Getting ready to pass a high stakes exam? Perhaps your job even depends on it? Have no fear - Brandon Rith shares advice that helped thousands of students prepare for and pass FINRA exams during his time as a Lead Instructor at Fidelity Investments. Achievable is a modern test prep platform for the FINRA SIE and Series 7. Try our course for free at https://achievable.me 
Published 01/28/21
Brandon Rith is the content creator for Achievable’s Series 7 program, and he discusses what to expect when you take the Series 7 exam. General dynamics of FINRA exams, the exam structure, and the most tested topics are covered in this podcast.
Published 09/24/20
Bonds are a bigger part of finance than stocks, even though they get a lot less attention. Unsexy but mighty, bonds represented $39 Trillion in net value worldwide in 2015, while stocks were worth approximately $26 Trillion. A bond is a Security, like a stock, and is a type of investment. Basic Wisdom's Brandon Rith walks you through the basics of bonds and how they're handled in the wealth management profession.
Published 10/10/19
Want to work in finance but don't know where to start? We're here to help. In this podcast, we walk you through the two main 'sides' of finance, the buy side and the sell side, as well as which roles fall into each category and what kind of work they entail. Brandon Rith, formerly a Licensing Instructor at Fidelity for over a decade, shares his knowledge of Investment Banking (IB), Private Equity (PE), asset management firms, and hedge funds.
Published 08/13/19
Get a full walk-through of the FINRA SIE Exam on this podcast with Brandon Rith. Brandon, founder of FINRA tutoring firm Basic Wisdom and Achievable's FINRA Expert, outlines his experience taking the FINRA SIE practice exam and combines what he sees in this practice exam with his knowledge of the material as an instructor. The result is a great overview of the FINRA SIE from first-hand experience.
Published 06/17/19
Are you interested in working at a top financial firm like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, or Fidelity Investments? In this podcast, we go through job search best practices before digging into the hiring process of Fortune 500 financial firms. Brandon Rith, formerly a Licensing Instructor at Fidelity for over a decade, gives you an inside look at what these firms are looking for and how to maximize your chances for a job offer.
Published 04/14/19
Welcome to our first episode of the Achievable Podcast! In this podcast, we're going to focus on helping you launch your career in finance, covering things like interview tips, hiring trends, and the FINRA exams, notably the FINRA SIE Exam. I am joined by Brandon Rith, Founder of Basic Wisdom and Achievable's FINRA Expert. In this episode, we go over the basics: what is the FINRA SIE Exam, how hard is the SIE, and what jobs can the SIE help you get?
Published 03/21/19