#22: Reclaiming Masculinity (Red Pill and MGTOW movement)
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Today we have joining us someone who  is considered to be one of the lead voices in the red pill movement. I got the opportunity to interview and debate Coach Red Pill himself. For those of you who aren't familiar with this movement, here it is in a nutshell: MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) and Red Pill are popular movements amongst men who have become disenchanted with the regular middle of the road dating advice out there . The movements key objectives are to help men to reclaim masculinity and as a result fare better in the dating landscape. Sounds all very well and good, but that’s the problem when you try to streamline, you end up stripping out the more nuanced concepts that they encourage in order to help men reach their ultimate objective . Many of these concepts in my personal opinion are highly effective and when applied correctly can indeed serve to help men increase their success rate with women. However, the movements, have received a lot of criticism for some of their more extreme views, views which are widely considered be misogynistic, such as: 'All women really want from men is a bit of good old-fashioned subjection' 'Women are wrong when they claim that they want respect and equality because what women really want is dominance and traditional gender roles'  'Women have just been brainwashed by feminist propaganda and as a direct consequence men have become the victims'   So as you can imagine, I was quite surprised when Coach Red Pill who is at the forefront of this movement invited me to be a guest on his highly popular Youtube channel and even more surprised when I saw a video he had uploaded beforehand was  titled: Never take advice from a woman in your life. I would like to clarify that I do not endorse all the opinions that Coach Red Pill has shared in this episode and have no business or financial affiliations with him or his company and brand. WARNING: Some of the views expressed in this episode might cause offence. 
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