In today’s episode, I share the role of writing retreats within the context of the Soaring System—a method I've developed for cultivating a sustainable and relationship-based writing practice. I highlight the significance of writing retreats in the Soaring writing system, addressing common misconceptions and showcasing how they can be a powerful catalyst for deep, focused work. I emphasize the benefits of physically removing yourself from everyday surroundings, reducing decision-making...
Published 02/13/24
I am officially launching my new mission statement for Scholar’s Voice™! After reflecting on my experiments and expertise over the past seven years, I decided it was time to redefine the purpose, goals, and future of Scholar’s Voice™ so I can make long-lasting and impactful changes to the culture of academia.   So, here it is - My mission is to change the culture of academia by radically altering the experience of 1000 women and non-binary professors by 2030.   In today's episode, I break...
Published 02/06/24
Peer-reviewed publications can propel your career. What you choose to publish directly affects your impact on your field. However, the number one problem early academics and tenure-track professors face is pressure to publish as much as possible. Lack of discernment causes overwork and burnout and dilutes your impact.   In today's episode, I'm unlocking the secrets to creating a powerful career impact through writing. Discover the key to securing grants, unlocking mobility, and creating...
Published 01/30/24
Whether it's funding for our Summer Retreat or the upcoming Navigate Program, asking your university to invest in your professional development isn't just about finances – it's about unlocking a world of possibilities for your growth and success as an academic. Too often, professors view asking for funding as a weakness, but I want you to consider how asking can be powerful.    In this episode, I reveal the power of asking for professional development funds. Discover why the process of...
Published 01/23/24
In today's episode, I'm serving up some tough love. Too many academics are drenched in victimhood, and in 2024, victimhood isn't the place to be!   So, I am exposing those negative thoughts that keep academics trapped in a victim mentality and sharing ways to transform them into empowering agentive beliefs. We only get to have one working life, and what a privilege it is to do something we are well educated for and enjoy. So, instead of wallowing in negativity and victimology, let's become...
Published 01/16/24
Finding more time to write will not solve your publication pipeline problem! If you struggle to balance writing and publications, this episode is for you!   Today, I talk about the relationship between writing and your career. There is a strong correlation between publication count and career advancement in academia. If you are listening to this podcast, you were probably looking for a writing coach or a way to make more time to write. But clearing your publication pipeline isn’t about...
Published 01/09/24
Happy New Year! As we enter 2024, it is the perfect time to revisit my philosophy about creating a 90% awesome career. I accept nothing less than a fantastic career, and this is a privilege available to all professors. Everyone deserves the best career possible, and I want you to be inspired to create a great academic career.    In today’s episode, I share the five things that need to be in place for you to craft a 90% awesome career. I explain how to work through these steps and give...
Published 01/02/24
Welcome to the final podcast episode of 2023! Today, I wanted to connect the podcast’s focus on professional development, project management skills, and writing practice development to holiday gift giving. Whether you are searching for the perfect gift for a colleague, graduate student, friend, or family member, my shortlist of book reviews has you covered!   Tune in as I share my five favorite books I read this year. A mix of fiction and non-fiction, each book involves academia on some...
Published 12/19/23
Have you tried project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Monday but still struggle to get publications out on time? Project management tools will not solve your project management problems. First, you need to develop a robust set of project management skills.    In today’s episode, I break down the difference between project management skills and project management tools. I highlight five essential project management skills every academic needs. Then, I explain ways that workflow and...
Published 12/12/23
Are you an academic who is struggling to get articles published? You only need to spend two hours per week writing to clear your publication pipeline. I know two hours doesn’t seem like enough time, but trust me - this method is more effective than your current writing strategy!   In this episode, I share why two hours of writing a week is enough. First, I demystify common beliefs about writing that hold academics back from moving the needle on their publication pipeline. Then, I explain...
Published 12/05/23
Academics come to Scholar’s Voice™ and the Navigate program seeking a solution to escape a binge-and-bust writing cycle, redefine their academic mission statement, and clear out their publication pipeline. Writing every day or in long panicked stretches is not sustainable and makes consistent publications impossible.   But today, I want to share how binging can help your writing practice! Scholar’s Voice™ offers an exclusive bonus on the Navigate program each year. In 2023, we are...
Published 11/28/23
Are you looking forward to the upcoming break to catch up on writing? Many overwhelmed professors imagine the break between semesters as a chance to push through their publication pipeline. But avoiding rest by committing to full days of writing is unrealistic and unsustainable.   This episode is a re-release of episode 164 of the podcast and in this episode, I talk about what you can do to eliminate the binge and bust writing cycle while also honoring the energy that many of us get in the...
Published 11/21/23
Dealing with relational drama and toxic relationships is a drain on your energy and inevitably slows your writing and publications. Unfortunately, managing toxicity is a common challenge for professors because the sociocultural structures within academia reward relational drama.    In today’s episode, I address the common causes of relational drama in academia. I explain how transitioning from apprenticeship to early career professorship can cause toxicity in relationships with mentors and...
