Ben and Sam are playing the PT this weekend! Listen in to hear all about the decks they’ve been considering and their thoughts on the metagame. Next week we’ll check back to see how they did! Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 06/11/20
A massive rules change and banning has landed on the Standard format (in addition to all the others), and this week we’re taking a look at some of the strategies that may emerge (or have been left standing) from the destruction. Next week we’ll explore this further as the PT will be upon us. Download […]
Published 06/04/20
Ben and Sam both won tournaments this weekend! Unfortunately, neither format will continue to exist for much longer, as there is an impending B&R announcement, which we discuss, along with other news about Player Bannings, the MPL, and the new Double Masters set. Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 05/28/20
This week, Ben and Sam are practicing for a brand new format, consisting of a bunch of random sets from Magic’s history. We also cover the changes to Organized Play this year. Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 05/21/20
We’re piling onto the discussion about companions, covering our expectations for banlists, our thoughts on the mechanic and the cards as a whole, and our take on the entire process that led us to this point. We’ll tackle such questions as “should a card that is exciting for Standard but awful for Modern/Legacy be printed?” […]
Published 05/14/20
It’s time for a stroll down memory lane as we tell the tales of our favorite constructed decks of all time (along with a few dishonorable mentions!) What decks do you have the fondest memories of? Let us know on twitter @alliedstrats Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 05/07/20
With dozens of drafts under our belts, this week we’re breaking down the fundamentals of the Ikoria Draft format – how each Archetype works, the key cards in each strategy, and cards that have surprised us by over- or under-performing. Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 04/30/20
Sam’s cooked up a spicy Modern Combo deck built around Zirda, with a Collected Company shell and some cards you may recognize from decks such as his beloved Birthing Pod. The inspiration for this deck comes partly from Friend of the Podcast Raymond, who submitted a Pioneer deck for discussion last week. Here’s the rough […]
Published 04/23/20
This week Ben and Sam have picked out some Ikoria cards that have potential in Pioneer and Modern, and Tristan has picked bad cards that he should be ashamed for picking and will deservedly be made fun of. Check out Friend of the Podcast Raymond’s Bant Blink pioneer deck: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/pioneering-bant-blink/ Download this episode here! (right […]
Published 04/16/20
Ikoria spoilers are here, and we’re taking a look at them and discussing the mechanics of the set. Companion in particular has drawn a lot of scrutiny from the community, so we’re weighing in with our thoughts. Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 04/09/20
We’ve created a new segment for the show! Find out what it is towards the end. For our main topic, we’re discussing new Organized Play changes in response to the changing global situation. It’s impacted the amount of Magic we’ve been playing too, but we hope to return to strategy content next week with some […]
Published 04/02/20
Allen Wu (@nalkpas on Twitter) tweeted about this Standard format having the characteristics of a good one, yet not being fun. This week we’re discussing that theory, in addition to the news of Magic’s enhanced online offerings in this era of no tabletop play. Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 03/26/20
This week we’re taking a look at a selection of the Video Games we’ve enjoyed most. If you’re finding yourself inside more often these days, you may be interested in picking up one of these to help pass the time, and we’ve got recommendations for every type of person, including how the different games relate […]
Published 03/19/20
Staring down a Dream Trawler, a Citadel Siege, or a Glorybringer can be a daunting prospect, but the best Magic players find ways to edge out a few extra percentage points in these situations and we’re going to give an overview of some of those strategies for both Draft and Sealed. Download this episode here! […]
Published 03/12/20
Sam’s been messing around with a mono blue list in Pioneer – here is the list: 4 Thassa’s Oracle 4 Ashiok’s Erasure 4 Omen of the Sea 2 Thassa, Deep-Dwelling 4 Gadwick, the Wizened 2 Brazen Borrower 4 Witching Well 2 Agent of Treachery 2 Reflector Mage 2 Temple of Enlightenment 2 Thassa, God of […]
Published 03/05/20
Follow along with this episode here: https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=265418 Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 02/27/20
We’ve been to hundreds of Magic tournaments in the real world, and there are some nuances to the process that we decided to spend an episode discussing. Learn about the process of choosing which tournaments to attend, how to get there, where to stay, what to eat, and more! Download this episode here! (right click […]
Published 02/20/20
The first set of Players Tour events are now behind us, and Ben (briefly) and Sam have competed in one! We’re talking all about their experience in the new type of tournament, as well as the debut of Pioneer at this type of event. Ben also won a GP after he scrubbed out so we […]
Published 02/13/20
Three mini topics make up this week’s show: Firstly, Worlds is coming and we’re previewing the tournament and the competitors. Next, Pioneer’s land imbalance has led to a suggestion of completing the cycles that only have half of their cards in the format. We’ll discuss that idea, and then finally move on toe the suggestion […]
Published 01/30/20
This week we’re covering each of the two-color pairs in Theros Beyond Death. This limited format is being received quite well so far, and our hosts have already got several drafts under their belts, so we have a pretty good idea of what each of the color pairs is supposed to look like, though there […]
Published 01/23/20
With the full spoiler out, we’ve each picked some commons and uncommons we think are interesting to discuss in terms of Theros Beyond Death Limited. The plan is to report back on our findings next week, with another episode focused on this new limited format. Here’s a link to this week’s show!
Published 01/16/20
This week we’ve each picked out some cards we think are interesting in Constructed from the cards spoiled so far from Theros: Beyond Death. Next week we’ll probably run the same plan, so let us know which cards you’d like to hear about! Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 01/09/20
This episode, we’re taking a look at the best things from the last decade – mostly Magic-related with a few random other topics thrown in for good measure. Next week we’ll start diving in to Theros: Beyond Death stuff! Download this episode here! (right click and “save as…”)
Published 01/02/20
Let’s take a look ahead to the New Year in Magic. We’ll talk about what we know about the sets that are coming, and the structure of Organized Play in Magic, as well as our personal goals and expectations for the year. How about you? Do you have any MTG New Years Resolutions? Let us […]
Published 12/25/19
This week we’re taking a retrospective look at the year in Magic the Gathering. You’ll hear about our years, and what we think of the direction the game has taken in terms of Design, Organized Play, and as a developing eSport. How was your 2019? Let us know on twitter @alliedstrats Download this episode here! […]
Published 12/19/19