Victoria's baby bump is bursting and baby #2 is on the way soon! What time do you mow the lawn? Alberta had their election and we find out how Victoria feels about who won. Jamie found out something really cool happens whenever we miss posting an episode, so it might happen again soon! We have a summer themed this or that and a follow up to the dumb vs ugly question. How would you react to your vegan neighbor telling you not to BBQ at your own house? Would you attend your 20 year high school...
Published 06/01/23
The Alberta wildfires have kept Victoria busy, but we're back back back again! We get an update on how she's been handling the craziness of it all, and Jamie gives a recap of his trip to LA. We have a really fun this or that, and one of the BEST personal questions ever asked!! Would you take the middle seat on a plane if you could win a really great prize? What concert would you like to see for free? TikTok is getting people to eat dog food, and we find out what our one hit wonder song based...
Published 05/26/23
2 weeks and 2 shows in a row, we're on a roll! Are people scared of telling us certain details of their life since might talk about it? We get all about real estate in our this or that! Do you have any gross habits, cause 10% of people are doing this gross thing in the shower! We dive into another case of am I the a*****e? There's a new food trend that is making Victoria sick, baby Cole is shading Victoria, and who would you want to be the president?!
Published 04/28/23
And we're backkkkkkk!! We catch up after a busy month of Victoria and family being sick and on vacation, and Jamie's world of real estate! There's a couple trending topics that we tackle: whose responsibility is it to clean up after your kids on an airplane? And if you're a bigger person, should you get an extra seat on a plane for free?! Can Victoria guess the Florida edition of fake news? We chat about blueberry waffles... for real, and don't Google it!! And we found out that Victoria has...
Published 04/21/23
Surprise surprise, Victoria is sick again! We're 3 months into 2023, how're your resolutions coming so far?  And a couple of your favorite stores are closing in Canada. If you have a STRONG sense of smell, you could $2500 for this stinky job. We found a new thread, "am I being unreasonable", and we both love it! Would you trade your flight ticket for a bus ticket? Disney and Pixar have some exciting sequels on the way, and the latest craze in plant based products has officially gone too far!!
Published 03/10/23
Victoria is on week 23 of her pregnancy and is going through it, and Jamie gives another update on his Valentine's. What's a movie or TV show that's guaranteed to make you cry?! We chat about any valuable, rare or nostalgic items that we may have What is the biggest scam in life that nobody wants to admit? The fake news may stump you, a reason to check under your floorboards, do you eat in bed and do you buy stuff online? Cause one of Jamie's friends avoids putting his credit card online at...
Published 03/03/23
We get an update on Victoria's Valentine's Day, did she end up getting flowers?! Zeller's has unveiled their food truck menu and you're not gonna believe the cost of deodorant. We play a new game, steak house or gay bar? 80% of adults end up turning into their parents in some way, what was the moment you realized you became just like them? Is there a TV show that you'd like to get a reboot? We got the Florida man edition of fake news, and how much would you be willing to spend on concert...
Published 02/24/23
The Super Bowl is over, and we give our honest opinions about Rihanna's performance! We have a Valentine's Day themed "this or that" and how is Jamie gonna deal with Netflix banning password sharing? When your partner is sick, do you sleep in the same bed still? We chat about our dream destinations to travel and a way you can win a free trip to Hong Kong! This couple bought 2 coffees for over $4000! And find out what we did for Valentine's Day!!
Published 02/17/23
Jamie has FINALLY found out why Kyle had a lingering smell and Victoria is halfway through her pregnancy already! We play the THIS or THAT game and chat about weird food combinations. If you could be a character from any tv show or movie, who would you pick? Eating breakfast everyday could get you a promotion and make you much happier. We have a good reason to be careful when giving kids your phone. And an 18 year old won $48 million dollars, and Victoria is NOT a fan!!
Published 02/10/23
Victoria has decided to stop sparking joy in her house, how do you deliver bad news to your partner, and Zeller's has responded to our show! Jamie has some pregnancy Valentine's gift ideas. We tackle some of the most commonly misspelled words with a little spelling bee. This one fake news headline has us cracking up! Victoria found the secret to a long life and is the bottom of a woman's purse the dirtiest thing?!
Published 02/03/23
Jamie did something that makes him think that he's turning into a Karen, and Victoria is gearing up for her first vacation of 2023! Zellers is coming back, are you excited? A study found that 50 rumors will be spread about you in your lifetime, has anyone started a rumor about you?! Would you go to a store right before they close? We found a new way to face your fears, and there's a grocery store that's making a line up for people who like to talk.
Published 01/27/23
If you were to meet a celebrity, would you ask them for a photo?! Victoria FINALLY tried Cinnamon Toast Crunch and shares her thoughts. We chat about superstitions we believe in and have you ever been parent shamed? Millennials are, once again, getting blamed for something else. We got a twist on Fake News this time, an idea for you to possibly make a ton of cash, and if the man in your life likes sports cars... it doesn't look too good.
