The one thing that's going to damage your self-concept is knowing you have big dreams then sitting on them, not going all in, or trusting what other people say about it more than yourself. Makenzie talks about how to catch it, change it, and go all in on yourself. ❤️‍🔥 JOIN THE AUDACITY CHALLENGE: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/offers/rjQB9Wpk/checkout 📝 JOIN THE AUDACIOUS COURSE WAITLIST: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/blank-page-df2b049d-99b3-42d7-bbc6-b718d3be100b 📱FOLLOW ME...
Published 08/24/23
This is for the gals who pride themselves on being hard on themselves because you think it makes you more successful. I break down how there's 2 kinds of "hard on yourself", one which is sneakily detrimental and one that can seriously change your success. Can't wait to hear what you think! ❤️‍🔥 JOIN THE AUDACITY CHALLENGE: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/offers/rjQB9Wpk/checkout  📱FOLLOW ME HERE:  https://www.tiktok.com/@makenzieco https://www.instagram.com/makenzieco/ Want...
Published 08/22/23
Today's episode is for the people who are "half trying" with their goals usually out of fear. We talk about why the idea of partially going in is a confidence issue and how to solve it. Listen in!   ❤️‍🔥 BUY THE AUDACITY CHALLENGE: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/offers/rjQB9Wpk/checkout  📱FOLLOW ME HERE:  https://www.instagram.com/makenzieco/  https://www.tiktok.com/@makenzieco 
Published 08/15/23
Something that will make an expontential difference in your results is how you view and build momentum. In this episode, Makenzie chats about how she sees momentum and how it's helped her build the booming business she has today.  ❤️‍🔥 BUY THE SECRET OFFER: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/offers/rjQB9Wpk/checkout  📱FOLLOW ME HERE:  https://www.instagram.com/makenzieco/ https://www.tiktok.com/@makenzieco 
Published 08/07/23
Listen to the last day of the Choose Yourself series where Makenzie talks about a skill that's helped her have crazy fast success in business WHILE having a really emotionally rich life while doing it. If you feel like you have to hustle for success, sacrifice, do things you dislike for the sake of success - this is the episode for you! Join Unlimited: https://makenzieco.com/unlimited         #ImproveYourConfidence #CoachingWomemFounders #LeadershipCoaching #SocialMarketing ...
Published 07/25/23
Listen to a very special weekly episode where you get to hear inside a bonus Unlimited coaching call! We talk all things life, confidence, business, relationships, and dating. If this episode speaks to you, if you'd like to be in a room with these conversations every week for a YEAR, come join Unlimited! https://makenzieco.com/unlimited       #ImproveYourConfidence #CoachingWomemFounders #LeadershipCoaching #SocialMarketing #ImprovingSelfAwareness #LifeCoaching ...
Published 07/18/23
Listen in on the recent Client Panel that was hosted on the Bank On Yourself free workshop (catch the replay below!). Clients talk about what they struggled with before Unlimited, their favorite part of being in this community, growth they've had and advice for YOU on hitting your biggest life and business goals this year. Link to join Unlimited: https://makenzieco.com/unlimited Free workshop replay: https://youtu.be/dwHv4O7GPW4         #ImproveYourConfidence #CoachingWomemFounders ...
Published 07/12/23
Today's episode talks about one concept inside Unlimited, Makenzie's year long signature group program, that's attributed to her early and fast success in business. It's something that's helped her make $200,000 her first year in business, has helped her still succeed through anxiety and depression, and supports her clients in growing in both their personal lives and businesses. Listen in! Register for July 11 free workshop: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/freeworkshop Apply to...
Published 07/10/23
One of the biggest success deterrents female founders face is comparison, especially with the rising use of social media. It has such a strong effect on our personal growth and success, often far more than we realize. Today's episode explores what unhealthy comparison is a sign of, the full-time solve for it, and 3 questions to ask yourself when you find yourself comparing. Register for the July 11 free workshop here: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/freeworkshop Unlimited:...
Published 07/06/23
Today's episode is all about the fear's Makenzie personally had about confidence before she started her confidence journey! She feared what people would think, if people would "unmask her as unworthy", and really questioned if she was enough. Listen to hear how she debunks the misconceptions! Register for the July 11 free workshop here: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/freeworkshop Unlimited: https://makenzieco.com/unlimited       #ImproveYourConfidence  #CoachingWomemFounders  ...
Published 07/04/23
Today's episode explores Makenzie's take on rejection and how the fear of rejection slows many down from hitting and going after their most audacious goals. She explains the difference between feeling rejected & being rejected and the number one best way to never get slowed down by rejection or the fear of it.  Register for the July 11 free workshop here: https://www.makenzieconklin.com/freeworkshop  #confidence #womenfounders #femalefounders #leadershipcoaching #marketing...
Published 07/02/23
This is maybe our best episode yet! This week's episode explains the three biggest reasons why the energy you're putting into your inner work may not be changing your confidence, income, lifestyle, and identity as fast or as much as you've expected. When you can change these three things, you'll watch as you build full-time confidence and the lifestyle to match. If this episode resonated, register for the July 11th, 2023 free workshop Bank On Yourself: How To Hit Any Life Or Business Goal...
