40: How To Better Commit To Your Music
Published 05/03/21
39: Don't Be Afraid To Suck
Published 05/03/21
38: Getting inspired with Ghost Tracks
Published 04/05/21
37: Music Is Possible For Everyone
Published 03/08/21
36: How To Get Organized For Music Production Join the Ableton "Create an EP in 30 Days" Master Course waitlist:  https://musicsoftwaretraining.lpages.co/ep-in-30-days-master-course-waitlist/
Published 03/04/21
Start with a song idea then abandon it This is going to seem pretty counterintuitive but should connect with you more as you read. You may hear me coming from several similar angles to drive the point home. My goal is always that you are able to take something away from these posts & put the ideas into practice right away. I'm going to try to share reasons why you should abandon your original song idea when new inspiration comes. The issue that we have is that we start with an idea in...
Published 02/22/21
Here's my top 10 reasons why information is more likely to lead you to procrastination and confusion than it is to lead you to a solution, unless it's done correctly. Whether you're watching YouTube videos, going to music forums, podcasts, or reading blogs like this one. If you're not putting it to proper use, then it's probably more likely a form of procrastination. if you'd like this sort the content, make sure to share it with your producer friends. You can read my best selling book, The...
Published 02/09/21
Why You Should Strip Your Studio Down To The Bare Minimum
Published 02/01/21
10 Reasons Why Finishing Songs Should Be Your Number 1 Priority
Published 01/25/21
31: Write Like You're Rehearsing
Published 10/28/20
30: The Pain Of Finishing Songs VS The Pain Of Regret Later
Published 10/26/20
29: Creative Input Vs Creative Output If you aren't aware of your creative input vs creative output ratio you are going to run into a number of problems when it comes to finishing songs. If you are doing more input than output it means you aren't implementing what you are learning, you are just digesting information, and information rarely leads to transformation.  Implementation requires a lot more mental energy , which is why we prefer to consume. So what is input & what is...
Published 10/10/20
In this episode I will go into 3 aspects of your music making career. These are "The Work", "The Business" & "The Busy". Whne you know how to categorize the actions you are taking or considering taking, you can save yourself a LOT of time & energy that is usually wasted. Enjoy!
Published 08/17/20
In this episode I go a bit off the music path and into the subject of reality. Although I make no claims to how reality works, I have found these ways of framing it useful. Enjoy
Published 07/28/20
In this episode I dive into a concept or just how fast small amounts of daily music production can add up each month & can litterally help you finish an album every year. 
Published 07/14/20
Everyone dreams of being the best. It's the pinnacle of any form of art. But is it possible for you? Is there a new way to look at this subject that is more empowering & inspiring? Let's see!
Published 04/24/20
Everyone dreams of being the best. It's the pinnacle of any form of art. But is it possible for you? Is there a new way to look at this subject that is more empowering & inspiring? Let's see!
Published 04/24/20
In this episode we will dive into what I consider to be the biggest time suck you will ever face when trying to create your art. This distraction alone can & does completely derail people from their true passions. Let's pull this back habit out by the roots. 
Published 04/24/20
In this episode I give you some amazingly simple techniques to better your understanding of your major & minor scales. This should give you the confidence to write melodies & chord structures more confidently. 
Published 04/24/20
Are you currently struggling with procrastination when it comes to your music making? Here are my tips to putting an end to procrastination, so you can do more of the thing you love. 
Published 04/24/20
Are you overcomplicating your music making? What if it could be easy? Let's explore this together in the episode of the Ableton & Music habits podcast. 
Published 04/24/20
In this episode I dive into the downfall of giving too much importance to your music. We can be music more creative when we explore it with a more playful attitude. 
Published 04/24/20
In this episode we explore what makes music great. And much of it is probably not what you expected. 
Published 04/24/20
In this episode we get into common EQ mistakes you are probably making. By correcting this, your productions will increase exponentially in quality. 
Published 04/24/20
In this episode we explore the real obstacles to you creating your music on your own terms. We explore how desire plays a big role in what becomes possible for you. 
Published 04/24/20