EP.76 十個太陽/Ten Suns
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高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 本集背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGrlii34zlM Hello, This is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,炎炎夏日,當大大的太陽照在身上時,你是不是覺得快融化了呢? Kids, when the sun shines on you in the hot summer, do you feel like you are about to melt? 才一個太陽,就讓我們熱得受不了了,那麼,如果天上同時出現十個太陽,我們一定會被烤焦的,是不是非常可怕呢? Just one sun can be unbearably hot. So, if ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time, we’d be scorched. Wouldn’t that be scary? 傳說,從前從前,天上真的有十顆太陽,他們是十個兄弟,也是天帝的兒子。 Legend has it that once upon a time, there were really ten suns in the sky. They were ten brothers who were the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. 這十個太陽的工作就是照亮大地,天帝規定他們一天一個輪流上班,按照所規定的路線從東到西緩緩移動。 The job of these ten suns was to light up the Earth. The Emperor of Heaven decreed that they should take turns to work each day, and move slowly from east to west on the prescribed route. 在天帝的監督下,每顆太陽盡責地完成一日的工作。 Under the supervision of the Emperor of Heaven, each sun completed the day’s work responsibly. 沒有工作的日子,其他的九個太陽也不能亂跑喔,他們得待在遙遠東方的一棵大樹上休息,等待下一次的工作。 The other nine suns couldn’t run around when unemployed. They had to rest on a big tree in the far east and wait to take their turn. 某天晚上,兄弟們抱怨道: One night the brothers complained: 兄弟一:沒工作的日子就得乖乖待在樹上,無聊死了。 Brother one:“On days when I don’t have work, I have to stay in the tree. It’s so boring.” 兄弟二:就是嘛~~而且工作的時候只能按照規定的路線移動,不能四處走走看看,那有什麼意思? Brother two:“That’s right. And when we’re working, we can only move along the set route, we can’t walk around, so it’s no fun at all.” 兄弟三:對啊,一點自由都沒有,我受不了。 Brother three:“Yes, there is no freedom at all. I can’t stand it.” 兄弟四:我也受不了了。 Brother four:“I can’t stand it anymore either”. 兄弟五:我也是。 Brother Five :“Me too.” 兄弟四:欸~~趁現在沒人注意,我們跑出去玩吧! Brother four:“Hey - let’s run out and play while no one is paying attention!” 兄弟六:這樣好嗎?父親要是知道了,會不會處罰我們? Brother Six:“Is it okay? If father knew, wouldn’t he punish us?” 兄弟七:所以要趁現在父親還在睡覺的時候快點出去,然後快點回來啊! Brother Seven:“So we have to go out quickly while father is still sleeping, and then come back quickly!” 兄弟八:可是現在沒有父親監督照看我們,會不會有危險啊? Brother Eight:“But now that we don’t have father to supervise and look after us, won’t it be dangerous?” 兄弟九:我們可是天帝的兒子,誰敢動我們? Brother Nine:“We are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven, who dares to touch us?” 兄弟十:沒錯!
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