Struggling to articulate the value of your coaching services without making grandiose promises?  Join me in this enlightening discussion where I share my unique approach of using "enrollment igniters" to highlight the micro-problems that you solve for your clients.  Listen in as we explore how nuance can be a niche, and how enrollment igniters can not only help you stand out in a saturated market but also attract a variety of clients. Through my experiences, you'll learn about supporting...
Published 12/19/23
Picture this: your beautifully crafted marketing content, streamlined sales strategies, and intuitive business sense don’t yield the desired results. You're stuck on the hamster wheel of perfectionism, losing energy and not knowing why. We've all been there, and in this week's episode, we're addressing the elephant in the room – optimization and why it’s vital IF you want to get the best results. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: What optimization of...
Published 12/12/23
After supporting 100s of entrepreneurs across various industries, there are three things I’ve observed that impact business owners’ copywriting and its performance. Listen to this episode to hear what they are and how to avoid making these mistakes. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The crucial role of content and copywriting in successfully selling the invisible and how to use them to attract clients and sell your products or services.The differences...
Published 12/05/23
If you’re a coach or consultant struggling to decide how to price your products or services, you’ll want to listen to this episode to hear the four big myths about high ticket offers and sales. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How high ticket pricing is being used to position offers to say it attracts better more empowered clients and why that isn’t true. The four myths about high ticket offers and how to decide for yourself how you want to price your...
Published 11/28/23
If you’re new in business or getting ready to launch a new offer and you’re spending a lot of time marketing your business but you’re not experiencing sales, you must listen to this episode. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: What the difference is between a marketing and sales funnel and the time and place to use a marketing funnel and when to use a sale funnel.The mistake a lot of new business owners make that is slowing sales down in their business and...
Published 11/21/23
If you’re contemplating selling a bunch of different things, but you’re struggling to generate sales, this episode will reveal my decision-making process on when is the right time to launch new offers. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How I decided when was a good time to launch two new offers and what I considered before I did it.Why I don’t believe in just selling one thing but I do believe in timing when to launch more offers.  The key thing to consider...
Published 11/14/23
If you find yourself taking it personally when people don’t buy, I want you to know, that you’re not alone. But I invite you to tune into this episode to hear how I navigated this, too. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’s EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How sales are like dating and navigating it with conviction, not desperation. Why people typically choose not to buy, and it rarely has anything to do with you. The key to selling has nothing to do with how well you articulate the value of...
Published 11/07/23
We all hide from time to time in our business and life but if we truly want to experience freedom we must show up in the fullest expression of who we truly are. Easier said than done for a few reasons, and this weeks guest Rachel Freemon Sowers shares why. Rachel Freemon Sowers is a sought-after Liberation &Visibility Coach, Podcast Creator & Host, LMFT,  and the founder of the 100% U Experience. Her passion is empowering  LGBTQ+ & female entrepreneurs and professionals to be 100%...
Published 10/31/23
If it’s hard to have faith before you have proof that things are working in your business like landing clients or selling out your offers, I recommend listening to this episode. I’m sharing how to sit with the discomfort of doubt and not fully trusting yet. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The superpower needed IF you want to navigate the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.Why it’s hard to believe when we have proof or evidence of things working…yet.How I...
Published 10/24/23
If you’re a soulful coach who has yet to sell your offer 2-3 times, you’ll want to tune into this episode where I share how to position your offer so it sells with just a single email. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Why is just making sure your offer has a clear promise and way of achieving it isn’t enough in a saturated market.The most critical ingredient to creating a compelling offer that sells with a single email, especially if you’re in a saturated...
Published 10/17/23
If I was starting my online business from scratch, this is what I would do differently knowing what I know now. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The things that kept me stuck in the wedds in my business without creating any really traction. The number one place I would focus most of my attention to create rapid momentum and success.Why what seems like a good idea (& the most logical) is often the ones that lead us to just doing more work with little to...
Published 10/10/23
Invested in coaches or programs but haven’t seen the return on investment or realized midway through that you didn’t align with the strategies they taught, I’m sharing with you how to assess what you actually need so you can make an informed decision.  BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The key critical ingredient every strategy needs that’s often not taught in most programs.How to self-assess what you need to ensure you’re investing in the right coach or...
