Christmas Special 2022 - Part 2 - Herod: When Killing toddlers isn't the worst thing you've done. by Beer and Bible
Published 02/09/23
Okay, WAAAAAYYY late, but we thought this one was worth getting into and learning about. Join Chris on an alcohol soaked adventure through the history of KING HEROD. King Herod? Part of the Christmas story is the king over Judea at the time that tried MURDERING TODDLERS. Some how soldiers brandishing tools of death never make it into the lawn/mantel nativity scenes.
Published 01/26/23
Another episode of interest. We continue in the Gospel of Matthew with another story of Jesus messing with the Pharisees' expectation of proper Sabbath behavior, but this time instead of it being about eating and harvesting, it's about whether or not it's okay to do "good" on the Sabbath.
Published 10/27/22
This is wild; Neil is in the passenger seat as Chris takes the wheel and teaches us about his own research into Demons in the Tanakh, or what many Christians call "the Old Testament." it's a wild ride that gets pretty crazy, but we hope you enjoy. If you were looking for a stronger more Jewish based, scholarly understanding, you've come to the WRONG place. If you want a start down that path and our commentary, you've come to the RIGHT place.
Published 10/06/22
Oh man, this is going to sound like a repeat of Episode 2, but it is in a different universe/timeline or whatever (think Sony vs. Disney Spiderman movies . . . Or Michael Keaton vs. Christian Bale Batman movies). this time we focus more on the Rabbinic discussions and exemptions on the Sabbath and some interpretations you could use to look at this.
Published 09/21/22
Ep. 55 - Woes and Fitting Yokes - Matthew 11.20-30 by Beer and Bible
Published 09/15/22
Alright, picking up where we left off, we continue our story in Matthew and finish up some teaching from Jesus.
Published 09/07/22
Here we go; after a long break waiting for my computer to get fixed, we have the latest (maybe not greatest) episode of Beer and Bible. This picks up from last episode and we highly recommend listening to that before getting into this episode. Originally this was supposed to be a fairly short podcast on 9 verses but we were sufficiently distracted. We talk about a couple different interpretations of a kingdom that Jesus refers to as coming "violently" as well as getting into what Chris...
Published 08/03/22
It's been a hot minute since we last saw John the Baptizer. . .We've just sent the disciples out to the people, so Jesus stays up North and gets word from John's crew asking him if he (Jesus) is the real deal, or if they are looking for another revolutionary. And Jesus, (as is his way), gives a really weird non-answer . . that still answers the question.
Published 05/18/22
Here we get Jesus describing the persecution ,and we talk a little bit about the crucifixion practices and Nero's musical career.
Published 03/30/22
What happens when the Bible isn't exactly accurate? We continue talking about the "Apostles" and how this section isn't 100% in order/correct in how Western people of the 21st century expect.
Published 03/10/22
This has the most click-bait opening of our podcasts so far. Enjopy.
Published 01/20/22
If there was ever an episode where we lose a few listeners, this is it. It's wild, and it covers the immaculate conception.
Published 12/31/21
We wrap up the story of the disciples and talk a bit abut what they've been commissioned to do. Some of this is based in strong evidence and tradition, while the rest is adventurous speculation steeped in an IPA.
Published 12/02/21
We continue talking about the apostles some more. We really try and give a sense of what these guys are like, which isn't quite what Sunday school or Youth group gives. Just guys in their 20's following a charismatic leader. No matter how I say this, it always seems like a cult. Which, I guess it kinda is?
Published 11/18/21
Ever wondered what the word "Apostle" means? Is that some weird church word? We look into Jesus sending out HIS "apostles" where the word came from, and the first two apostles. We bring in some pop culture, getting music suggestions from Chris, talking about Ghostbusters, and Robert Duvall's 1997 Performance.
Published 11/03/21
Here we go - this time we are closing out this section of Matthew (chapters 8-9) and rounding everything out, and more of Chris's drunken commentary.
Published 10/13/21
Here we go - you'll get a little bit of Chris's great parenting. Enjoy the weirdness as we talk about Jesus healing some blind people.
Published 09/29/21
Epsidoe 45 - John 9.27-31 by Beer and Bible
Published 08/19/21
An update from the hosts. Over the summer we tried recording, but the episodes recorded (all on Matthew) did not record correctly and were not something we could salvage. If you are wanting more bible, I would recommend skipping this episode. . . .But if you want to know about what we're up to, enjoy. We will be back with Matthew shortly. Thanks for the understanding.
Published 08/04/21
Non-Episode - Tangent night - Aren't all religions the same? by Beer and Bible
Published 06/02/21
Episode 44 - Matthew 9:14-27 by Beer and Bible
Published 05/19/21
This gets weird, but trust us, come along for the ride, and you might be only a little disappointed. As always, we're here to edu-tain.
Published 05/05/21
Chris and Neil stopped being Straight edge, so we get back into it, this time talking about Jesus and a little "HOE-seah" It's fun, as always, enjoy the ride, and warn your friends and family.
Published 04/21/21
More Jesus doing stuff, where he where we get weird, Neil drops knowledge, Chris gets weird. Everything you want in your Bible podcast.
Published 04/07/21