EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/4azoWGy ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 本集故事涉及性騷擾議題,期盼家長能陪伴孩子一起收聽,並且予以說明。 Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27iUEmq8b3U&t=1126s Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人隨便摸你的身體,你會覺得不舒服嗎?(If someone touches your body casually, would you feel uncomfortable?)是性騷擾嗎?(Is this sexual harassment?)還是你覺得這是對方表達親切的方式,因此不必太在意呢?(Or do you think this is the other person's way of showing affection, so you don't need to take it too seriously?)這個問題真的沒那麼容易,Bear老師也沒辦法直接告訴你答案。(This question is really not that easy, and I can’t tell you the answer directly.)不過,我們可以先來聽聽Amy小朋友的經驗,再回頭來想想這個問題喔。(However, we can first listen to Amy’s experience, and then think about this question later.) Robin:Amy!……Amy!………Amy!Amy!……Amy! Amy:Robin! Robin:你在想什麼啊?(What are you thinking about?)我叫了你好幾聲,你都沒有反應。(I called you several times, but you didn't respond.) Amy:我……我……我在想………。(I…I…I was thinking…) Robin:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)你好像有心事。(Seems you have something on your mind.)你沒事吧?(Are you OK?) Amy:我…我不知道應不應該說。(I…I don't know if I should say it.) Robin:到底是什麼事啊?(What’s going on?)我能幫得上忙嗎?(Can I help?) Amy:嗯……,我也不知道你能不能幫我。(Hmm… I don't know if you can help me.) Robin:你說了我才知道能不能幫你啊。(I won’t know if I can help you unless you tell me.) Amy:可是,你答應要幫我保密喔。(But you have to promise to keep it a secret for me.) Robin:蛤?你做了什麼壞事嗎?(Huh? Have you done anything bad?) Amy:我不確定是不是壞事……可是……(I'm not sure if it's a bad thing…but…) Robin:喔~~別怕,我答應你不說,而且我真的想幫助你。(Oh~~Don’t be afraid, I promise you won’t tell, and I really want to help you.) Amy:嗯~~~謝謝。那~~我要說了喔!(Yeah~~~Thank you. Then~~I will just say it!) Robin:嗯,放心。你可以相信我。(Well, don’t worry. You can trust me.) Amy:我剛剛去了William 哥哥家。(I just went to William's house.) Robin:就是那個在我們圖書館當志工的大學生William 哥哥。(William? the college student who volunteers in our library?) Amy:嗯。(Yeah.) Robin:我也去過他家,他邀請我去他家看漂亮的魚缸,還玩最新的線上遊戲。(I also went to his house. He invited me to his house to see the beautiful fish tank and play the latest online games.) Amy:那~~你告訴你爸媽你去了他家嗎?(Then~~did you tell your parents that you went to his house?) Robin:嗯~我說了啊?為什麼不能說?這又不是壞事。(Yeah, I told them. Why can't I say it? There’s nothing wrong with that.) Amy:可是他要我不可以說出去,他說如果他爸媽知道他偷玩線上遊戲,一定會打他的。(But he asked me not to tell anyone. He said that if his parents knew that he secretly plays online games, the
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Published 04/30/24
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/4azoWGy ----以上訊息由 SoundOn...
Published 03/30/24