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More Episodes - Louise Fletcher is an artist and teacher, gifted at helping her students connect with their emotions and unleash their artistic voice. But she wasn’t always aware of her gift. She genuinely thought she had no artistic talent because she couldn’t sit in front of a canvas...
Published 05/08/24 - What does the journey of bringing your art to life look like? How does the process of creating inform who you are becoming? The truth is that you are a work of art. With every brushstroke, you’re becoming what you’re created to be. And that energy will show up in your art....
Published 04/03/24 - In this special throwback episode of Art2Life, we revisit one of our most beloved conversations with award-winning art critic Jerry Saltz.  Making art is hard enough, but hearing from others whether it is good or not is especially so. Every artist I know already has,...
Published 03/27/24