Wendy is also the Executive Director of Australia's CEO Challenge, a charity that works to prevent domestic violence by creating partnerships between businesses and women's refuges, and educating people in the workplace to recognise and respond to the signs of domestic violence. Wendy is going to be speaking to us about the amazing experiences she had during her studies in France last year. Have a listen as Wendy recounts her time there and tells us about the things she ...
Published 02/16/12
Andrew is the CEO of SurfAid International and he's an alumni here from the Australian Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at QUT. He's going to join us to talk about his work with the organisation over the past 4 years.
Published 01/31/12
Andrew is the CEO of SurfAid International and he's an alumni here from the Australian Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at QUT. He's going to join us to talk about his work with the organisation over the past 4 years.
Published 01/31/12
In this month's podcast we're going to be hearing from Allan English and Simon Herd. They both spoke at the Centre's Annual Alumni Anniversary Breakfast which was sponsored by the FIA. Local entrepreneur Allan English will chart his journey from part-time giver to full time philanthropist and he's going to lay on the line what business folk want from charities.
Published 12/19/11
Hear from two dynamic Australian philanthropists, thinkers and doers who will share their thoughts on what influences giving and how it might operate better in this country.
Published 12/19/11
For this month's podcast we'll be hearing from Terry de March when he spoke at an ACPNS event. Terry is a specialist in policy and strategy, organisational development and learning. Due to the nature of the recording, there may be a bit of loss in the audio quality but we hope that you'll enjoy it anyway.
Published 11/24/11
Terry de March discusses social investment and the social finance realm, with reference to charity funding.
Published 11/24/11
For this month's podcast we'll be speaking with Mark Stephens. Mark is a Fleet Contracts Manager for Blue Care and will be sharing with us about his work in making fleet safety a core function of fleet management.
Published 10/24/11
For this month's podcast we'll be speaking with Mark Stephens. Mark is a Fleet Contracts Manager for Blue Care and will be sharing with us about his work in making fleet safety a core function of fleet management.
Published 10/24/11
For this month's podcast we'll be speaking with Dr Matthew Turnour. Matthew is the Managing Director at Neumann and Turnour Lawyers and heads the Corporate and Commercial Law Division of the practice. He is also a Senior Research Fellow here at QUT, teaching on the ethics of Philanthropic and Nonprofit Organizations. Today Matthew will be speaking with us on the presumptions associated with public benefit charities and the legalities associated with such presumptions.
Published 09/30/11
For this month's podcast we'll be speaking with Dr Matthew Turnour. Matthew is the Managing Director at Neumann and Turnour Lawyers and heads the Corporate and Commercial Law Division of the practice. He is also a Senior Research Fellow here at QUT, teaching on the ethics of Philanthropic and Nonprofit Organizations. Today Matthew will be speaking with us on the presumptions associated with public benefit charities and the legalities associated with such presumptions.
Published 09/29/11
Joining us this month is Lesley Harris and Colin Ball. Colin Ball is here to comment on his new controversial book 'It's The Community, Stupid!', which sets out a manifesto for radical change in the Australian Not-for-Profit sector and also takes aim at government, corporations and the education system. However, first of all we will be hearing from Lesley Harris. Lesley has recently completed an Internship at The Myer Foundation in Melbourne. She will share about her experience and the...
Published 08/30/11
Joining us this month is Lesley Harris and Colin Ball.
Published 08/30/11
Dr Jill Franz from QUT School of Design will provide an insight into the Livingin Project, a collaborative project involving the not-for-profit community organisation Kyabra, QUT and a group of design practitioners and consultants. Dr Jill Franz is a Professor in the School of Design, Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. She has extensive experience in senior management at the discipline, school and faculty level as well as in...
Published 07/12/11
For this month's podcast we'll be talking to Dr Jill Franz from QUT School of Design will provide an insight into the Livingin Project.
Published 07/11/11
Prof Myles McGregor Lowndes will provide a brief examination of the latest data on tax-deductible giving in Australia by individual taxpayers as claimed on their 2008-09 tax returns. Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes OAM is the Director of The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (ACPNS). He has advised and held board positions in a large variety of nonprofit organisations over a period of twenty-five years. Solicitor with a current practice certificate (admitted in the...
Published 06/02/11
For this month's podcast we'll be talking to Prof Myles McGregor Lowndes will provide a brief examination of the latest data on tax-deductible giving in Australia by individual taxpayers.
Published 06/02/11
Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP opens the Reforming Fundraising Regulation Conference by recognising the unique strengths of the nonprofit sector and the critical role that fundraising plays in preserving the independence and innovation of nonprofit organisations. Tanya was elected to the Australian Parliament as the Federal Member for Sydney at the 1998 federal election. In her first speech to House of Representatives, Tanya spoke of her strong interest in social justice and her conviction that...
Published 05/04/11
For this month's podcast we'll be talking to Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP who opens the Reforming Fundraising Regulation Conference by recognising the unique strengths of the nonprofit sector.
Published 05/04/11
Andrew Thomas joins us to speak about the tax structures for giving to charities, family foundations and donor advised funds in the US and Australia. Philippa Hawke discusses how a global movement of diverse children's telephone and online counselling services developed consensus on a set of minimum standards for their organisations. Andrew is the General Manager Philanthropy responsible for Perpetual's total Philanthropic Services including the management of over 450 Charitable Trusts,...
Published 04/03/11
Linda Lavarch, recently appointed Chair of the Federal Government's newly formed Not-for-Profit Sector Reform Council, joins us to discuss the purpose and proposed activities of the council. Linda is a former State Member of the Queensland Parliament serving from 1997 to 2009. She represented the then seat of Kurwongbah on the northern outskirts of Brisbane. In 2005 she was appointed Attorney-General - Queensland's first woman Attorney-General. Incidentally Linda was the first woman lawyer...
Published 03/08/11
For this month's podcast we'll be talking to Linda Lavarch, recently appointed Chair of the Federal Government's newly formed Not-for-Profit Sector Reform Council.
Published 03/08/11
Prof Myles McGregor-Lowndes speaks about the recently announced Treasury consultation paper on a new national regulator for the not-for-profit sector. Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes OAM is the Director of The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (ACPNS). He has advised and held board positions in a large variety of nonprofit organisations over a period of twenty-five years. Solicitor with a current practice certificate (admitted in the Supreme Court of Queensland and...
Published 02/01/11
For this month's podcast we'll be talking to Prof Myles McGregor-Lowndes speaks about the recently announced Treasury consultation paper on a new national regulator for the not-for-profit sector.
Published 02/01/11