“There may be many ways to achieve complete knowledge of SpaceTime, but this is certainly the most entertaining way I’ve come across. Paul’s expertise is not only with the subject matter but in the way he can explain it to us non-scientists who are equally excited about the Cosmos. And the best part about ASK A SPACEMAN! is he actually answers your questions! My 5½ year old daughter had a (if I say so myself) brilliant question on motion in the Universe. I wrote to Paul on Facebook and a few weeks later her question was folded into an amazing 2-part series (episodes 15&16) about Relativity! We listened to it together and she loved it. (And understood it!!) I’ve had a few exchanges with Paul via the internet and that access is unparalleled in my experience. (Note: I did ask another podcast the same Query and I got nothing….looking at you NDT….) Without a doubt this is the podcast I look forward to the most in my “Unplayed” stream. And I would also check out Realspace. Not as nerdy but a fun way to learn more about actual scientists and what makes them tick. Great work and please keep them coming.”
Matthew Atzenhoffer via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·