Recorded 12/30/20Join us as we interview Aline Bourdeau, Melissa's Memere! Aline gave birth to four children and shares the details of what it was like to learn about menstruation, getting pregnant and giving birth before describing what birth was like...
Published 01/05/21
In this episode, Melissa Anne DuBois, one of the childbirth educators here at Babies in Common and co-host of this Show, shares her birth story...she gave birth to her first child on Christmas Day 2012.   Join us for the holiday edition!  Some surprises...
Published 12/25/20
Recorded on  Wednesday, December 16th, 2020. Our guest today is Sheryl White, a well-known baby sign language teacher in our area.  She’s also a certified infant massage instructor, Reiki Master and also received training in her father-in-law’s program,...
Published 12/23/20
Recorded December 9, 2020As we anticipate the upcoming online Birth Circle event, we thought it could be interesting for our audience to hear OUR birth stories. In this episode Melissa interviews Jeanette about her births (you'll hear one of Melissa's...
Published 12/11/20
Recorded December 2, 2020Today is Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 and today we’ll be talking about fertility and why paying attention to your overall health, nutrition, mindset and sleep can influence your ability to get pregnant.Our guest today is Sarah...
Published 12/09/20
Today is Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 and today we’ll be talking about fertility and why paying attention to your overall health, nutrition, mindset and sleep can influence your ability to get pregnant.Our guest today is Sarah Clark, author of...
Published 12/08/20
Recorded Friday, November 13, 2020 Today we’ll be talking about the words we choose and why they matter, in the context of infant feeding and parenting. Our guest today is my dear friend Renee Beebe, who is an International Board Certified Lactation...
Published 11/29/20
Join us as we talk with Kirsten Kowalski-Lane, CNM, CPM about her journey from birth doula to homebirth midwife to hospital midwife to birth center midwife...and how she managed to co-found and co-own the first midwife-owned birth center in...
Published 11/23/20
The words we use matter! Join us today as we explore the words we use when talking about feeding and parenting.  We're joined by International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Renee Beebe, who lives and works in Seattle, Washington. 
Published 11/18/20
Listen in as Emily, a nursing mom of 5+ years, talks with us about planning to breastfeed while on a significant medication, navigating postpartum depression, what it’s like to nurse the same child for 5 years, and about the concept of respectful...
Published 11/12/20
Recorded Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Join Melissa and Jeanette as they answer listener questions about feeding babies!
Published 11/03/20
Today is Wednesday, October 21, 2020 and we will be discussing the TummyTime Method with its creator, occupational therapist Michelle Emanuel. Michelle comes to us with more than 20 years of experience as an occupational therapist who worked with babies...
Published 10/22/20
Recorded on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.  Melissa and I answer questions from the Babies in Common community about feeding babies...breast, bottle and solid foods.  We put the word out we would be doing this and had folks in our Facebook groups...
Published 10/18/20
Join us as we learn from Sejal Fichadia, a certified  infant massage instructor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who is also an experienced postpartum doula and certified TummyTime Method instructor. Originally from India, she now...
Published 10/04/20
Hear how our guest, an anesthesiologist and mother of four, endured birth trauma (trigger warning--this episode contains descriptions of actions of an aggressive and traumatic nature) and how she navigated the system to file complaints against the...
Published 09/23/20
Join us as we answer listener questions about pregnancy and birth!
Published 09/23/20
Join us as we talk with postpartum doula and trainer Rachel Hess, about how queer parents can empower themselves as they encounter care providers (and other parents) as well as how those who aren't part of the queer community can help to stop oppressive...
Published 09/16/20
Join us as we discuss all the typical questions modern parents have about homebirth with Rachel Blessington, RN/BSN, CPM, LMT, who has worked as a doula, labor & deliver nurse and midwife.According to a study published in the journal “Birth” in 2019...
Published 09/08/20
Join us as we talk with Kristen Johnson, a mother of two who decided to give a most amazing gift to another couple (who she didn't know) to carry their baby. She shares with us her birth stories, the process of deciding to become a gestational carrier,...
Published 08/27/20
Join us as we speak with Rachel Gaillard Smook, PhD, a clinical psychologist in private practice, about how parents can navigate the communication struggles that come up as one is expecting a new baby and as couples have a new baby in the family. She...
Published 08/26/20
Join us as we talk with two moms (one with a corporate job, Marlena Shaffer, and one who works in a surgical intensive care unit as a nurse, Julie Longchamps) about preparing to go back to work and pumping at work.  We discuss their initial...
Published 08/07/20
Join us as we hear Dr. Emily Garcia Sega's story of how she switched maternity providers very late in pregnancy so she could increase her chances for the birth she wanted, including discussing her experiences of trying to turn her breech baby. We hope...
Published 08/07/20
Join us in discussing inducing lactation with Alyssa Schnell, lactation consultant in private practice and author of Breastfeeding Without Birthing, Alyssa Schnell, IBCLC.You can learn more about Alyssa's services for parents, parents-to-be and...
Published 08/06/20
Join us as we speak with Dr. Julia Reznik, a functional medicine physician in private practice about "preconception optimization", epigenetics, milk supply and the microbiome.  Integrating functional medicine into your life might be the best thing...
Published 07/19/20
Join us as we talk with Dr. Amy Brown, professor and prolific author, about what influences how we feed our babies, breast, formula and solid foods! Amy Brown, PhD is a professor at Swansea University in Wales, where she oversees the master of science...
Published 07/15/20