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Published 01/08/21
Emma Goldman was an immigrant teenage anarchist who just wanted to dance (and overthrow the government.) But the real question is… how did she end up running an ice cream shop?
Published 01/04/21
OK. Buckle your seatbelts. We’ve made it to the only event in American history that really matters… WORLD! WAR! TWO! I’m just kidding. But it’s amazing how many people come up to me at parties and tell me they’re a history buff only to find out that they’ve just read thirty books on D-Day. Now, …
Published 10/06/20
(The original episode had audio issues so make sure you listen to this one instead!)
Published 09/19/20
Last episode people danced while the economy crumbled. Today, we need to figure out what happened next. How do you bring an entire country out of total financial collapse and unemployment? No, really. I’m asking for us right now. Well, if you’re a Democrat you would say, “The government needs to spend a ton of …
Published 09/05/20
Join me and my former AP US History teacher as we talk about the insane and tragic life of Aaron Burr. Follow Cathy on her #greatamericanhistoryroadtrip on Instagram!
Published 08/29/20
Woo! It’s been a few months since my last episode, has anything big happened? Just kidding. Turns out that making a podcast for fun wasn’t one of my top priorities during a global pandemic – I’m honestly as surprised as you are. But seriously, sorry it’s been such a long time. I needed a few …
Published 08/12/20
Act 1: Wilson and the War We can’t really understand WWI in America without talking about Woodrow Wilson. And we can’t understand Woodrow Wilson without talking about Tommy Wilson, because that was actually his name. His dropped his first name “Thomas” when he decided that his middle name Woodrow was more distinguished. But personally, I …
Published 03/12/20
All right. The ladies of American history have been dancing on the edges of our narrative for about 200 years. I think it’s about time we gave them an episode of their own. Shall we? Today’s episode is all about The Women’s Era or, “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make It On This Podcast.” We’re going to …
Published 02/08/20
So we’ve reached the 20th century – finally! – and the U.S. overall is doing pretty well. Our economy is booming, we’ve got colonies now… the nation is doing well. But the people that live in the nation… most of them aren’t doing as great. Remember the Gilded Age? Uber capitalism on steroids with absolutely …
Published 01/08/20
Welcome back to Anti-Social Studies! Last episode we talked about the Gilded Age and it was dark. Like, Dickensian-level darkness: poverty, tiny child labor hands, fat corrupt politicians. But on the other hand, electricity! So it balances out, right? Today we’re not moving forward in time, but staying in the very end of the Gilded …
Published 12/04/19
Last episode we talked about the end of Reconstruction and the rise of the Jim Crow South. But don’t worry! Because today we’re traveling North to see the glitz and glamor of city life in the era of industrialization! Electric lights! Millionnaires! Skyscrapers! Oh yeah, and also poverty, inequality, and corruption. Dang it! Can’t we …
Published 11/20/19
We left last episode on a cliffhanger. I know you’ve all been desperately waiting for two weeks wondering “Who will win the Civil War???” Well then, let’s get right to it! Today’s episode is all about the post-Civil War South or, “Reconstruction. Reconstruction!” (That’s a deep-cut Grease 2 reference right there. And if you already …
Published 11/06/19
Welcome back to Anti-Social Studies! Last time we talked about sectionalism. The federal government kept putting off talking about the horrific question of slavery but, ultimately, it was an issue that had to be resolved one way or another. The growing tension and disagreements amongst various sections of the U.S. was only exacerbated by American …
Published 10/23/19
Welcome back to Anti-Social Studies! OK. Real talk. If you’re listening to me right now then either your teacher is making you or you really like my podcast. Let’s be honest, anyone who’s stuck around through the War of 1812 and a whole episode on slavery is a true fan. So I want you to …
Published 10/09/19
Welcome back to “a very special episode” of Anti-Social Studies! Remember when TV shows did that back in the 90s? There would be a “very special” episode of Boy Meets World where Shawn joined a cult. That’s not a joke. That was a real episode.  But today we do actually have a special episode because, …
Published 09/25/19
Welcome back to Anti-Social Studies! Last week we rebelled against the British! And won! Who saw that one coming?  Today we’re looking at the first generation of American history. Like I said throughout season 1, winning a war or conquering a place is the easy part; governing is way harder. What challenges did our first …
Published 09/11/19
Welcome to Anti-Social Studies! Last episode we covered the entire colonial era in 45 minutes – it was pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. All the early colonies were led by men named John, apparently; some colonists wanted to get rich quick while others were looking for a place where they could be …
Published 08/28/19
Want to know the amazing content my Patreon members are getting EVERY WEEK? Check out this special episode of the Water Cooler where I break down the Hong Kong protests, Israel banning Democratic Congresswomen, Planned Parenthood rejecting Title X funding, the beef between the Proud Boys and Antifa, and the amazingness that is the New …
Published 08/20/19
So, in theory, this first episode is covering everything that happened in the land that would come to be the United States before 1776. But that’s insane. We don’t need to know all of that. We can really understand all of US History if we just look at two colonies and one year. That’s right! …
Published 08/11/19
Welcome to the season 2 finale of Anti-Social Studies! Think about how far we’ve come. This season we’ve talked about Putin and Kim Jong Un, Colin Kaepernick and Squanto. We’ve traveled to England to figure out what the heck is going on with Brexit and Saudi Arabia to figure out what the heck is going …
Published 06/22/19
How would you like to have me explain the news to you each week? I’ll sift through the headlines, pick out the big topics, and give you context for what’s going on in the world – all in 10 minutes or less! And you just sit back and get smarter… This episode is a preview …
Published 06/09/19
I’ve taught some version of a Current Events class for eight years. I’ve waded into the depths of almost every contemporary debate you can think of: immigration, gun reform, nuclear warfare, police brutality, sexual harassment and assault, privilege, white supremacy – you name it and I’ve taught it. To teenagers, thank you very much. But …
Published 05/28/19
At my school, the senior class always goes on a class trip the last week of high school. So next week, the school will be ¼ quieter while they’re gone to Puerto Rico! And hearing them talking about the trip made me realize… I know almost nothing about Puerto Rico. Well that’s not true. But …
Published 05/16/19
On the vast grasslands, a fierce warrior arose on horseback to become the leader of a great empire, uniting the previously warring clans together and molding them into a skilled army that stoked fear in all they encountered. He rewarded supporters with blood-oath loyalty and those who opposed him were destroyed savagely. One upstart in …
Published 04/24/19