An impromptu mix to celebrate the ones we have lost.  Artists featured are Symphocat, Robert Rich, Ex confusion and a handful more. Love to all.
Published 06/29/22
Remembering Harper Green who would have been due tomorrow but changed her mind xxxhttps://ambientatomic.bandcamp.com
Published 06/18/22
This mix features selected tracks from a compilation album “Imaginary north transmission 001” on an ambient label by “Kilometre club”https://imaginarynorth.bandcamp.com/communitySome familiar names on this one of which we have included works before.Ben McCarthy and Le Code to name a few. A real smooth ambient vibe throughout.Go to the link for full listing.We highly recommend checking out and following the Kilometre club label. One to watch we feel. 01:10 kilometre club - Scarborough...
Published 06/15/22
Its been a while. Your ambient adventure today includes 2 artists and their tracks we have been humbled to be allowed to mix. The artist Shamik  https://shamik.bandcamp.com/album/gaali-ambient-version Jupiter 1:09Gaali 1:12& alsoSan Mateo-The Mira variable  www.thesanmateo.com Burdens of beasts 1:14Sunwise 1:19The hiding place 1:25Hypnopompia 1:30Beautiful soundscape ambient from both artist works.
Published 06/12/22
One for the sleepers, the stoners, the outside the box thinkers, the meditators, The code creators.Made with love.
Published 03/20/22
In this episode we are pleased to be able to offer the music of not one, but two ambient producers. GANG VIOLINS is a vehicle for the more widescreen electronic musings of Jason Lurman and Micah Templeton-Wolfe. With Jason as lead guitarist and composer for darkened post-rockers Sora Shima, and Micah exploring the depths of serene cinematica under his own solo moniker Stray Theories, the pair are no strangers to epic, ambient-based instrumental music.Deep music for deep minds.Tracks Greater...
Published 03/14/22
I found myself with a few hours to spare yesterday, so got myself over to Bandcamp and spent some more money. Some great ambient work coming through at the moment. There is a few of what I found in this mix. Do you like the title ?Every waiting room should have music, it should be the law. No one should wait in silence, ;-)Please listen responsibly  ;-)  
Published 02/11/22
A mix we didn't plan making but we went with it. This is a bit of an un-nerving one in places, we listened to it back, and even we were scared, looking over our shoulders !Cura te ipsumTaken from a latin proverb I learned about on an obscure radio station on short wave. Physician, heal thyself.What ever floats your boat huh ?Please listen responsibly, (especially this one) 
Published 02/10/22
IANUARII The month with 2 faces, One facing the past, and one facing the future. Ambient drone is the order of the day here. Really is a "turn on and zone out" mix. Please Listen responsibly as always, x
Published 01/29/22
In this episode we are humbled to showcase  Lily Jordy of whom produces under the name "Lyli J," An artist who brings her unique sound mixes elements of trip hop, ambient and indie electronica, with complex IDM like grooves that weave a tapestry underneath crystalline, Celtic melodies.We were asked to include 3 ambient tracks of which are utterly sublime. They are time stamped as thus .... Between 2 Worlds 21:27Astral Warm Up 28:42New Dawn 34:37Go show her some love, www.lylij.bandcamp.com...
Published 12/07/21
Some good quality ambient coming on to the scene of late, I think there has been a productive spurt in the last few months when it comes to music production in this genre, and it is great to see. Some real floaty ambient in this episode. A nice switch on and zone out, Enjoy.
Published 11/29/21
If ambient, & experimental ambient is your thing, then my friend, you have chosen wisely. Our longest mix yet, A great little journey this one, with a few curve balls thrown in. Find a corner, put ya headphones on and disappear for a while. I'll meet you there, coffee is on me, ;-)============================     Wenn Ambient und experimentelles Ambient Ihr Ding sind, dann haben Sie, mein Freund, mit Bedacht gewählt. Unser bisher längster Mix, eine tolle kleine Reise, mit ein paar...
Published 11/22/21
In this episode, amongst some other ambient hauntings,  I have included 3 tracks form an artist called "Strands"We have been allowed to show case 3 of their sublime tracks from their album "Inner Spaces"They can be found at 53:07 TURLOUGH 55:35 LUGGALA and 58:00 SILVER STRANDS The whole album can be downloaded from the links below, Show some love, https://twitter.com/strandsmusic https://remotetown.bandcamp.com/album/strands-inner-spaces...
Published 11/18/21
A reminiscent journey of the past remembering back when we were children,There wasn't a care in the world we had, total innocence, Enjoy, 
Published 10/31/21
My gift to you today, Somber Ambient mix. NO BEATS, just thought provoking, zoning out ambient music. Thank you for listening and downloading.  
Published 09/19/21
Hello, its been a while, After battling computer problems and re stocking the library, we are back. Here is our latest mix, Made on one warm summer evening a few weeks back now, and features a track from an Artist called SIBUKU and his track TRANSPARENCY OF THE VOID at timestamp 11:37. You must do me a favour by visiting his Soundcloud and Bandcamp for more of his work, you will not be disappointed, Links...
Published 09/17/21
A melancholy mix this time around. Nice n dark in places, but a nice selection we feel all the same, with a few twists and turns as you would expect from us.,
Published 08/02/21
A mix made on a humid Sunday morning. Nice mood vibe,Nothing too heavy, as thus far the day has been uneventful. "How still, How strangely still The water is today, It is not good For water To be so still that way".
Published 07/25/21
Hi, Ambient for the weekend sir, Maddame ?
Published 07/16/21
Seamless ambient & experimental for you.Put together in such a way so you can switch on and z o n e   o u t  .
Published 07/16/21
Another ambient mix to chill to, nothing too heavy, Can't promise that on the next one. We are due an experimental aria, ;-)
Published 06/23/21
Today we feature Ben McCarthy. An electronic musician and sound artist from Toronto, Canada. His work is produced intuitively, meticulously arranging found sound, samples, and software to make music that slips in-and-out of various genres. He has given us free rein of 3 of his excuisite tracks from his up coming album DECORATIVE ARTS which will be available digitally from Bandcamp released on 25th June, Featured s+h ground at 24:12 After Anomie at 29:010 & All our happy days are...
Published 06/10/21
Hello Friends, Amongst others, this ambient mix features 2 tracks from the artist Telefantastico from Finland. He has allowed us to feature 2 of his works from his album DEATH POEMS , The tracks entitled BARGAINING at 17:05 And GUILT at 20:52 Very ambient indeed, Fits very nicely with a mix that starts experimental but then calms as it goes on. More of his exquisite works can be found at www.telefantastico.com & https://telefantastico.bandcamp.com/releases Go and show some love.
Published 06/08/21
No comments. Just hit play, xx
Published 06/03/21
We've been busy, Another for you. ;-) x
Published 05/29/21