This week we are talking about everyone’s favorite topic. Money.  We all want more of it, and we all have our struggles with personal finances, and our relationship with money.  In this episode, Jeramiah is breaking down his 4 keys to RICHes, detailing how you can analyze your relationship with money, and then put a plan into place to help your own financial situation.
Published 08/01/23
Networking isn't easy. We live in a world today where people try to network through events, social media, and in some cases, by going out and actually meeting new people. While reaching people has never been easier.. it is still easy to find yourself with a large circle of "connections" who don't seem to be helping you move forward at all. In this episode, Jeramiah and Justin are going over the keys to networking with INTENT and ensuring you put yourself in front of the people who will...
Published 07/25/23
Goal setting is often talked about in personal development, but what we hear less about is going out and working every day to achieve those specific goals you’ve set. Many struggle with what is commonly referred to as “shiny object syndrome” meaning it is easy to set a goal based on the results you’ve seen others have, and then switch up your plan every time you see a new success story.  In this episode, Jeramiah will dive into best practices for creating your vision, setting specific...
Published 07/18/23
The personal development industry is an industry worth billions of dollars, but as we all know, most people are still struggling to find the results they are looking for. As most of us already know, this is because absorbing the information in the industry does not actually lead to self development. It doesn’t matter how many books you read, podcasts you listen to, or seminars you attend.  What matters is putting in the work day in and day out. In this episode, Jeramiah is breaking down...
Published 07/11/23
When it comes down to it, all of us are really chasing after one thing... happiness. In this week's episode, Jeramiah and Justin break down 2 keys anyone can focus on to increase their happiness, and find work they love. If you've been feeling stuck in your job, your fitness, or your social life, this episode will help you.
Published 07/04/23
Leadership is one of the keys separating the good from the great, but what happens when there’s a gap between potential and performance? This week on Be the Leader, we unravel the common pitfalls of leadership, share actionable strategies, and empower you to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This episode will leave you with the tools you need to strengthen your leadership today, and help create an impact on those around you.
Published 06/20/23
This week Jeramiah and Justin are sitting down with Stephan D'Urso and Josh Brunson to recap and discuss their event hosted in Salt Lake City, Utah from June 09 through June 12, 2023. Conquer Quest events are designed to develop leaders and bring out the best in our students by putting them through hardship, teaching them the lessons necessary to become better leaders, and providing the opportunity to put those lessons into practice in high-pressure situations. If you want to learn more...
Published 06/14/23
This week, Jeramiah and Justin discuss time management strategies for business owners.  A lot of starting entrepreneurs get caught up “playing business” early on and sorting through all the legal paperwork, setting up their accounting, and dumping money into advertising for a product or service they might not even have fully figured out yet. Admittedly, taking that approach can be a lot of fun for a while, but it often causes your business to spin out of control and fail pretty...
Published 06/06/23
In this episode, Jeramiah and Justin unravel the process of starting a successful business or side hustle, and discuss how to harness your passion to accelerate your success. After experiencing multiple failed attempts at starting a business, we've come to realize that the key ingredient for success in entrepreneurship is having a clear mission built around your passion. By tuning in to this episode, you'll learn practical steps and exercises to identify and overcome obstacles, enabling...
Published 05/30/23
This week, Jeramiah explores the transformative power of personal development in overcoming life's challenges. You will discover how personal development acts as a catalyst, unleashing your untapped potential and empowering you to confront fears and transcend limitations. You will also uncover the profound impact personal development can have on relationships, career, and overall well-being, and embrace the possibilities that arise when you align your actions with your aspirations.
Published 05/23/23
This week Jeramiah and Justin are diving into the often unspoken topic of men’s emotions, and exploring the importance of maintaining control in the face of life’s challenges. We are noticing a huge problem in the world, and that problem is men struggling to be the men they were created to be because of the societal pressures and norms that have led to a culture of suppressed emotions, and unstable relationships.
Published 05/16/23
In this episode, we delve into the experience of "33 hours," an event that challenged a group of men to become better versions of themselves through physical and emotional trials. Over the course of 33 grueling hours, participants were pushed to their limits as they faced intense physical challenges and emotional vulnerability. Through it all, they learned valuable lessons about strength, resilience, and what it truly means to be a man. Join us as we explore the journey of these men and...
Published 05/09/23
This week Jeramiah and Justin are exploring the concept of A, B, and C players in leadership and on your team.  We define each group and discuss how they can impact leadership, including how to manage and develop employees, and the potential drawbacks of using these labels.  We'll provide tips for leaders to effectively navigate this framework and develop all types of employees.
