This week on Green Desk, Mitch speaks Cawthron Institue’s Dr Susie Wood who is leading the Lakes380 Project. Currently Lakes380 is the largest undertaking of data collection on Lakes done in New Zealand possibly the world, making use of the best technology in the world. Mitchell and Susie discuss the scale of the project and the processes involved with such a large undertaking. To begin, Mitch asks Susie to explain what Lakes380 is.
Published 12/02/19
Male infertility is a serious issue in Australia and Aotearoa and there is currently no medical solution besides ‘getting healthy’ to solve it. It is an issue that isn’t discussed enough throughout society and is responsible for 50% of infertility in couples. This week on Green Desk Mitch speaks to Ateronon founder Sam Hunter about the Tomato Pill. Sam has been on a mission to create the first ever naturally occurring male fertility pill which was based off the information and statistics...
Published 11/18/19
At the Green Desk today, we talk to Dr Julia Albrecht about the Tiaki Promise and about making a sustainable future for the tourism industry. Tune in to find out more!   
Published 11/11/19
This week on Green Desk, Mitchell speaks to Tūpuna Maunga Authority Manager Nick Turoa about the recent planting of 3000 native species on Ōwairaka. Mitch and Nick discuss the TMA’s plans for the ecological restoration of Tūpuna Maunga and their next steps in removing the exotic species on  Ōwairaka. To begin, Mitch began by asking Nick about the establishment of the Tūpuna Maunga Authority, their role and aspirations for Tāmaki Makaurau’s Maunga.  
Published 11/04/19
This week, Mitchell speaks to Flinders University’s Professor of Hydrogeology Adrian Werner about his ongoing research into groundwater exploration and occurrences in offshore aquifers. Adrian and his fellows have been leading research into groundwater and offshore aquifers for some time and found that there are definite and viable sources of freshwater under our oceans, which in many cases we have already been tapping into. Mitchell and Adrian discuss what the future of our water supply...
Published 10/28/19
Mitchell talks to Forest & Bird NZ's chief executive Kevin Hague about a marine report discussing four priority issues the government needs to focus on.
Published 10/21/19
Mitchell Fuller speaks to PhD student Lauren Vargo about the quickly declining glaciers in New Zealand.
Published 10/07/19
This week on Green Desk Mangrove Mitch koreros with Shark Scientist Riley Elliot about the global decline in shark populations. Riley and Mitch discuss the recent decision made by New Zealand to vote no against the protection or Mako Sharks at CITES and the change in behaviour that he has seen in sharks as a result of human impacts on their environment. To begin, Mitchell asks Riley about the role sharks play as apex predators and how important they are to our global ecosystems.
Published 09/23/19
For Green Desk, Mitch Fuller and Sherry Zhang talk to Hexacycle’s founder Neil Birrell about how maggots can close the loop on our existing and linear waste cycles and how insects might be part of the future of animal and human consumption.
Published 09/16/19
This week for Green Desk Mitchell speaks to Endangered Species Foundation’s Stu Muir and Kelly Tarlton’s Emma Ferguson ahead of Conservation Week. Mitchell has a brief chat with them about ESF, the situation we are in and some of the work that is coming up in Conservation Week as well as other ongoing projects the public can get behind. He begins by asking Stu about the ESF and the work they do.  
Published 09/09/19
This week on Green Desk, Mitch speaks to University of Canterbury’s Jo Carpenter who recently published her thesis on seed dispersal in Aotearoa’s flightless birds. The research had a rather specific focus on Weka, which are often be seen as a nuisance amongst campers and trampers, however Jo’s research has discovered that Weka are excellent seed dispersers and are essential to the survival of certain species. The research also showed the significant implications of human interaction with...
Published 09/02/19
This week for Green Desk Mitchell had a korero with Environment Minister David Parker about the new National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land. The new Policy statement aims to tighten the management on highly productive land under the Resource Management Act in order to protect these areas of arable land from inappropriate subdivision and urban development. They discuss what will be included in the NPS and how it will be implemented at ground level. Mitch begins by asking David for...
