Mike is changing jobs, Phil is finishing a busy season of planting trees, and a chat about OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and how the OSS API community is working together
Published 03/26/22
Phil and Mike catch up about APIs for planting trees, the value of planning, and API gotchas in serverless functions
Published 02/28/22
Phil and Mike catch up about Phil's work planting trees around the world, and why building good software for great charities is important.
Published 01/03/22
Published 12/01/21
Matt, Phil, and Mike chat about naming APIs - how does "english" grammar factor in to planning the structure of an API? Our discussion is coloured -- err, colored by our own experiences... what do you think?
Published 11/22/21
Matt, Mike and Phil get back together after a wild summer vacay of drinks, sand, trees and getting hit by a car while out on a bike. We catch up with Phil and Stoplights efforts to reshape API Documentation as well as responsible OSS Community Involvement.
Published 09/23/21
Matt is joined by Taylor and Kin, organizers of the API Specification Conference to talk about the conference!
Published 06/02/21
Matt and Mike sit down to talk about the whole Swagger -> OpenAPI thing, and how members of the community can join in to help OpenAPI shake off being called Swagger.
Published 05/05/21
Matt and Phil are joined by API developer Hunter Skrasek, a friend of the pod, to talk about his experiences moving their APIs from a monolith to a microservices architecture and his team is utilizing API Gateways and Service Meshes
Published 03/12/21
Phil, Mike, and Matt get together to talk about how to safely sunset and deprecate your API so you dont anger your team or outside API consumers.
Published 02/22/21
Phil, Mike and Matt are back at it! After a break because of holidays, timezones, a pandemic, elections and more caused us to pivot to taking care of ourselves, we got together at the early hour of 7am CST (UTC-6) so we could get back on this horse! We break down what happened with Parler, why people were able to grab their data so easily and some tips to help you avoid this situation.
Published 01/20/21
Harsha Reddy, a Senior Software Engineer on Internal API Platforms for Wayfair, joins Matt and Phil to talk about managing APIs and developer tooling across multiple languages and countries.
Published 09/18/20
Phil, Mike and Matt get together before Phil leaves the UK in search of roads he can bike on. We talk about what is coming up for new Stoplight releases and then we take a sharp pivot to talk about mental health and how it affects Matt and what he is doing to take care of himself.
Published 08/24/20
Phil and Matt talk with Marc-Andre Giroux, a developer working at Github who helps maintain their REST and GraphQL APIs.
Published 06/12/20
Phil and Matt are joined by a special guess, Arnaud Lauret, better known on the internet at API Handyman.
Published 03/24/20
Why are HTTP status codes so hard, and also we look at what Microsofts push to go carbon neutral really means and how individual people can implement small changes to have an impact on the environment.
Published 02/14/20
A while ago, we put out a call to Twitter to invite listeners to send us their questions and we would answer them. We received 4 really good questions so we hope you enjoy!
Published 01/29/20
This episode is brought to you by Stoplight.io (https://stoplight.io)! Check out Studio today if you are creating an API with the OpenAPI Specification. In this episode, Phil talks about how his trip across the United States via train went. We also talk about how to monitor APIs and what is the best APM solution for monitoring GraphQL endpoints. We also talk about the progress being made by the Stoplight team with both their tooling around Async APIs and also work being done on...
Published 09/25/19
Last time on APIs You Won't Hate, we laid the ground work for this podcast. This time (after a failed attempt when Phil didn't press record) Mike, Phil, and Matt talk about whats new with Stoplight.io, how front end developers like Mike can use the Stoplight suite of OSS products to make Front End Development better, and where they are with the...
Published 08/12/19
Welcome to our new podcast! Phil Sturgeon (@philsturgeon), Mike Bifulco (@irreverentmike) and Matt Trask (@matthewtrask) get started with the first episode where we talk about bikes, APIs and our goal for the podcast. We break down Phil's adventures in Europe, how his new books are going with the help of Mike, and some other nonsense.  Find us in the APIs You Wont Hate slack for questions, help, mentoring or other things!
Published 06/23/19
Tessa Mero organizer of the API City Conference joins us to talk about the trials and tribulations of organizing conferences, meetups, finding quality speakers, and diversity at conferences.
Published 09/21/18
We invited prominent Microsoft Azure evangelist, RESTafarian, and OpenAPI contributor Darrel Miller on to talk about all things OpenAPI. If you're new to the tool, curious about what all the fuss is about, or want to know what's new in v3, this episode is for you.
Published 01/05/18
Brett Florio and Luke Stokes from FoxyCart join Grace and Phil to chat hypermedia. Not pie in the sky "maybe talk", but how their clients actually use it, and the benefits it's given them.
Published 08/20/17
Adam Kliment and Emmanuel Paraskakis from Apiary join Phil and Grace to talk about building API Blueprint, Dredd, and the recent take-over by Oracle.
Published 06/29/17
Phil and Grace get started with a natter about reptiles, a chinwag about heavy metal, and a gossip about the office. Now you know who they both are, they get a little into GraphQL, and some of the joys of writing massive migration scripts to port data from one application to another.
Published 05/09/17