AI Spectrum – Simplifying Simulation with AI Technology - Part 4
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Even as AI drives a new level of interconnectedness between tools, it also offers the potential to reinvent the way complex physics-based simulations are run. When it comes to the use of physics informed neural networks, or PINNs for short, a number of challenges are still left to overcome, however while the road ahead for PINNs is a long one, they offer the potential for great reward at the end as well. In this episode, Spencer Acain is joined once again by Dr. Justin Hodges, an AI/ML Technical Specialist and Product Manager for Simcenter. Justin discusses not only the ways AI is enabling connections between tools but also the challenges and benefits of PINNs and AI in physics going forward. In this episode you will learn: · How AI is driving connections between tools (00:32) · How AI is changing physics-based simulation (4:40) · The challenges of using PINNs (6:36) · The benefits of PINNs (8:50) · Where AI is going in the future (12:08) Connect with Justin Hodges: LinkedIn Siemens Simcenter Connect with Spencer Acain:  LinkedIn