Hospitality Group, whose restaurants have won an unprecedented 28 James Beard Awards, several three Michelin stars, and a Julia Child Award, says he once thought he was primarily in the business of serving good food but learned that food is secondary to something that...
Published 08/29/23
Along with major technological advances come major security threats. Here, the Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, Anne Neuberger, reveals some of America’s most serious threats and some of the steps we’re taking to counter them. There’s good reason to feel both worried and secure.
Published 08/22/23
Working remotely is having a dramatic impact across a wide swath of society — including how and where we live, how business is run, real estate values, hiring practices, and more. But its impact on productivity is minimal. Here, Stanford’s Nick Bloom shares his latest findings on working from home and what we can expect in the future.
Published 08/15/23
Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Admiral Bill Owens, fervently believes we need to see “the other side of the story” — the perspective of other countries and people. With that in mind, wait till you hear his surprising thoughts on China, Taiwan, Russia, the war in Ukraine, and other hot button issues of the day.
Published 08/08/23
Becoming more influential is within your grasp, and it doesn't mean becoming a selfish ass — says Yale professor Zoe Chance, who teaches the wildly popular course Mastering Influence and Persuasion. Here, she shares brilliant, simple strategies — including the “magic question” to ask — to get what you want in a graceful way. “The bedrock principle of influencing behavior is … to have people react unconsciously in a favorable way.”
Published 08/01/23
Now for some wonderful news. There’s a global public-private alliance that has done what no other organization could: helped vaccinate almost half the world’s children, about a billion, against deadly and debilitating diseases. Learn about Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, from its CEO Seth Berkley, and the innovative funding mechanisms that have helped it succeed.
Published 07/25/23
A wristband that enables deaf people to “hear.” Brain implants that enable you to control a robotic arm. Neurotechnology that enables blind people to “see.” In this mind-boggling talk, Stanford neuroscientist David Eagleman reveals how the brain’s plasticity and breakthroughs in neurotech are enabling us to ask: How do you want to experience the universe? What kind of senses and body do you want to have?
Published 07/18/23
Why do some schools routinely produce high-performing students? How truly important is class size? Why do charter schools typically outperform regular schools — is it the schools themselves, the students they attract, or a combination of both? Get ready to be educated on crucial issues of education by Nobel Prize laureate Joshua Angrist.
Published 07/11/23
How did legendary business leader Alan Mulally rescue both Ford and Boeing? With a detailed set of principles and practices he calls love by design. Inspired by the teachings of his parents, this cultural manifesto stresses love and respect for all participants, radical honesty and humility, and an ironclad commitment to the greater good.
Published 07/04/23
The transformation to AI-enabled warfare is happening at breakneck speed. The stakes are huge and — given the sophistication and vulnerability of the weapons systems — so are the risks. Former Pentagon defense expert Paul Scharre explains in chilling detail how the future of global security is at stake and how AI changes everything. 
Published 06/27/23