Is outbound dead yet_ - Morgan Ingram, 2X LinkedIn Top Sales Voice _ Ampliz B2B Binge
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First and foremost, with the situation right now, people are worried about the present and future situation. Salespeople should focus on right now on getting emotional about the sales process and not about the outcome. And when you get focused on the process, that's where the results come in. You should focus on the sales intro; the questions you need to ask, are some of the crucial things. For example, right now, the most important thing is to be creative and innovative through your process.  The questions you need to ask yourself are:   1. So do you know how to send videos  2. Do you know how to leverage social media  3. Are you doing the right  4. Are the subject lines you are using right now are impactful  5. Can you help everyone right now across the board    If people say, outbound is dead. No! It's not. It just now requires more research more creativity and innovativeness across the board more than ever before. So these are the key things that need focusing on right now from an outbound perspective.  Everyone is still using outbound. It is not dead yet.  However, there is a drastic change in the way it was done in the past. Here are the four things that you need focusing on  1. Have a process  2. Focus on the process  3. Don't be too emotional about the outcomes  4. Be creative and innovative   Being creative and innovative means right now is what something different is that you can do. So, how can you interrupt patterns? What could you be doing differently is videos, can be sending direct mail (digital mail instead of physical mail) right because people may be afraid of doing it. These are things that are extremely helpful for right now, and people have seen great results. With so think about what is something that you can do that's creative, innovative everyone.   Understand what your buyers are currently going through. Do a client roundtable. You will get many insights about what the clients are going through. Now I can have personalized messages around that, and now I can have questions around that. I'm right now not only way more creative, but also, I'm talking directly in the buyers' language. It is what matters the most right now.   Write it all down in a spreadsheet or a sticky note. You now know and understand what the buyers are going through right now. That's a way to do outbound still because you have to speak their language at this point.   Also, the critical factor is ICP's ICP. So what that means is the people that you're targeting right now are their buyers still making money. Because if your customers' customer is not making money, then your buyer is not going to buy whatever you're selling. So think about the ICP's ICP.    The next thing is "Binge growth, not Netflix." I've been saying this a lot lately, all right. It is time to be focusing on upgrading your skills. There's now a separation of the average sales rep and the prodigious sales reps. If you were just going with the motions, this is not a time for you. Right now, you have to be diligent in your process; otherwise, you're just going to get passed by other people who have been diligent on that process.   Lastly, the thing you have to say at the end of the day is, if you can prospect through this you can get through anything. Your resume becomes bulletproof.
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