  We can either learn to embrace it or use all our energy and force to fight against it. Why? Why do we resist…change…resist control…resist acceptance? All of these things that can actually help propel us forward yet we often push back. When you start to realize that it takes just as much effort to… Source
Published 02/18/18
  “According to a Boston Medical Center study, 45 million Americans go on a diet each year.“ If you are like most people, at some point in your life you will decide to go on a diet to either improve the way you look, feel or perform. Maybe this idea gets sparked by a new… Source
Published 02/17/18
- WINNING WITH ACCOUNTABILITY - Welcome to week #8 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/256267640 this week's food for thought "Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result."- Bob Proctor READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE This week is a pivotal week for many of you.Let us explain…Scientists say it takes 66 days to change…… Source
Published 02/17/18
Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. It’s the thing that keeps you alive! Ignoring it is the worst thing you could do! Now don’t get me wrong, cardio can be super boring which is honestly why I used to hate doing it along with a lot of other people I knew in… Source
Published 02/11/18
- THE ART OF SIMPLICITY - Welcome to week #7 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/255226442 this week's food for thought “I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.”  - Albert Einstein READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE This week we are…… Source
Published 02/11/18
Hello Friends,How are you? Congratulations you have made it to week seven. Excellent job! We hope that you are following along, completing your weekly assignments and starting to feel more confident about your plant-powered lifestyle.This week we are introducing a NEW habit - the Art of Simplicity.SIMPLICITY is one of the very basic habits necessary…… Source
Published 02/11/18
- GROWTH IS IN DISCOMFORT - Welcome to week #6 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/253168134 this week's food for thought Growth is uncomfortable because you've never been here before you've never been this version of you. So give yourself a little grace and breathe through it. - Kristin Lohr READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE…… Source
Published 02/04/18
We think you will find beautiful value and great inspiration in this week’s AV coaching.All the messages we share with you have been carefully prepared, packaged and offered within each and every week. Thank you for consuming what we are producing. We do it with love, and an instinct to serve.This week’s message is about overcoming…… Source
Published 02/04/18
Week #5, Here We Go!Let’s talk about Consistency for a moment…A very crucial part of your success. When we look at people like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Oprah, Mother Teresa, when we look at the best athletes, the most successful happy human beings they all have ONE thing in common they were consistent. They didn’t pursue…… Source
Published 01/28/18
- BE CONSISTENT - Welcome to week #5 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/252984782 this week's food for thought “Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” - John C. Maxwell READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE We wanted to dedicate some time for you, as a valued member…… Source
Published 01/28/18
Let’s face it – things in life are easier when you are strong. Strong physically and mentally.  When we think of our physicality – it’s easier to carry groceries, do regular everyday chores, play with our children – I am sure you get the picture. When we refer to strength and our mentality – it’s… Source
Published 01/28/18
- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Welcome to week #4 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/250999332 this week's food for thought "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who…… Source
Published 01/22/18
Before we dive into today’s topic (Meal prep) let’s first talk a little bit about meal plans… Most of our new AV Coaching clients get really excited about the weekly meal plans that are a part of the program. And we get it. A well put together meal plan can be a wonderful tool. It… Source
Published 01/21/18
Welcome to week #3 of your new, upgraded lifestyle.How are you doing?  Do you feel strong and confident with the way it’s going? Or maybe you feel bit overwhelmed by all the changes that are happing? Honestly ….It’s all good. Being clear about what you want, eating a healthy diet and moving your body regularly will spark…… Source
Published 01/16/18
- FIND YOUR BALANCE - Welcome to week #3 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/250999099 this week's food for thought “If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.” -Thomas Jefferson READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE Welcome friends, this is week #3 of our AV Coaching, where…… Source
Published 01/15/18
Whether you’ve been exercising for years or are just starting a fitness program, it’s always important to pay attention to your body and avoid any possible injuries. This way you can stay on track and keep moving closer to your health and fitness goals. NO PAIN, NO gain. Forget it!  Believe it or not, that… Source
Published 01/14/18
- CHANGE IS GOOD - Welcome to week #2 Begin by watching this week’s video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/248976936 this week's food for thought "Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”  - Robin Sharma READ THIS WEEK'S MESSAGE Welcome to this week’s coaching video. We hope that your first week…… Source
Published 01/07/18
"Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end." — Robin SharmaWelcome to WEEK #2!  We hope that your first week went over well, that you took action and completed all the outlined assignments and set the foundation for creating long lasting change ;-)If for some reason you were unable…… Source
Published 01/07/18
For the past few years, the media headlines have been advising us to rethink the amount of time we spend sitting down. I am sure you have seen them… “Sitting Will Kill You, Even if You Exercise” and “Sitting is the new smoking” Although this might sound pretty extreme, these statements start to make a… Source
Published 01/06/18
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” - Walt DisneyWe are proud of you for being here right now, reading these lines. You would be surprised how many people buy a membership, sign up for a program but never do anything with it. You are serious about making a lasting change,…… Source
Published 12/31/17
This time of the year many of you will be looking to make a fresh start. After the holidays we often realize that it’s time to clean up the diet and the key to successful healthy nutrition starts in the kitchen. Taking the time to properly set yourself up is step one for transitioning to… Source
Published 12/30/17
LISTEN NOW! Dear Friends, Alright, we will keep it short and sweet. WE DID IT!!! THANK YOU!!  As you probably know, we have been working on writing a book. This project started eighteen months ago and today we are excited to announce that the wait is finally over.  Vegan Weight Loss Manifesto is finished and… Source
Published 11/14/17
Q: How to deal with eating out, especially going to a dinner party or to a “non-vegetarian” restaurant and staying true to a plant based diet? A: Great question and a legit concern for many plant based eaters. If you strive to keep your diet clean and healthy you might be able to relate. Although many formerly… Source
Published 11/02/17
LISTEN NOW! Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban environments and we are being surrounded by more and more concrete – and less trees. Not to mention the rise in technology, another distraction or excuse for not connecting with nature. Given this separation, do you ever question if this could be… Source
Published 10/16/17
LISTEN NOW! On todays episode we are joined by a special guest Dolores Luber. Dolores has been a long time client of ours and over the years of working with her, she’s provided us with many valuable lessons. At the age of 78 Dolores lives a very active and vibrant life. She keeps challenging herself… Source
Published 09/13/17