As we observe the signs of climate change around the world, if one looks closely, you will be able to see ‘Mother Nature” trying to tell us something that is very important. We need to change our way of being. Times of stress and uncertainty can leave us feeling lost. Lost in a sea of unfamiliar patterns and conflicting emotions. For many of us, conflicts such as this can shine a light on how attuned, or unattuned, we are to our internal world. Come tune-in as coach KA shares with us ways we...
Published 06/09/23
Has “freedom” turned into one of those buzzwords honored more in the attraction than in its application? Frederick Douglass delivered a “West India Emancipation” speech at Canandaigua, New York, on the twenty-third anniversary of the event. He uttered two paragraphs that became the most quoted sentences of all of his public speeches. They began with the words, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” We like the idea of being free, but what is the true sense of freedom? Come tune in...
Published 06/02/23
There is an African proverb that once said that “The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.” Shepherds came to be a symbol of protection, power, and authority and oftentimes we give up our rights as human beings to leaders and people alike who have that authority, but no intentions of doing what they said they were going to do. They may seem innocent, but they have ulterior motives. They’ll use different tactics to camouflage their intentions....
Published 05/19/23
There is an African proverb that once said that “The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.” Shepherds came to be a symbol of protection, power, and authority and oftentimes we give up our rights as human beings to leaders and people alike who have that authority, but no intentions of doing what they said they were going to do. They may seem innocent, but they have ulterior motives. They’ll use different tactics to camouflage their intentions....
Published 05/12/23
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Most people have a desire to look for the exception instead of the desire to become rare by being genuine. One of the greatest displays of leadership is service to others as leadership is born out of character and a determination to be and fully express yourself.  Too many people are ready to assert their rights, but not to assume their responsibilities. When the character of leaders is low, so are their standards. Come tune-in to coach KA episode as...
Published 05/05/23
We are living in unprecedented times. I mentioned in the beginning of the year that the year 2023 (2+0+2+3 = 7) will be a year for us to be focused, introspective, intuitive, and spiritually reflective. Expect a major soul and spiritual awakening to shake up the collective. This is because seven's energy symbolizes the power of knowledge and belief systems. So, if you’re feeling some kind of way during the course of this week sit back and tune into the sound of this 10 minute audio and gain...
Published 04/28/23
It is a scientific truth that whatever is retained as fact in consciousness is bound to be manifested either in words, deeds, or bodily condition. In today’s episode coach KA wants to examine one characteristic which may be consistently active in a man's life, that it becomes a law. We must admit history shows that kindness is not a virtue that comes naturally to mankind, but it may become, as some may say, "second nature." We applaud kindness in the countless crises of life, but how great is...
Published 04/21/23
Being in crisis mode doesn’t feel good. Our world is under a major shift right now economically and spiritually. During this shift the way we have been doing life will change, however people often don’t recognize problem areas in their lives until they have to handle them during a crisis. Crisis situations put our bodies into “fight or flight” mode. No matter what the crisis is you and I can exit each situation with a new lesson learned and take that knowledge forward with us. Listen in to...
Published 04/14/23
This week in the USA is what they call ‘Passover week’. Evening of Wednesday, Apr 5th, 2023 - Evening of Thursday, Apr 13th, 2023. This week I chose some peaceful music designed to help us relax and self-retrospect. It can allow you to enter into a natural 'calm state' and can be used as a tool to self-reflect on your life path both inward and outward, all around you - up, down, left, and right, you can find that your general sense of awareness focuses on stillness and calmness while you also...
Published 04/07/23
We are here to master the material world and too often we give our power away and don’t realize it until it’s too late. We spend our life in a cycle of trying to find happiness through things that are temporary. We must realize that happiness is already within us. A thief doesn’t belong with you and these cravings are robbing us of our peace. Tune-in and listen to coach KA as he shares with us the 5 thieves that come to steal your peace and what you can do about it. We can’t let these thieves...
Published 03/31/23
Waiting to Exhale is a 1995 American romance film directed by Forest Whitaker (in his feature film directorial debut) and starring Whitney Houston and Angela Bassett. The story centers on four women living in the Phoenix, Arizona, area, and their relationships with men and one another. All of them are "holding their breath" until the day they can feel comfortable in a committed relationship with themselves. Come tune-in and listen to coach KA as he explains how being able to forgive yourself...
Published 03/24/23
Why is change so hard to embrace? Are we as divine human beings too comfortable even in bad situations? Comfort is the enemy of change, and we can become too comfortable in our present situation if it was meant to be temporary. We often resist the impulse to make a change, but yet change is the one constant that we can be absolutely sure of. Oftentimes a crisis dramatically forces that change upon us. It’s usually painful and never pleasant, but if accepted, it is ultimately healing and...
