What is quantified self?
Published 04/02/20
If your a marketing manager at an early stage startup right now listen to this episode
Published 03/26/20
The do's and dont's for content Marketing in during COVID19
Published 03/26/20
5 areas to focus on to help you be more happy healthy and productive when working remote.
Published 03/23/20
Worried you might lost your job during coronavirus? Here's what to do.
Published 03/20/20
Hey, if you're thinking about getting your MBA like I am you know it's a stressful process. I recorded this after I spoke with my uncle Sanjib Mama yo get his perspective on the value of an MBA, what the right way to approach the idea of getting one is, and whether timing your MBA is important.
Published 03/14/20
When others are greedy be fearful and when others are fearful be greedy. What can Marketers learn from the Oracle of Omaha?
Published 03/14/20
If marketing isn't aligned with product, sales, and CD you can make some bad judgment calls with your go to market strategy.
Published 03/14/20
Here's what's wrong about most outbound sales sequences and how to write better ones.
Published 03/14/20
Just start one it's been a very positive experience for me so far.
Published 03/06/20
There are lots of different things you can do in the world.
Published 03/06/20
Learnings from completing my first 10 podcast episodes.
Published 02/06/20
3 steps to be more creative in your marketing and in general
Published 02/05/20
What does GV mean by this?
Published 02/04/20
Pursuing a career marketing in the trenches in early stage startups means coming face to face with failure more often than many people in the business world. You can go through years of failure, 5 even 10 failed companies before you join a venture that is successful. When the success comes it'll come quickly suddenly and without warning. Keep your chin up until then & a chip on your shoulder!
Published 01/24/20
In this episode I talk about trying to understand Gary Vs sayings around speaking your truth, loving the process, and document don't create. I also share some ideas around the importance of role models and rivals in the field of content marketing and why it's important to measure yourself against both.
Published 01/23/20
In your journey in working at startups you may have to kiss a few culture frogs before you find a place where you really fit into the culture. When you do recognize it and make the most of it.
Published 01/15/20
In this episode I talk about how I started to learn through first hand experience how powerful giving value to others can be for marketing both for the way it makes you feel as a human being as well as for the chance it gives you as a marketer to make a positive impact on the world beyond growing a company or building a brand.
Published 01/14/20
I had just finished watched 1917 by Sam Mendez and was blown away by the movie.
Published 01/12/20
This is your brain on social media. Learn more about the effect social media has in dopamine and what it could be doing to your brain and how it could be getting in your way.
Published 01/09/20
Sometimes we get caught in the work to become a better marketer to the point that we start to ignore the things that we do for fun. The truth is doing the things you enjoy will actually help you work harder at your career. I've been on both sides of this and here's a few things I've learned
Published 01/08/20
Are you struggling with patience and being consistent with creating content?listen to this episode. In it I cover my struggles with patience, consistent content creation, and 4 tips for beating the Resistance and empowering the Muse. (I'll explain what those are in the episode as well) I also cover the neurological components of creating new skills and habits and how to transform your brain into a consistent content creating machine.
Published 01/06/20
Go out and fail at more things. In this episode I talk about Homeshare a 1 person startup company (talk about early!) That I worked at briefly early in my journey. I go over the business what went wrong, what went right, share a Airbnb Craigslist growth hack I used involving mechanical turk, discuss what I might have done differently, and share lessons I learned from the experience.
Published 01/05/20
If you've struggled with taking action on a creative idea like making a podcast or starting a business...anything listen to this episode! The only way forward is through but there are some obstacles that will get in your way. I know because they get in my way! Here's how I am working on overcoming them.
Published 01/04/20
I tried to record a podcast episode today about millennials and the passion hypothesis and just failed at it. Even when you're struggling the important thing is to just do the work. Make the piece and put it out. It's just like when you have off days at the gym - finish the workout at 50% and get the reps in. Do the work
Published 01/04/20