Have you ever wondered what tech is behind a multi-million pound business? Getting the tech right can be a game-changer but there are SO many options out there, where do you even begin? Thankfully, Rob & Rob have tried almost every bit of tech out there and they’re sharing it all.  You’ll hear about the tech they used when it was just them in their bedrooms to today with a team of around 50, the mistakes they made and how they knew when it was time to make the important switches. If...
Published 03/01/21
Reaching the point where you need to expand your team is a really exciting time. And whether it’s your first hire or you’re expanding an existing team, a new employee can really transform your business… but not always in a good way. So how do you make sure they’re the right fit? Well, Rob & Rob have made a few disastrous hires and they’re here to share the important lessons they learned along the way and give you the shortcut to those great hires. Behind any great business is a great...
Published 02/22/21
No business is without its challenges. And at the start, every little thing will fall on you - from the printer breaking to no-one returning your calls - you’re the one-man-band that’s driving your business. Thankfully, as your business grows, you won’t have to constantly sweat the small stuff. But ask yourself… are you really prepared for what lies ahead? With a big business comes big challenges, and they’re not for the faint hearted. Today, Rob & Rob discuss the challenges that come...
Published 02/15/21
So you want to start a business, but there’s just one problem… you haven’t got an idea yet. Coming up with an entirely new idea is next to impossible - almost everything has been done before, so don’t sweat it that your idea isn’t brand new. The key is to innovate and do it better. Rob & Rob discuss the challenges of coming up with an idea, what to do with that idea and how to test the market before committing to the risk. So don’t go quitting your job or remortgage your house just...
Published 02/08/21
Have you ever dreamed of being an entrepreneur?  The money, the fast cars, the holidays and the success… Instagram makes it look like the life you could only ever hope to have. But what’s it really like? Social media glamorises entrepreneurship and don’t get us wrong, running your own business can make you feel on top of the world, but much like anything you don’t ever see the full truth… Until now. Rob & Rob dig deep into the harsh reality of being an entrepreneur and expose the...
Published 02/05/21
When starting a new business it can be tempting to dive right in. You’ve done your market research, you’ve got the amazing idea and you’ve found someone as passionate about it as you. But before you jump head first, take some time and think ‘How well do I know my co-founder?’ Even if you’ve worked with your co-founder before, you’ve never RUN a business together and well.... it's a completely different kettle of fish. So today, Rob & Rob are looking back to 8 years ago, when they...
Published 01/29/21
Finding a co-founder for your business can be a challenge.    What traits do you look for?    Where do you find this person?    How do you make sure your goals are aligned?   The list goes on.    So today, Rob & Rob are sharing the story of how they first met, and how creating a simple podcast was the catalyst for starting several businesses and one of the biggest communities in the property industry - now known as Property Hub.   You’ll discover the (almost) cringe-worthy story of how...
Published 01/22/21
Who’s bonkers enough to ask their team what they really think of them? And let them do it anonymously... In this episode, Rob & Rob find out exactly what their team thought the best and worst things about them were - and they react live. In this episode, you’ll find out: Why Rob B can’t be trusted to not go snooping around files. Why Rob D hates goodbyes. How so many puns end up in team communications. Who ALWAYS leaves events early - and who just feels plain uncomfortable attending...
Published 01/15/21
Business isn’t always plain sailing. And mistakes will always be made. But with mistakes… come lessons. And there are a fair few lessons you can learn from Rob & Robs mistakes in this episode of Any Other Business. In this episode The Robs talk about: Copying other businesses. Disastrous hiring - and why they wished they hadn’t bypassed their process for one hire in particular. How they ended up with multiple separate brands and teams - and why this wasn’t ideal. Office space - not the...
Published 01/15/21
Get ready for a brutally honest insight into the daily reality of running a growing business.  Rob Bence and Rob Dix started Property Hub in 2012 – and despite the seeming success of growing to a team of 50 across two cities, the reality has been anything but glamorous.  Listen in as Rob & Rob share their daily disasters and admit to multi-million pound mistakes – then follow along in real-time as they attempt to make their most audacious move yet... We often see success stories on...
Published 01/08/21