Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years.  He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want. Get started NOW by grabbing our FREE GUIDE – 10 Tips for Starting Keto Right.  👉 https://adaptyourlifeacademy.com/start-keto-right-bonus/ Visit our website to see all...
Published 09/04/23
Are you curious about weight loss medications and their potential role in your weight management journey? In this informative video, we'll cover everything you need to know about weight loss meds to empower you to make well-informed decisions about your weight loss strategy. Our aim is to equip you with essential knowledge, debunk myths, and provide a balanced perspective on weight loss medications, so you can take charge of your health and weight goals. “Change your food, change your...
Published 08/15/23
Are you curious about the best ways to address your dietary concerns during a medical appointment? Wondering how to effectively communicate your nutritional preferences and goals? We'll explore all these topics and more, with a focus on empowering you to take charge of your well-being. “Change your food, change your life!” Get started NOW by grabbing our FREE GUIDE – 10 Tips for Starting Keto Right. 👉 https://adaptyourlifeacademy.com/star... Visit our website to see all the online,...
Published 08/07/23
Are you curious about the best ways to address your dietary concerns during a medical appointment? Wondering how to effectively communicate your nutritional preferences and goals? We'll explore all these topics and more, with a focus on empowering you to take charge of your well-being. “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of...
Published 07/31/23
Are you curious about the impact of vegetable oils, seed oils, and artificial sweeteners on your keto journey? Look no further! In this insightful episode of the Keto Made Simple Podcast, we dive deep into the subject with the renowned Dr. Eric Westman and expert nutritionist Amy Berger. “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits...
Published 07/25/23
Welcome to our YouTube Q&A session with the renowned Dr. Eric Westman! In this candid conversation, we delve into the latest updates on nutrition, health, and wellness. Dr. Westman, a prominent expert in the field, addresses your burning questions . So, join us as we tap into Dr. Westman's wealth of knowledge and experience for a truly enlightening and empowering discussion! “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to...
Published 07/17/23
Another amazing episode from the Keto Made Simple Podcast where Dr. Westman gives a few tips from his clinic with science-based insights to help you achieve your health and weight loss goals. Whether you're a keto beginner or a seasoned pro, this advice will empower you to navigate the keto journey with confidence “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through...
Published 07/10/23
Are your medications doing more harm than good? Is it possible that the conventional wisdom surrounding medication usage needs to be reevaluated? In this eye-opening podcast, we delve into the controversial topic of deprescribing and question whether certain medications are truly beneficial in the long run. “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the...
Published 05/29/23
Being diagnosed with cancer is a life-altering experience, filled with uncertainty and countless questions. In the midst of this challenging journey, it's crucial to navigate it wisely and avoid critical mistakes that could hinder your progress. In this eye-opening video, join Dr. Westman and board-certified radiation oncologist, Dr. Christy Kesslering, as they shed light on the three biggest mistakes commonly made by individuals facing a cancer diagnosis. 5 things to know about cancer:...
Published 05/29/23
You've probably heard for many years -- maybe even all your life -- that saturated fat raises your cholesterol level and that this clogs your arteries.  But is this actually true? Believe it or not, even though this has been the "conventional thinking" for a long time, it's based on highly flawed science and it doesn't fit the evidence.  Cutting back on saturated fat in your diet has never been shown to prevent heart attacks, strokes, or other cardiovascular problems.
Published 05/21/23
There are so many myths about cancer: which specific foods and lifestyle habits increase or decrease risk, how much family history matters... Is it true that "sugar feeds cancer?" If you eat a keto diet, do you need to worry that red meat or processed meats (like bacon and sausage) are increasing your cancer risk? (Or can keto actually be helpful during treatment?) And what about exercise? You don't need to exercise to lose weight, but what's the impact on cancer? It's hard to know what to...
Published 05/15/23
The keto community recently exploded with buzz about a study claiming to show that the sugar alcohol erythritol increases risk for heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. If you follow a low-carb keto diet, chances are, you consume foods or beverages sweetened with erythritol. So, do you need to be worried? Is it true that this sweetener causes heart attacks? Dr. Westman has based his career on following the science – not sensationalism. Check out his latest video to learn the...
Published 03/22/23
Dr. Westman Reviews: Pork Rinds vs Veggie Chips When done properly, keto diets typically control appetite and reduce hunger so well that people tend to eat less without even trying. They’re also able to go much longer between meals without feeling a need to snack. But since we’re only human and many of us enjoy a crunchy snack now and then – or sometimes something crunchy as part of a meal – which is better if you’re following a low-carb or keto diet – pork rinds or veggie chips? Check out...
Published 03/01/23
Some people who adopt a keto diet have no problem saying goodbye to old favorites like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta. But others like to find keto-friendly substitutes for these high-carb foods. With the growing popularity of keto, there are pasta substitutes everywhere – some made from veggies, some from beans, and some made from other starches that are high in fiber. So, what are the best pasta substitutes for a truly ketogenic diet? Which are the least likely to cause problems with...