Published 10/03/23
If you feel like you’re throwing spaghetti against the wall or have no idea how to assess what is working in your marketing and sales, you’ll definitely want to tune into this episode as I share how to use data to inform you. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How to use data to identify what is working and what isn’t working in your marketing and sales so that you can achieve better results.How to avoid changing something that is actually working and stop...
Published 09/26/23
If you’re in the business, you’re in the business of relationships. So knowing how to communicate in an emotionally intelligent way is vital if you want to cultivate killer relationships with your potential clients and clients. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The truth about communicating in an emotionally intelligent way and how most people misinterpret what it means.Knowing how to communicate in an emotionally intelligent way is vital if you want to...
Published 09/19/23
Is your marketing & sales really not working? Or is something else at play that’s causing you to want to burn shit to the ground or change everything in an attempt to make things work. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The root cause that causes many entrepreneurs to sabotage their marketing and sales success without even knowing it. How to reset your default mindset patterns from scarcity to abundance to ensure you’re not reacting to your business but...
Published 09/12/23
Are you overlooking this in your marketing strategy? It’s one of the phases in a marketing strategy that is highly disregarded in marketing, especially because we live in a world that is constantly striving for more and never feeling like we’re doing enough. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The #1 thing that’s overlooked in most marketing strategies that keeps business owners constantly need ‘more’ clients.Why focusing on this one thing can support you in...
Published 09/05/23
Ever wonder how the words you choose impact the clients you attract? In this episode, I’m sharing practical examples of how your language plays a huge role in the type of people you attract. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Practical examples of the marketing language we use impact who we attract into our business.How what we sell through our language needs to align with how our experience really is, or we run the risk of our clients not being the best fit...
Published 08/29/23
If the ebbs and business flow stress you out, you’ll want to listen to this episode. I share how my most recent trip to North Carolina was a big reminder of how perspective dictates so much of our success. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How travel is one of our greatest teachers, and how much we can learn from it.What most entrepreneurs struggle with and how to overcome it. The ONE thing you can do to make this entrepreneurial journey way less stressful.If...
Published 08/22/23
What if your inner resistance isn’t self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, or another mindset block? What if it’s a signal not to pursue something that seems good on paper? I’m sharing more on this in this episode. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: The ONE thing my mentor said to me that changed the way I looked at my business and what I created.Why resistance doesn’t always mean you’re blocking your success and how to know the difference between the two.How our...
Published 08/15/23
Find yourself wondering how much is too much value to give away for free? Well, I’m sharing in this episode my thoughts on this question and how to ensure you’re delivering amazing free value to your audience without the fear of wondering if it’s too much. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How much is too much value to give away for free, and what value do you want to focus onWhy most content is surface level and how to create depth in what you do to form a...
Published 08/09/23
Not sure what content to create for your audience? I’m sharing some powerful content prompts that will help you generate ideas and spark creativity. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Four potent content prompts to help you come up with content that lands like a lightning bolt on the hearts of your people. My big confession about my content creation process.How to shift out of your mental brain and into your body to create moving content.If this episode...
Published 08/01/23
Business is so simple, but for many entrepreneurs, we overcomplicate it. So in this episode, I am sharing the three phases of the customer buying journey and practical steps for your audience down it. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: Why most entrepreneurs overcomplicate business and the reason why most entrepreneurs hate marketing.The three phases of the customer buying journey and simple steps to moving your audience down it.How to go back to the basics to...
Published 07/25/23
If you’re not experiencing consistent sales in your business but you’re spending lots of time growing your audience and email list, this episode is for you. I’m sharing how to keep things simple with the basics of marketing and sales so that you can attract consistent paying customers and clients monthly. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How most online coaches overcomplicate marketing that causes them to block sales. The one thing that causes online...
Published 07/18/23
Digital marketing and sales are shifting big time. And what used to work is no longer working. If you want to hear what Threads is showing us about how digital marketing is shifting, tune into this episode. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: What the adoption of Threads is showing us about how digital marketing is shifting and what is no longer working.Why I joined Threads within the first 24 hours of its launching when I typically resist joining a ‘new’...
Published 07/11/23
Are you trying to “make things happen” in your business, but it feels hard? Or do you believe you need to be hyper-productive to be successful? If YES, you need to listen to this episode as I share how to stop playing into urgency culture while still thriving in your business. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING TO TODAY’S EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: How to stop playing into urgency culture and needing to be hyper-productive but still thrive in business.Why focusing on social media growth will keep...
Published 07/04/23