Published 11/14/23
The end of October/beginning of November is a stressful time for academics. You are grading, preparing for finals, applying for grants, and writing and publishing. It is expected to feel overwhelmed and exhausted.   In today’s episode, I share two coping mechanisms to help you navigate high-stress periods. Whether at work or home, it is inevitable to enter a season in life that feels transitional. This often comes with a hefty to-do list and pressure that negatively affects your sleep,...
Published 11/07/23
It’s time to talk about what happens after mastering writing and publishing. In past episodes, we have discussed the importance of creating a sustainable relationship-based writing practice and how impactful intentional action can be in clearing your publication pipeline and boosting your academic career.   But what happens once you have mastered publications? In today’s episode, we talk about the world of opportunities that become available once you are a pro at writing and publishing. Not...
Published 10/31/23
No matter how much we prioritize writing and publications, writing gets derailed. Sometimes it's because of professional obligations like grading or committee events. Other times derailments are unpredictable like illness. It is impossible to avoid derailment, so don’t fight it. Instead, work on creating a resilient writing practice!   In today’s episode I cover a key topic in the Navigate program: the importance of a resilient writing practice. It is crucial that you have a positive...
Published 10/24/23
The perceived stages of an academic career are very linear and do not capture the responsibilities, workload, or goals within a professorship. I have worked with hundreds of professors, so I have a unique perspective on the academic career. So, in today's episode, I explain the REAL stages of a professorship.   Tune in as I compare and contrast the perceived stages of an academic career to the real stages. My goal is to shift your perspective about how you think about your professorship....
Published 10/17/23
As an academic writer, the ultimate goal is to have a flowing publication pipeline to build influence and notoriety in your industry. However, you won’t consistently publish articles or write books without a sustainable, relationship-based writing practice. In today’s episode, I share how long it takes to change your writing practice from binge writing and procrastination to consistency and productivity. You have been a writer your entire life, so creating long-lasting change won’t be fast...
Published 10/10/23
Are you an academic who feels too exhausted to tackle the work you are truly passionate about? Do you struggle with an overwhelming schedule of obligations and feel there must be a better way to have a successful academic career? This episode is for you!   In today’s episode, I explain how you can take your career from mediocre to magical. Get inspiration from Becky, an Elevate e graduate, who was able to find clarity on what she wanted her career to look like and how that focused approach...
Published 10/03/23
Developing a strong publication pipeline is vital for academics looking to advance their careers, increase publications, and establish a healthy work-life balance. Previous podcast episodes have explained how publication pipelines can help you stay on mission, improve your relationship with writing, and get articles to submission faster.    Today, I share what a curated publication can unlock for you. Carefully and intentionally selecting which projects to dedicate your time and energy to...
Published 09/26/23
If you want to get grants, you need to have publications, but if you want to complete a publication, you need a grant. It is so frustrating when you feel stalled in a project. How do you get out of this vicious cycle?   Today’s episode explains how you can successfully move publications and grants forward without binge-writing, feeling overwhelmed, or overworking. Too often, academics look at the seasons of their career in terms of months or semesters. But professorship is decades long....
Published 09/19/23
Meet my coach, Natalie Miller! Natalie is a professional coach who helps people with exceptionally high standards navigate life. Like myself, most of Natalie's clients are also coaches.    In today's episode, we discuss the consequences of hyper-responsibility. We explore how high standards can push us into overwork and why institutions support a "do it myself" work ethic. We talk about this issue from multiple angles and through the lens of academia and life at home. You can be a...
Published 09/12/23
Writing and publishing is the catalyst for change in your academic career! So today, we are talking about the real and amazing results changing your writing practice can have.    When you work on creating a sustainable relationship-based writing practice, fantastic things start to happen! Not only will you get more publications out, but you will gain confidence in yourself, develop a better work-life balance, and write more impactful content. Are you ready to learn how writing can jumpstart...
Published 09/05/23
Extreme writing practices can sound appealing. But unfortunately, they don't work! The two most common extreme writing practices academics struggle with are: Writing everyday Binge writing   In today's episode, I discuss the flaws in following extreme writing practices and share an alternative method that will help you improve your relationship with writing, unclog your publication pipeline, and avoid burnout.   If you are an academic struggling to stick to a daily commitment to...
Published 08/29/23
Regardless of which academic system you work in, professors all strive for tenure or the promotional equivalent, that brings safety and stability to their position at their institution. But getting tenure will not solve feelings of overwork or a clogged publication pipeline. Anything you are struggling with pre-tenure will follow you through the course of your career if you don’t intervene now!   In today’s episode, I dig into how the mid-career slump happens and what to do about it...
Published 08/22/23