Published 05/02/23
Are you tired of feeling stuck or overwhelmed? It's time to design a high-performance ecosystem that works for you.  In this episode, we discuss the importance of taking control of your environment, and offer tips for creating a structure that supports your personal and professional goals.  From setting boundaries to surrounding yourself with positive influences, we share the tools you need to build a life that fuels your success.
Published 04/25/23
This past week marked 19 years since the tragic events that occurred in America on September 11, 2001. After the attacks, every single person in America was changed for good. Some of us were inspired to join the military, to serve this country, in lieu of 9/11. Others have decided to step up and become better leaders, whether that be in business, in their family, or in some other way. 9/11 is an example of an event that inspired massive amounts of action. It has been said that...
Published 04/22/23
As a leader of leaders, you face unique challenges in communicating with your peers and superiors, as well as guiding and inspiring your team to achieve their goals. In this episode, Jeramiah and Justin discuss the importance of building relationships with your colleagues and superiors, creating a culture of trust and collaboration, and developing a shared vision for success. Whether you're a new leader or a seasoned veteran, this episode will provide you with the skills and mindset...
Published 04/18/23
Creating a vision for yourself and your team is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adaptation. In this episode, we'll explore the importance of setting a clear direction and how to ensure that your vision remains relevant and achievable. We'll also discuss how to involve your team in the vision-setting process, so they feel invested in the outcome.
Published 04/11/23
This weeks episode is about the leadership secret to increasing the overall performance of those around you. However, it isn't too much of a secret. The "Secret" is leading by example. Many people say they want their teams to do better, but are they really willing to do the work it takes? Additionally, todays show covers some awesome personal development strategies. Everything from how to shift your paradigm, how to make definite decisions and how to adjust your performance to meet your...
Published 04/04/23
We've all had setbacks that leave us feeling hopeless. During those times, it is important to make a conscious effort to control your feelings, while also facing them and not bottling them up.  In this episode, we use Jeramiah's most recent mma cage fight against an olympic wrestler, and his adventure of going nomad, to discuss helpful tactics to thrive during times of uncertainty.
Published 02/28/23
In his younger days, Jeffrey Learned cared about two main things... his football career and having a great time.  After going through his early twenties and spending a lot of his time out on the weekends, and turning to the bottle, he realized there was more to this life, and he eventually discovered his true purpose.  Today, Jeffrey is a former Green Beret who served as a Special Forces Medical Sergeant, and he is now pursuing his dreams in entrepreneurship, and fulfilling his purpose to...
Published 02/21/23
The Manitou Incline is a hiking trail located near Colorado Springs that ascends approximately 2,000 feet in elevation (peaking at about 8,590 feet) over a span of a mile. Over the years, there have been only a  handful of audacious climbers who have hiked this trail 500 times in a year earning themselves a spot in the "500 Club". Additionally, there are only a rare few who have made it to the "1,000 club", and Rachel Jones is one of them. Rachel Jones aka "The Queen of the Incline" is the...
Published 01/24/23
It's no secret that hard work plays a role in success, but have you ever felt like you are working as hard as you possible can, and simply not seeing any progress toward your goals?  You may even feel like you are just getting further and further away from your goals.  You feel like your tires are spinning, or you're beating your head off a wall over and over again, only to find out there's a door wide open right next to you.  In this episode, I give you three specific tactics to help you...
Published 12/20/22
Jerrett Solven grew up with his four brothers in a small town in nothern California, where from a young age all four of them were taught the value of a dollar, the importance of hard work, and overall how to be resourceful and live with what they had.  Fast forward to today, and Jerrett has had a career in the U.S. Marine Corps and is now heavily focused on becoming a beast with his passion he found for photography.  In this episode, Jerrett and Jeramiah go deep into discussion on their...
Published 08/16/22
Success is only found through the persistent effort of failing forward. Today's guest embodies all of the principles needed to succeed at the highest level. Yasmine Buenaseda had a stellar career in the military, managing 900 plus people by the time she was 23 years old, and achieving a job in the top 1% in the Army as a Special Operations Civil Affairs Officer. None of her achievements came easily. In fact, Yazz's entire life has a theme of taking the harder path, throwing herself in over...
Published 07/26/22
Norvell McGlaun is a former D1 football player who was born and raised in Canada and made his way down to Florida to achieve his goals. Today he is working tirelessly to build his lifestyle clothing brand UNLIMITED and connecting himself with high-level performers and entrepreneurs to gain an extra boost. Jeramiah and Norvell were connected through a mutual mentor, who some of you may know as Major Steel. In today’s episode, these two discuss some of their absolute darkest moments, and the...
Published 07/12/22