Published 01/20/23
Jamie went to a Ukrainian Christmas dinner and spills all the details about that and did Victoria make a New Year's goal? We chat about things we'd put into a time capsule, and surprise surprise, someone's pregnant! The most romantic names for 2023 are here, and we check to see how sexy our names are. There's a new dating term going around for the winter, fake news that will not shock you at all, and can we please get Victoria to try Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal?!
Published 01/13/23
Happy New Year!! We recap our busy busy holiday season and what our thoughts are going into 2023! This week we chat about the highlights and lowlights of 2022 and our favorite breakfast cereal. Would you sign a dating prenup with your partner? Rolling Stone released a list of the top 200 singers of all time, and we are SHOCKED that this one artist didn't make the list. Victoria has the most fascinating fake news we've had so far! And we discuss some goals we have for the new year!
Published 01/06/23
Merry Christmas!! Victoria gives us an update on how her family's visit is going and what should Jamie bring to his family potluck? Would you be okay giving or receiving a used gift? There's a new website that will let you know if you made the naughty or nice list this year. You're not going to believe what this one woman is suing a company over. And would you pay for your kids to see Santa? Not get a photo, but just see him?!
Published 12/23/22
Jamie is FINALLY back from vacation and gives a run down of what's been going on the last couple weeks, while Victoria preps for her family coming to visit. A couple popular snacks are no longer available in Canada anymore! If you're not feeling the Christmas spirit, it's not just you! Would you prefer an alcohol free Christmas season? And what did you ask Santa for this year?!
Published 12/16/22
We have another round of listener questions and comments, and hopefully Victoria won't be offended by these ones! Besides social media, what app do you use the most on your phone? Is there a product that you love that changed their formula/brand? There's a new idea to make some extra cash off of your partner's skills. Can you spot the fake news articles? We have officially found the BEST random fact EVER!!! And have you put up your Christmas decorations now?!
Published 11/18/22
What a week! We've officially been hit with winter, Cole has pink eye and Jamie is going to miss Black Friday this year! 77% of people have used Google to win an argument. There's a new university class devoted to all things Nicki Minaj. Do you think you can spot the fake news? What would you do if $750,000 was deposited in your account? And Jamie has added a new member to the family!!
Published 11/11/22
Victoria had a pretty terrible week after her whole family tested positive for COVID, and Jamie reveals how many trick or treaters stopped by the house for Halloween. Have you ever been dropped by a friend before? Netflix is REALLY trying to lose even more subscribers with their new tactics. Victoria is giving this dumb criminal his props. There's a new eggnog coming out that will probably disgust you, and one of us is going on ANOTHER vacation this year!!
Published 11/04/22
$17.99 for cheese?!?!?! What is the world coming too??? The cost of food has increased so much and we can't believe it!! Jamie shows off his new tattoo and he's obsessed! We go through the top 10 most passive aggressive phrases in the work place, and they're just as ridiculous as you'd think. Hocus Pocus 2 is causing a big problem in some households. WE DID IT, WE FOUND THE DUMBEST CRIMINAL EVER!! And we're in the Halloween spirit, will Victoria watch some scary movies this year?!
Published 10/21/22
We start off the show answering some burning listener questions, and Victoria is PISSED!! We go over our Thanksgivings and were there pickles on the table?! If you got $500 right now, what would you buy? We go over a list of things that were acceptable in 2002 that aren't anymore. Is having money issues a dating deal breaker? You're not gonna believe what this one guy married!! We FINALLY have Pokémon themed random facts, and we're having a Halloween contest!
Published 10/14/22
Jamie finally had his housewarming/b-day party... did he survive?! And did people leave by 9pm?!  Thanksgiving is on the way and we go over our plans for the holiday. Are you a person who pays for delivery or picks up the items? We found a new trend on TikTok that actually works and will be great for your wallet. Rihanna is doing the halftime show for the super bowl, but who is an artist you wouldn't want to see perform?! A criminal has the most interesting hiding spot, and a good reason to...
Published 10/07/22
Victoria has FINALLY gone back to work, and Jamie is FINALLY having his housewarming party! This week, we chat about our McDonald's order, and Victoria's is just ridiculous. PETA has a new idea to get men to switch to being vegan. Where is the strangest place that you've fallen asleep? We found the nicest landlord ever, the dumbest criminal ever, and 5 random snacks about sex, just because! And do you have photos of yourself in your house?!
Published 09/30/22
It's been a long, long, LONG time since our last episode, did you miss?! We're FINALLY back and catch up after our extended break. Victoria fills us in all everything that happened during her last trip and what was going on, including psychics, croissants, gall bladder and twins! How much do you give for a wedding gift? Do you think your workplace should allows pets? The top dating deal breaker for millennials will SHOCK you! We found a new dumb criminal who takes the award for being the...
Published 09/23/22
After all the trips we've taken this year, we chat about airplane etiquette! Who gets the arm rests? Do you switch seats with people? Who was your first animated crush?! We've all had at least one! Some tips to survive the heat wave, and something you should NOT do to stay cool! We think we found the DUMBEST criminal ever! A new toy idea from Hasbro that we both love! And 6% of people have cried while doing this...
Published 08/05/22