Today on the Lauren of Love podcast I am releasing a replay recording, a recap of my very first Ayahuasca experience.   If you don't know, Ayahuasca is a psychedelic plant medicine that is used to heal trauma... and back in 2019, I invited this study into my work to heal the things that were blocking me.    At the time, I was going through a challenging time navigating chronic illness, severe insecurity, and facing the fear of failure. I was at an all-time high in my business, so I knew...
Published 11/28/23
Ever wonder what it takes to launch a program?   Today on the show, I am riffing on all the behind-the-scenes of my most recent launch process of the Wild Wealthy Feminine with a dear sister of mine, Lindsey Means.   Lindsey is an Alignment Alchemist who specializes in helping clients thrive in their relationships, align with their unique Human Design, and harness the power of feminine energy.    Back in late November, she and I were both in the middle of our launch processes and we got...
Published 11/23/23
*Today's conversation is in honor of my new live training that's open for enrollment called, "Know Your Niche". Enroll now to perfect the message of your mission and attract your ideal client!* Learning how to create content that magnetizes you and attracts your ideal soul family in the online space is... well.. just magical.   And I want to help you do it!  In today's episode here are some of the things we talk about:  The one perspective you must have to feel really connected and...
Published 11/15/23
Want to know how to align your vibration with receiving, attracting abundance, and making a BIG BIG difference in the world?   Let me share the behind-the-scenes of my business with you.   As you guys know, doors have been open for the Wild Wealthy Feminine Program for the last week, and with two more days left, I can honestly say that this is the most exciting, beautiful launch process I have ever experienced.    So far, 28 amazing souls said yes to the journey of the Wild Wealthy...
Published 10/30/23
I am back on my podcast platform today to share a new episode all about decisions, creating success, and rewriting your reality.    Are you ready to learn how?    EP341: Making Decisions to be Successful, Launch Lessons, and Healing Your Biz       Here's what we will dive into on todays show:  Behind the scenes of my launch and how rewriting the rules we have around our business is so important. How to deal with hard things happening while running a business  The resistance in...
Published 10/26/23
*Today's episode is in honor of the Wild Wealthy Feminine Program which is open for enrollment through October 30th! Today on the Lauren of Love Podcast, I am interviewing a graduate of the Wild Wealthy Feminine Program.   Stephanie Phares is the creator of Saltwater and Silver. She is an incredible artist who came into the Wild Wealthy Feminine program last year looking to expand her capacity to receive and to heal her relationship around feminine business.   She has BLOWN me away...
Published 10/17/23
Wild Wealthy Feminine opens for enrollment on October 16th. This program is a six-week group coaching program designed to establish your worth and bring in your wealth, create complete cultivation of confidence in your message, mission, and ideal client, and heal the emotional rollercoaster of burnout, overwhelm, and exhaustion you experience as an entrepreneur. Listen to this episode to learn everything about this container! I hope to you see there. We start a new round on October...
Published 10/12/23
Hello, my gorgeous love birds! I know it has been a hot minute since I recorded a podcast episode, but I'm so excited to return today with a new story to tell. In today's episode of The Lauren of Love Podcast, I'm sharing my recent experience in Colorado and my journey with intensive Kambo medicine and Bufo-5 Meo DMT. If you guys don't know, these are two medicines that have been really strongly on my altar and my work of healing. I recently had the honor of sitting with them deeply...
Published 09/19/23
Hey my gorgeous family! It's a lovely Saturday and this morning I felt a deep strong message to record this episode. I have been seeing more and more stories about people feeling hurt, manipulated, and take advantage of by people in the online space. Leaders and influencers who claim to be making a difference, are also the source of a lot of painful experiences for women who are just trying to improve and make a difference in their own lives. If you are a consumer in the personal...
Published 08/12/23
Thank you for listening! Join IG Code, a $47 live event happening on August 14th at 4PM EST that will teach you how to create viral Instagram Reels, how I increased my following by over 8000 souls in 30 days, and how I reached 1 MILLION+ accounts in 30 days! Join the Soul Portal Experience, a monthly immersive container for your personal ascension to becoming your limitless self! All subscriptions receive a FREE 30-day trial! Connect with...
Published 08/11/23
Hi gorgeous! Today on the Lauren of Love podcast I am sharing a special episode with you that I recorded under the stars in the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal. I have been feeling on FIRE lately! There is so much incredible magic happening right now in the business. We just announced my new LIVE training event called The IG Code and we had a record number of students enroll just from day one! I felt really called to record an episode that tells my whole life story about my...
Published 07/27/23
.Today on the Lauren of Love podcast, I am sharing the incredible story of transformation from MEG  - a student inside my HEAL program.   Meg came into the HEAL program holding a lot of anger and as she says in the interview, "rejecting her feminine."    Meg came into the journey of HEAL because she was experiencing a lot of health issues, and emotionally didn't feel grounded or embodied in her joy.   Her story on today's episode is so inspiring.    She talks about: -Healing her...
Published 07/21/23
Today on the Lauren of Love Podcast, we have Lisa Beth (LB) talking about her journey in the HEAL. Program. This woman is just so unbelievably inspiring in so many ways. She's a mom, a self healer, a massage therapist, a facilitator, and a guide for women who are on healing journeys as well. I feel like bringing her in to talk about her journey here is really cool, because not only is she gifted at sharing her narrative and what she's been through, but the stuff that she's talking to,...
