Mike Gray demonstrates how to use the latest technologies to establish water irrigation independence so that viewers don't depend on city and county water system to care for yard plants and garden produce.
Published 07/09/12
Karen Neill shows how to place the right plant in the right location in the garden. Karen takes viewers on a tour of a garden shop and highlights the best plants to select for shady and sunny areas in yards.
Published 07/09/12
Mike Gray and the Almanac Gardener panel demonstrates the use of the Broad Fork to get down and dirty in the garden.
Published 07/09/12
Brenda Sutton, "The Produce Lady," shows us how to prepare delicious dishes using fresh North Carolina peaches. The Produce Lady also shows how to select tasty peaches for serving to family and friends.
Published 06/29/12
Bill Lord, along with Hilary Nichols, Garden Manager at SEEDS, tours the SEEDS Garden area to highlight what colorful plants and tasty fruits the gardeners are grow in the Seeds gardens.
Published 06/29/12
Mike Gray and the panel guests shares ways to protect wildlife while caring for gardens. The panel give tips on how to keep wildlife from eating your plants or garden goodies.
Published 06/29/12
Lucy Bradley & Mike Parker demonstrates the right pruning techniques to restore shape and beauty to neglected fruit trees. Mike shows how to prune fruit tree to produce fruit in the near future.
Published 06/22/12
Linda Blue, along with Ralph Coffey, shows how to use the right vines in your very own home or business Landscape
Published 06/22/12
Mike Gray and the NCSU horticultural agents demonstrates how to select and use a variety of gardening tools in today's garden.
Published 06/14/12
Mike Gray and the panel expert’s shares advice on what to wear in the garden during the hot summer weather. Mike and guests also answers a number of plant questions sent in to the show from viewers.
Published 06/14/12
Lucy Bradley takes viewers on a tour of various NCSU Horticultural WEB sites that's packed with helpful horticultural information.
Published 06/01/12
Bill Lord talks to Hilary Nichols, Garden Manager at Seeds, about the Community Gardening program that encourages Durham residents to produce their own food in the garden spaces located on Seeds' property.
Published 06/01/12
Bill Lord talks to Mitch Woodward, Wake County Environmental Ed. Agent and Hilary Nichols, Garden Manager, Seeds, about installing a Rain Water Harvesting system to water and care for plants and trees in the Seeds community gardens.
Published 05/25/12
Mike Gray and the horticultural panel discuss how to grow and maintain Yellowwood Trees. Mike and guests also answers a number of plant questions sent in to the show from viewers.
Published 05/25/12
Karen Neill gives cool advise on how to garden in the shade. Karen gives her suggestions on which plants grow best in shady areas of yards.
Published 05/25/12
Karen Neill shares helpful tips on saving money in selecting perennial plants for yards. Karen shares insightful tips on identifying good perennial plants for outdoor gardens.
Published 05/25/12
Mike Gray and the horticultural experts discuss how to grow a variety of saucer magnolias plants. Mike and guests also answers a number of plant questions sent in to the show from viewers..
Published 05/25/12
Lucy Bradley & Mike Parker demonstrates grafting fruit trees to produce a variety of fruits. Mike shows how to graft a fruit tree to produce a variety of apples.
Published 05/21/12
Karen Neil shares how to use the Intergrated Pest Management plan to try prevent pest from damaging your plants through the growing seasons.
Published 05/21/12
Diane Turner, along with Master Gardener Betty Gardner, gives helpful tips to using fences and poles to grow produce vertical.
Published 05/21/12
Mike Gray and the Almanac Gardener expert panel share tips on mixing your very own soil to get the best soil for your gardening needs. The show also share helpful tips on growing and caring for other gardening items.
Published 05/10/12
Brenda Sutton, "The Produce Lady", shows us how to Prepare Broccoli. Brenda gives a variety of ways to prepare Broccoli for dinner delight.
Published 05/07/12
Linda Blue take us on a nature tour where she shows how to identify wildflowers to place in your garden. She give tips on selecting the right flower to grow in your yard or container.
Published 05/07/12
Mike Gray and the Almanac Gardener panel of Agents discuss the best times to start planting lettuce so that you get a great tasting crop. The show also share helpful tips on growing and caring for other gardening items.
Published 05/04/12
Space Saving Herb Garden
Published 04/27/12