Published 02/22/23
People often write to Dr. Westman to ask for his opinions on the ever-growing selection of low- and zero-carb foods and beverages available now.  There’s a dizzying array of diet and no-sugar soft drinks and carbonated beverages out there, but which ones are best? The main rules are: don’t force yourself to drink something you don’t like just because it’s zero-carb!  Drink what you like, and always be mindful of the total carbs you’re consuming in any given day, from foods and beverages...
Published 01/25/23
When people find Dr. Westman and learn about his method for doing keto, they’re often surprised that the food list he’s been using in his clinic for twenty years doesn’t include nuts. That means no nut flours or nut butters, either. These things aren’t bad for you, but they’re very common “trigger” foods – for many people, once they start eating them, they can’t stop. (If your serving size of nut butter is half a jar, you’re not alone! 😆) Not only does the fat add up quickly that way, but so...
Published 12/28/22
For decades, people were told to limit fat in their diet—saturated fat, in particular. But now, we know that eating too much sugar—and for some people, too much carbohydrate of any kind—is the real culprit behind obesity, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, fatty liver, and more. Watch Dr. Westman’s latest video to learn why he says, “Most chronic medical conditions today—if not all chronic medical conditions—are caused by excessive carbohydrate consumption.”  FREE GUIDE: The 6 Biggest Obstacles A Sugar...
Published 12/28/22
Should you check your blood sugar (a.k.a. blood glucose) at home? You can use a fingerstick glucometer for a one-time measurement of your blood sugar, and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) that measure it 24/7 are increasingly available, too. Do you need to use one of these? They can be helpful, but they’re not necessary for most people. (Remember, people have been using low-carb diets for over two hundred years to lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes.) If you take insulin for type 2...
Published 12/21/22
It’s normal for your blood sugar to rise a lot after a meal, right? Not necessarily! A small rise is pretty normal, but you don’t want it to go up substantially. People with healthy metabolisms will see only a relatively small rise in blood glucose after a meal. The more sensitive you are to carbohydrates – the more insulin resistant you are – the more your glucose will rise. (But for some people, the rise in glucose will be minimal because a very large rise in insulin is keeping it in...
Published 12/14/22
One of the best things you can do to control your blood sugar is to avoid beverages sweetened with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and other caloric sweeteners. Even for people not following low-carb or keto diets, ditching these can go a long way toward improving health. And that doesn’t mean you can never drink anything that tastes sweet. The way that Dr. Westman has been teaching keto for twenty years, you can use diet soda and other artificially sweetened drinks. This is a...
Published 12/14/22
Lots of keto programs out there focus on following “macros” and recording your food in an app so you can make sure you’re getting enough micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). It’s not “wrong” to do this, but the method Dr. Westman has been using for more than two decades keeps things ultra-simple and helps people get great results without focusing on specific numbers with regard to macros and micronutrients. (Except for keeping your carbs to 20 total grams or fewer per day, of...
Published 12/12/22
How much protein should you eat? It’s a controversial topic! Ask twenty different doctors and dietitians and you’ll get twenty different answers. The way Dr. Westman teaches people to do keto, the only things people need to control are the total carbs they eat and the amount of fats and oils they add to their food. For most people, protein is self-limiting because it’s filling and satiating (it helps you stay full for a while), so it’s pretty rare that anyone would “overeat” protein foods...
Published 12/07/22
Don’t inadvertently sabotage your results on a keto diet!  Food manufacturers are getting more savvy. With the growing popularity of low-carb and keto diets, they know consumers are on the lookout for products that are low in carbs. So, if a food product says “no added sugar” on the package, can you include it in a low-carb diet? Not always! Be sure to look at the total carbohydrate on a food label. Just because there’s no added sugar doesn’t mean there isn’t a large amount of naturally...
Published 12/07/22
If you avoid candy, pastries, and other sweets, you might think you don’t eat much sugar.  But what about high-carb foods that get digested into sugar?  What about sweet or starchy things like bananas, potatoes, rice, crackers, granola, or pretzels?  Even when things don’t taste sweet, if they’re high in carbs, they can still raise your blood sugar – sometimes even more than a very small amount of something sweet.  That doesn’t mean all these foods are “bad for you.”  But it does mean that if...
Published 11/30/22
People are very surprised when they see the food list Dr. Westman uses—there’s no fruit! With other ways of eating, it often seems like the more fruits & vegetables, the better. But keto diets are different. Fruit isn’t “bad” for you, but when you need to keep your total carbohydrate intake very low in order to lose weight or reverse chronic issues like type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome, you need to limit all sources of sugar and starch, and that includes the sugar in fruit. If your...
Published 11/09/22