Published 07/18/23
Today's episode is a replay from the FREE 5-day "Make Healing A Reality" series.  This series is run in honor of the HEAL. Program which is a 24-week sacred transformation online group coaching program taught exclusively by Lauren Eliz Love.  Inside HEAL. you will take a specific area of your life, whether it is your financial reality, your self-confidence, your relationship with health and your body, or your relationship with your partner, and you will walk it through a deep dive...
Published 07/14/23
Today's episode is a replay from the FREE 5-day "Make Healing A Reality" series.  This series is run in honor of the HEAL. Program which is a 24-week sacred transformation online group coaching program taught exclusively by Lauren Eliz Love.  Inside HEAL. you will take a specific area of your life, whether it is your financial reality, your self-confidence, your relationship with health and your body, or your relationship with your partner, and you will walk it through a deep dive...
Published 07/13/23
Today's episode is a replay from the FREE 5-day "Make Healing A Reality" series.  This series is run in honor of the HEAL. Program which is a 24-week sacred transformation online group coaching program taught exclusively by Lauren Eliz Love.  Inside HEAL. you will take a specific area of your life, whether it is your financial reality, your self-confidence, your relationship with health and your body, or your relationship with your partner, and you will walk it through a deep dive...
Published 07/12/23
Today's episode is a replay from the FREE 5-day "Make Healing A Reality" series.  This series is run in honor of the HEAL. Program which is a 24-week sacred transformation online group coaching program taught exclusively by Lauren Eliz Love.  Inside HEAL. you will take a specific area of your life, whether it is your financial reality, your self-confidence, your relationship with health and your body, or your relationship with your partner, and you will walk it through a deep dive...
Published 07/11/23
Today's episode is a replay from the FREE 5-day "Make Healing A Reality" series. This series is run in honor of the HEAL. Program which is a 24-week sacred transformation online group coaching program taught exclusively by Lauren Eliz Love. Inside HEAL. you will take a specific area of your life, whether it is your financial reality, your self-confidence, your relationship with health and your body, or your relationship with your partner, and you will walk it through a deep dive...
Published 07/10/23
*This episode is in honor of the FREE 5-day series, "Make Healing A Reality" happening July 10th - July 14th. This series will teach you the tangible steps to release the blocks that have been holding you back from the outcome you desire in your life... and to finally more deeply and fully understand the mastery of healing yourself to personal self-liberation, and FREEDOM! Join the challenge by clicking HERE!* Get ready for the realest of REAL episodes. Today on the Lauren of Love...
Published 07/06/23
*This episode is in honor of the FREE 5-day series, "Make Healing A Reality" happening July 10th - July 14th. This series will teach you the tangible steps to release the blocks that have been holding you back from the outcome you desire in your life... and to finally more deeply and fully understand the mastery of healing yourself to personal self-liberation, and FREEDOM! Join the challenge by clicking HERE!* Today on the episode, I am diving into lifting the shadows of "being on a...
Published 07/04/23
*Discovery calls for the new round of HEAL. opening in July are now available to be booked! Click the link below to book your call and find out if it's the right program for you! ⁠https://www.laurenoflove.com/discovery⁠ OMG, I am officially back from Costa Rica. If you don't know, I just got back from an incredible Ayahuasca retreat and I have to say, it was absolutely amazing.  I am so grateful for my experience. In today's episode, I wanted to share a personal reflection of...
Published 06/29/23
Let's discuss the journey of being single and healing your relationship with relationships!  Today, Juliette Marie joins me on the podcast to riff about her story of becoming single and learning to heal her relationship patterns. This is such a beautiful conversation that I am so excited to share with you! Juliette is a life coach, yoga instructor, sound healer, and retreat facilitator that creates a safe place for people to grow, heal & connect with community! In today's...
Published 06/27/23
Let's talk about Spiritual Warfare. I know.. such a heavy topic right? But a while back on Instagram, I asked all of you if this was something you believed in and wanted more information on. The response I got was astounding. The majority of you were craving an episode on this topic so here we are! EP327: Plant Medicine, Spiritual Warfare & Mental Health Spiritual Warfare is a concept that has gotten a lot of popularity over the last few years. It's based on the idea that there is...
Published 06/20/23
I have a really powerful and personal episode for you on the Lauren of Love Podcast today.    I am sharing my ENTIRE healing story from start to finish.   Man, I am not going to lie this was a hard one to put together. Mainly because it felt like there was so much information I wanted to share with you guys that it felt hard to keep it to one episode.   I get asked a lot to tell my story from start to finish. And now there's an entire episode to share the narrative with you.   In the...
Published 06/13/23
Welcome back to another episode of the Lauren of Love Podcast.   This one is a really vulnerable one. I am sharing about my healing journey and what I've been learning as I navigate this next level of my expansion.    I always want this space to be a platform where I can share openly and honestly with you all about what I am navigating. And in this season of my life, I have been navigating a LOT.   In today's episode of the podcast, I share it all in the hopes that it helps you and...
Published 06/06/23