We look back at the Principals who made the University of Dundee the place we know today.
Published 07/07/17
For over 130 years, the whaling industry was of vital importance to the city of Dundee.
Published 06/30/17
As we celebrate new Honorary Graduates, including Alan Alda and Susan Phillipz, we look back on the reason that they’re such a special way of marking achievement.
Published 06/23/17
A short stroll from the University of Dundee is Seabraes Gardens.
Published 06/16/17
We explore the history of Dentistry at the University of Dundee
Published 06/08/17
We explore Dundee's thriving music scene and many of the famous and successful bands that have links with the city.
Published 06/02/17
The city of Dundee has long been noted for its strong women and unsurprisingly played an important role in the suffrage movement. Find out about some of these remarkable women.
Published 05/26/17
Great War Dundee is a committed partnership with the aim of commemorating the First World War and the impact it had on the city.
Published 05/12/17
Michael Peto's images were eclectic in subject and location, from candid shots of music and theatre, including iconic shots of The Beatles; to photographs of Welsh mining communities and Indian villages.
Published 05/05/17
DC Thomson is a hugely important part of the cultural landscape of Dundee and is known internationally for many of its publications.
Published 04/28/17
Being a student is a time that should be laced with singular thinking and perhaps a time for activism. At the University of Dundee precedent has certainly been set for that.
Published 04/21/17
Dundee is very fortunate to benefit from a world-class attitude to research and development within healthcare through the often groundbreaking work of the University of Dundee.
Published 04/14/17
The electric light, a modern sewage system and flatscreen televisions – all inventions from Dundee! Hear how they’re connected with the University of Dundee and how they changed the world.
Published 04/07/17
Dundee has welcomed innovative and exciting public art projects, ensuring that art can be enjoyed by everyone in the city. Nobody has yet done a complete count, but there are now thought to be well over 300 artworks in public spaces around Dundee.
Published 03/31/17
Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson was Dundee’s first Professor of Biology – the starting point for the massive growth of Life Sciences that is now one of the principal employers in the city
Published 03/24/17
From the clerk’s office of a Dundee textile firm to the wide open prairies of a youthful United States of America, Robert Fleming’s financial acumen led to the formation of an investment firm with branches across the globe.
Published 03/17/17
The Space Technology Centre at the University of Dundee is at the forefront of pioneering research into spacecraft technology.
Published 03/10/17
As you cross the Tay Bridge into the city, your eye is immediately drawn to Dundee Law, the plug of an extinct volcano which provides Dundee with its distinctive skyline.
Published 03/03/17
How we came to have over 2,500 members of 23 student sports clubs, plus find out about our excellent sports facilities on campus.
Published 02/24/17
One of the world’s foremost institutions for the study and application of human anatomy, forensic human identification, disaster victim identification, forensic science research and forensic and medical art.
Published 02/17/17
As “blank and dreary” as the northern shores of the Tay might have been to the young Mary Godwin, her time spent in and around Dundee would prove pivotal to her literary legacy.
Published 02/10/17
Discover how Mary Lily Walker, one of our first graduates, was a pioneer in improving the living conditions for the poor workers in Victorian Dundee
Published 02/02/17
How we discovered a new compound which could not only treat malaria, but also potentially protect people from the disease and prevent its spread all in a single dose.
Published 01/27/17
Hear about the voyage of RRS Discovery from the great granddaughter of one of the most important men on the ship
Published 01/20/17
Professor Sir Pete Downes examines key moments in our history and some of the people, discoveries and decisions that shaped the university we know today.
Published 01/12/17