Embark on an inspiring adventure with "Bedtime Time Travels" as we delve into the lush African forests to follow the extraordinary story of Jane Goodall. Discover how a young woman with a passion for animals became one of the world's most renowned primatologists and a trailblazer in chimpanzee research.In this episode, we explore Jane's ground-breaking journey from her early days in Gombe Stream National Park to her incredible discoveries about chimpanzee behavior and intelligence. Hear about...
Published 11/24/23
In today's enchanting episode of "Bedtime Time Travels," we embark on a royal adventure through the life of Queen Elizabeth II. From her unexpected ascension to the throne at a young age to becoming one of the most iconic figures in modern history, her story is a testament to grace, duty, and resilience. 🏰✨Join us as we explore the fascinating tales of her global travels, her meaningful gestures of friendship across nations, and her passionate involvement in charitable causes. Learn about her...
Published 11/22/23
Blast off with "Bedtime Time Travels" as we venture into the stars in our latest episode featuring astronaut Tim Peake, the first British astronaut to visit the International Space Station. Discover the thrilling journey of a man who turned his childhood dream of flying into an extraordinary adventure beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.Join us as we trace Tim’s path from flying helicopters to orbiting our planet. Experience the marvels of living in space, from conducting scientific experiments in...
Published 11/20/23
Join us on "Bedtime Time Travels" as we delve into the remarkable life of Albert Einstein. In this episode, we explore the story of a curious young boy who grew up to become one of the most brilliant minds in history. From his early fascination with a compass to his groundbreaking theories that reshaped our understanding of the universe, Einstein's journey is a testament to the power of imagination and persistence. Perfect for young minds eager to learn and dream, this episode will inspire...
Published 11/19/23
Today on "Bedtime Time Travels," we immerse ourselves in the extraordinary life of Helen Keller. Despite losing her sight and hearing at a young age, Helen's story is one of remarkable triumph over adversity. Join us as we explore how Helen, with the help of her devoted teacher Anne Sullivan, broke through the barriers of silence and darkness. Learn about her journey from a world of quiet and shadow to becoming a powerful advocate for people with disabilities, an accomplished author, and an...
Published 11/17/23
Dive into the remarkable life of Florence Nightingale in this episode of "Bedtime Time Travels." Discover how this trailblazer transformed nursing, braving the Crimean War frontlines to bring revolutionary changes in healthcare. Known as 'The Lady with the Lamp,' her legacy reshaped medical practices and left an enduring impact on public health. Join us for a journey through Florence's inspiring story, where compassion meets courage, changing history forever.
Published 11/15/23
Dive into the extraordinary life of Sir David Attenborough in this captivating episode of "Bedtime Time Travels." Join us as we journey through the lush rainforests, deep oceans, and sweeping landscapes that Sir David has explored. From his early fascination with the natural world to his knighthood and inspiring conversations with royalty, discover how this remarkable storyteller became a beloved and influential voice for our planet. Witness his evolution from a curious young naturalist to a...
Published 11/13/23
Embark on an inspiring 'Bedtime Time Travels' episode as we journey to the heart of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, where a young girl's courage sparked a global movement for education. Meet Malala Yousafzai, the fearless advocate who, with the power of her voice and pen, stood tall against adversity to fight for every child's right to learn. From her early days blogging under a pseudonym to the harrowing moment that nearly silenced her, Malala's resilience and steadfast dream of education for...
Published 11/11/23
Discover the remarkable life of Amelia Earhart, one of the world's most famous aviators, in our latest episode of 'Bedtime Time Travels.' From her spirited childhood to her trailblazing adventures in the sky, Amelia's story is a testament to the power of determination and breaking through barriers. Her legacy continues to inspire us to explore the unknown and reach for the stars. Join us on this captivating journey through history, and let her indomitable spirit spark your dreams of adventure...
Published 11/10/23
Dive into the extraordinary world of Nikola Tesla, the genius behind the namesake of Tesla electric cars. From his boundless curiosity to groundbreaking inventions, Tesla's life is a testament to the magic of science and the power of imagination. His legacy, including alternating current and visionary ideas, continues to shape the world. Join us as we explore the life of a true genius who dared to think differently and left a lasting mark on history.
Published 11/08/23
Embark on an inspiring journey through the life of Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the moon. From a dreamy young boy to an astronaut, his story teaches us to reach for the stars. Neil's historic moment on the lunar surface reminds us that dreams can come true, inspiring us to dare to dream big and explore the limitless universe.
Published 11/06/23
Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the life of a true hero, Helio Gracie, the creator of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Born in the heart of Brazil, Helio's story is one of determination, courage, and the triumph of the mind over muscle. In this episode, we'll delve into Helio's early days, his encounter with Mitsuyo Maeda, a judo black belt, and the birth of Brazilian jiu-jitsu—a martial art that values strategy and intelligence over brute force. Discover how Helio used his newfound...
Published 11/04/23
Embark on a captivating journey through time as we unravel the remarkable life of Alan Turing, a genius mathematician, and a brilliant codebreaker. In a world filled with complex puzzles and the challenges of World War II, Alan's unique way of thinking helped change the course of history. In this episode, we explore Alan's early days as a young boy with a love for numbers and patterns, his pivotal role as a codebreaker during the war, and his ground-breaking contributions to the world of...
Published 10/31/23
Join us on a remarkable journey through time as we explore the extraordinary life of Rosa Parks, a courageous lady who took a stand for what's right. In a time when the world was unfairly divided by the color of one's skin, Rosa's story is one of bravery, determination, and the power to make a difference. In this episode, we delve into Rosa's early days, growing up in a world where people were treated differently based on their skin color. We'll explain the unjust rules that segregated bus...
Published 10/29/23
In this episode of "Bedtime Time Travels" we embark on a mesmerizing journey through the life of the extraordinary artist, Frida Kahlo. As the stars twinkle in the night sky, young listeners are transported to a world of vibrant colours and bold creativity. Frida Kahlo, a passionate and resilient artist from Mexico, had a life as colourful as her art. The episode paints a vivid picture of her early days, her love for painting, and her determination to express herself through her unique works....
Published 10/28/23
In our first episode, "Bedtime Time Travels" takes young listeners on an enchanting journey into the life of the remarkable Marie Curie. Discover how this curious girl from Poland grew up to become a pioneering scientist who uncovered the mysteries of radiation. We explore her love story with Pierre Curie and the valuable lessons her life offers. Join us for a soothing, educational, and inspiring bedtime story for kids, reminding them that they, too, have the power to dream and make a...
Published 10/27/23