Published 03/17/23
Do you know the truer something is to itself the higher the vibration is? According to Dictionary.com “A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others”. How are you vibrating right now? Do you think the world is vibrating at a high level? Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are...
Published 03/10/23
Most of us know that there are no accidents; that an accident is a lack of understanding of natural law. When I consider the law of freedom, I think freedom and law are not typically words that one would consider the same. When I think of law, I think of rules and regulations: restrictions, limitations and preventiveness. On the contrary, when I hear the word freedom, I envision myself in a wide-open field with my arms stretched high and enjoying the moment with endless possibilities. We...
Published 03/03/23
Getting our power back is a process that we have to make part of our daily life. Before you can effectively get your power back, you have to realize that you no longer have all of your power and make the decision to gain it back. This is not to say none of us have our power because that is not true, however it’s to say if you ever felt stuck, anxious, depressed and even fearful at times there’s a part of you that may have lost it’s power to thrive in your environment. Sometimes you can get...
Published 02/24/23
Rumi once said that “The wound is the place where the light enters you”. With that said often times the strongest and most passionate loving people have gone through the most hate, evil and suffering one can go through. On the other hand, people who haven’t really suffered tend to be shallow or even superficial at times. Being as though this is black history month coach KA wanted to shed light on examining our identity from the inside out by understanding that we can feel our pain and grow...
Published 02/17/23
Rumi once said that “The wound is the place where the light enters you”. With that said often times the strongest and most passionate loving people have gone through the most hate, evil and suffering one can go through. On the other hand, people who haven’t really suffered tend to be shallow or even superficial at times. Being as though this is black history month coach KA wanted to shed light on examining our identity from the inside out by understanding that we can feel our pain and grow...
Published 02/10/23
According to Gerald Fishkin, a California-based psychologist and author of The Science of Shame, the experience of shame is connected with the limbic system. That’s the part of the brain that influences the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response.  Scientific research also links shame with the physiological urge for self-protection: The experience of shame recruits the same brain circuits that prompt people to hide from physical danger. “Shame isn’t...
Published 02/03/23
Have you ever felt betrayed before? How did it make you feel? Betrayal's root is betray, which comes from the Middle English word bitrayen — meaning "mislead, deceive." Betrayal has to do with destroying someone's trust, possibly by lying and more. There’re all kinds of betrayal. From friendship betrayal to romantic betrayal to marriage betrayal to family betrayal and the list goes on, however betrayal hits differently when your in an intimate relationship with someone. Rather sexually or...
Published 01/27/23
Have you ever seen the painting “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci? If so, did you see the yellow sun globe around Jesus head? Did you ever depict what it meant on a deeper level? You see a lot of the stories in the bible are meant for allegory and metaphors as it was meant for a deeper truth. For example back in ancient days the Egyptians gave the name Neter to the great and supreme Force of all, the “One God,” the source of all Creation, all that is and all that shall be. They felt that...
Published 01/20/23
In the United States, the most iconic New Year’s tradition is the dropping of a giant ball in New York City’s Times Square at the stroke of midnight. Millions of people around the world watch the event, which has taken place almost every year since 1907.  The year 2022 was a distressing year in terms of ‘sudden deaths’ in the United States and around the world. As we move into Universal Year 7-- 2023, we set a different tone for the world. Numerologists believe that numbers are not just tools...
Published 01/13/23
Greetings my fellow podcast listeners. I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season! I'm taking a 2 week break to regroup, focus and set some more goals for the year ahead. I look forward to bringing more insights to my listeners along with adding in some interviews and guest speakers in 2023. For the time being here is a very nice meditative audio to check out until I return on Friday January 13th, 2023 by master Mitchell Gibson.  Until then Happy New Year as the best is yet to...
Published 12/30/22
Could spending times in complete silence, i.e. not speaking to anyone for 30 minutes or an hour or so, help us to learn how to speak better? Meaning to have greater understanding on when to speak out and when to be silent when amongst others. Silence & Solitude are often listed together probably because it's difficult to do one without doing the other. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the two as follows.  Silence = the forbearance of speech or noise; synonym = muteness. Solitude = the...
Published 12/23/22
Have you ever tried to achieve a goal only to sabotage yourself at every turn? Have you ever been there before? If you’re not where you want to be in life, no matter how much willpower you’ve applied, chances are you have subconscious programs keeping you firmly in place. The subconscious, in a fearless effort try to keep you safe and in alignment with its holdings, is resistant to change. Even when the possibility of change feels consciously good, the subconscious is probably devising crazy...
Published 12/16/22
Why are some people more religious than others? For some it could be their upbringing and culture and for others it can be forced upon them.  While the influences are many, new research suggests that whether we believe may also have to do with how much we rely on our own intuitions versus analytical thinking. Although some people hold religion in a positive light and have faith just to believe, I’ve learned that religion could also be a double-edged sword. People who violate religious norms...
Published 12/09/22