Published 06/27/23
Listen to a very special weekly episode where you get to hear inside a bonus Unlimited coaching call! We talk all things life, confidence, business, relationships, and money. And make sure to register for the July 11th FREE workshop — Bank On Yourself: How To Hit ANY Life And Business Goal Using Confidence! You’ll learn: - How building full-time confidence can be fast and easy, no matter who you are - The marketing strategy that helps countless clients double their income - The mindset...
Published 06/21/23
Today's episode explores the fears that hold us back: fear of success and fear of failure. When we asked women why they're afraid to believe in themselves, it came back to these two fears. We explore not feeling enough, being afraid of what others thing, worry of losing important relationships. We also chat through the solutions to both fears! This is a good one, listen in! And if you loved the episode, come join our free workshop Bank On Yourself: How To Hit Any Life Or Business Goal...
Published 06/13/23
In today's episode, we're talking about a really simple misconception about confidence that keeps it nearly impossible to have full-time, unwavering confidence. We talk about what most women focus on when it comes to building confidence and how it steers them wrong, what to focus on instead, and how to gain full-time, unapologetic self-belief. If you know you want to use confidence to hit ANY life or business goal, come register for our free workshop on July 11th, 2023! Use the links below. ...
Published 06/06/23
In this episode, we chat the difference between relying on emotions versus beliefs when it comes to taking action towards our goals. By developing a confident identity and belief system, we can take strong action towards our goals much easier than when we rely on emotions. This switch helped Makenzie move across the country, start a business, and build a half-million dollar brand in 2.5 years. If this episode resonated, reach out to Makenzie to talk about it and come apply for 1:1 Coaching! ...
Published 05/16/23
In today's episode, we talk about my concept "Encore Energy" - this episode is 100% for you if your selling confidence changes depending on if you're receiving validation, fear rejection, or tend to pull back when success isn't immediate.  We talk about the best mindset switch you can make, go through examples you can apply whether it's in your career, dating, or business, and help you never see a gap in success as rejection.  Book your sales call for 1:1 Coaching here!  #confidence...
Published 05/09/23
In today's episode, we're exploring my concept of Success Model versus a Shame Model! A shame model is what your brain says you "should" do to see success; a success model is the individualized way YOU succeed most! We delve into how to identify if you're in a shame model and the signs to look out for. We hear examples from Makenzie and her clients who have discovered their Success Model and are thriving in life AND business. Join us as we celebrate all the wins, including Makenzie's...
Published 05/04/23
This week we're challenging the limiting belief of desiring "proof" to believe in yourself and how it can lead to a perpetual (what we call) "disbelief cycle" that slows us down towards creating success. Makenzie shares her empowering take on how you can create proof just by believing you can take action rather than believing you can succeed. We talk the importance of self-trust, believing you can take the action rather than achieve the result, and the power of getting out of your disbelief...
Published 04/25/23
Something that's massively contributed to my growth as an entrepreneur and my income growth (different things!) is creating a community for myself. In today's episode, I talk about how a group isn't necessarily a community, how alone I felt the first year in my business, and how finding deep, true friendships really changed the trajectory of my business.  Unlimited enrollment is open until March 20, use this link to enroll or book a sales call with Makenzie!               #confidence...
Published 03/14/23
Listen in to hear from our Unlimited clients talk about their growth, experience, and unrealistic success! We're having women on who all thought they couldn't succeed, yet went onto pay off $25,000 of debt, 11x their income, start a business in a few months they thought would take years, fall in love with their business, move abroad, and double their lifetime sales! They're answering: What they were struggling with before Unlimited The best part of Unlimited Their most beautiful &...
Published 03/08/23
When our marketing isn't converting as highly as we desire, there's always a reason why. In this episode, we cover 5 top reasons that will explain what might be at play and how to adjust it! In this episode, we chat: Why confidence plays so much into your marketing How to easily identify which reason it could be How our clients have used this to 5-10x their incomes! Come connect with Makenzie:  - Register for the free training on March 7 on how to create unrealistic success   -...
Published 02/28/23
If you're someone who often thinks that you're not consistent enough to succeed - whether consistent with your beliefs, work ethic, marketing, working out, or dieting - this episode is for you. Similarly, if you worry you're "not enough" for success, this episode will really change your perspective. Working with Makenzie, you'll quickly learn that it's NEVER that who you are, your experience, skills, abilities aren't enough. It's just that you've convinced yourself or been conditioned...
Published 02/21/23
Confidence is built in the lows - not when you're on a high, everything is going well, and you're riding a wave of success. One of the biggest success deterrents is only feeling confident when things are going well. We want you confident! You get to feel confident all of the time, every single day. In today's episode, I'll be showing you one of the tools I use with my clients that helps them feel empowered in those low points, which is exactly what builds their confidence over time. In...
Published 02/14/23
Listen to my client Kristina and I crack open some drinks as she asks me questions she's always wanted to know and those that you in my audience asked as well! We talk about what I'm insecure about, my relationship, if I think certain marketing tactics are unethical, and more! 
Published 01/24/23