Published 08/26/19
At Green Desk today, Reporter Oscar Perress talks to Dr Mike Joy about fossil fuels, his upcoming talk at Auckland University of Technology, and the biophysical limits to Aotearoa's food and environmental future. A big thank you for joining us! 
Published 08/19/19
This week on Green Desk, Mitch talked to AUT’s Head of Applied Ecology, Sebastian Leuzinger, who has recently published a study on newly discovered Kauri tree stump that is keeping itself alive by connecting onto the roots of neighbouring trees via a root graft system. Mitch and Sebastian discuss how the system works and what this means for our understanding of Kauri trees, moving away from the concept of the individual and toward the idea of Kauri as superorganisms. Mitch began by asking...
Published 08/12/19
This week on Green Desk Mitchell has a brief chat with Auckland Forest and Bird spokesperson Nick Beveridge about the NZTAs proposed East West Link. The East West Link was originally part of National’s roads of significance scheme which has seen backlash from multiple organisations and hapu since its original conception. Now still in the works, Forest and Bird are taking the proposal to the court of appeal for the devastating effect it could have. Mangrove Mitch begins by asking Nick what is...
Published 07/29/19
This week for Green Desk Mangrove Mitch teams up with the almighty Oscar Perress and head to the last Zero Carbon Bill Submission Party held by School Strike NZ and Generation Zero. The two speak to representatives from both groups about the Bill, what it means to them and exactly what the new buzz word ‘Just Transition’ means.
Published 07/22/19
This week on Green Desk, Mitch moves away from typical climate crises talk and discusses a new report with author Dr Erica Todd who has recently released a study which allows us to understand how certain species of fish are able to undergo sex changes at a genetic level. Mitch and Dr Todd discuss the physical and genetic changes of fish that undergo sex changes, raising the question about its potential application in other areas. Mitch began by asking Dr Todd about the process and just...
Published 07/15/19
Today's Green Desk looks into how we can reduce the production of methane in living organisms. Our very own Mangrove Mitch talks to Otago University Dr Sergio Morales, about the new process him and his team have discovered.
Published 07/08/19
Sceptical that declaring a climate emergency has become a fashionable publicity stunt for Council’s, Mitch talks to Auckland Council Environment Committee Chair Penny Hulse following their recent decision to join the bandwagon. So far 623 jurisdictions and local governments around the world have declared a climate emergency and Mitch is interested to see what this will mean for Auckland’s future. Mangrove Mitch begins by asking Penny what a climate emergency declaration entails.
Published 06/24/19
This week at the Green Desk, The fan christened 'Mangrove Mitch' speaks to Hannah Blumhardt about the bottle deposit scheme that was introduced to the environment select committee two weeks ago. Bottle deposits schemes are considered an essential tool in waste minimisation and closed loop recycling throughout the world. Mitch and Hannah discuss what the scheme will involve as well as general recycling practice in Aotearoa. Mitch begins by asking Hannah about the issue we are facing with our...
Published 06/17/19
This week for Green Desk, Mangrove Mitch talks to AgainAgain Founder Nada Piatek about the new initiative bringing reusable steel cups as a waste minimisation tool for our coffee addiction. Mitch and Nada discuss the dangers of compostable cups, business positivity, as well as some of the places that these cups can be found as of today. He begins by asking Nada about the predominantly linear system Aotearoa possesses and what that currently means for our Country and landfills.
Published 06/10/19
This week on Green Desk, Mitchell speaks to trapping company GoodNature and their technical expert Sam Gibson. They discuss their biggest rollout to date and collaboration with Ngā Whenua Rāhui. Mitchell started by asking about the project and partnership.  
Published 05/27/19
At the Green Desk, We had the privilige of talking to the organisers of the upcoming student climate strikes about our no longer impending climate crisis and climate action. 
Published 05/20/19
 At the Green Desk, we have a conversation with Russel Norman about the Zero Carbon Bill, ambitious goals and the intricacies of a coalition. 
Published 05/13/19
This week at The Green Desk, Mitchell talks Climate Justice Taranaki about their organisation and about the threats of oil and gas offers to Aotearoa. 
Published 05/06/19