The philosophers of Azim Premji University discuss Zhuang Zi's claim that people "do not know the usefulness of uselessness" in the context of the university. Can useless things be valuable? Is there a paradox here? Along the way, we talk about metaphysics, counting sheep, and happiness. Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU search for answers together. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/23/21
Having established that science and philosophy are the same thing, the philosophers of Azim Premji University turn their attention to maths! What's the relationship between the two? In answering this, we talk about abstraction, discuss maths pedagogy, consider Plato's proposal for a 12-year mathematical preparation for philosophy, and draw lessons from Karate Kid. Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU search for answers together. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/18/21
In today’s podcast we explore the relationship between science and philosophy. Could the difference concern the prevalence of consensus? The use of evidence? The kinds of facts that are appealed to? Objects of study? Or are they really the same thing? Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU search for answers together. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/16/21
The band Daft Punk has split up! The philosophers of Azim Premji University come together to debate the philosophical implications. Was it good music? How can you even disagree about music?  Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU search for answers together. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/11/21
Do you take yourself too seriously? Is that even possible? Does social media make it worse? The philosophers of Azim Premji University come together to find the answers: Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/09/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap, Dr Patrick and Nishok GU. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: Instapoetry: We begin our discussion with an instagram poem about adequacy. We go on to wonder about the need for self-improvement, the genre of instapoetry, and the extent to which the medium is the message...
Published 03/04/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: is picky eating a moral failing? Along the way, we ask whether ugliness is badness, whether ethics has a point, and whether bitter gourd is the worst vegetable of them all. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 03/02/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: what's wrong with contradicting yourself? It might make you feel a bit weird, but does getting rid of our contradictions actually help us get truth and avoid falsehood? https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 02/25/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: is there something wrong with changing your way of life when you are old? Along the way, we talk Metalica drummers, religious conversion and much more. https://tinyurl.com/2r87jq2n
Published 02/23/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: should we abandon philosophy of dead white men? An evaluation of Gandhi on houses, and more philosophising about philosophy itself.
Published 02/18/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: is silence golden?
Published 02/16/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: what it means to restore democracy, and whether philosophers are engineers or handymen.
Published 02/11/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: whether doctors should oppose alternative medicine.
Published 02/09/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: the injustice of equality, our university moto gets questioned, and why memes will corrupt your soul.
Published 02/04/21
The Azim Premji University philosophy podcast, with Dr Chaturvedi, Dr Kashyap and Dr Patrick. Each episode one of us brings something that has piqued their philosophical interest, and the rest of the faculty get all philosophical about it. In this episode: angry santa, luddites, and whether apps can solve all your problems.
Published 02/02/21