This episode is the last of series one, when we started out there was no plan to split the episodes up into short series (which is why series one ended up with 18 episodes). Looking back on what we have achieved so far is the focus of this episode. We'll be looking at our favourite beers over the course of the series, and what we'll be offering in series 2. Looking Back to the Start It was a Sunday afternoon and I was meeting Todd in the Duck in the Pond pub in Harrow. It's a pretty decent...
Published 11/12/17
After last episode's adventures in Beer Asylum we decided to record this week's episode in the relative quietness of my flat (which worked for me as I'm incredibly lazy). We will probably record another episode at that fantastic shop in the future, but at a quieter time. This week we talked about quick fix diet tricks that you can do to lose weight, we looked at West Sixth Brewing (a Kentucky brewery), and we rank our favourite IPAs from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Quick Fix...
Published 11/01/17
This week was a bit experimental, we attempted to record our podcast episode in a beer shop/bar called Beer Asylum in Pinner. While the bar itself was incredible, we made the (naive) decision to record it at 7:30pm on a Friday night. Consequently the bar was heaving, considering we were recording off my iPhone we were reduced to shouting into it! But luckily we're still able to be heard, and you can listen to us discuss the question "is the media failing fitness?". Beer Asylum, Pinner I...
Published 10/23/17
This week we are discussing the famous German Beer festival known as Oktoberfest, we drink Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier, and we discuss how to fix the UK. No we haven't gone all political, we're just looking at what we would do if we were in power to combat the UK's serious obesity crisis. The discussion was a lot of fun, and hopefully we raised some interesting points. Oktoberfest 2017 In September, my dad and I finally completed the trip we had been talking about for years. We went to Munich...
Published 10/08/17
Todd and I have been a little slow in bringing out new episodes recently, and I hope you can forgive us. In the last three weeks we've had Todd going on holiday to France, me going to Germany, my mum's 60th birthday, my 30th birthday, and we've both moved (or are in the process of moving) flat. Trying to fit in podcasts to that insane schedule has been challenging. But we're back this week with an episode on creating the perfect training program. The Perfect Training Program I've talked...
Published 10/01/17
Hello again, it's time for another beer n biceps podcast episode. This time we are taking a look back on what we have achieved, and looking forward to the future of our podcast. Apologies for the delay between episodes. We were interrupted by Todd going on holiday to France, then work/flat search scheduling conflicts, and finally me travelling up to my parents'. As I am off to Munich for Oktoberfest I can see potential for another slight delay, but hopefully after that we will be back on...
Published 09/18/17
This was a momentous week for Beer N Biceps, our humble little podcast received its 1,000th download (we're currently at 1,031) and we have had over 700 unique listeners. These numbers are NOT that impressive, but considering the completely amateurish approach we have demonstrated, and our very low goals, we are both extremely happy. Thanks to everyone who has listened. This week we discuss the benefits of sleep, review a Cherry beer by Bacchus, and talk about our top 5 most overrated...
Published 08/31/17
Hello again, and welcome to our 11th episode of Beer N Biceps. I really can't believe that we are about to hit 1,000 downloads! A pretty big achievement in my opinion (we really expected to get about 200 so this is crazy). Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and listened to us talk rubbish and get drunk. In this episode we discuss NEAT otherwise known as non exercise activity thermogenesis. The topic is very interesting, and I believe that it can have a huge effect on body...
Published 08/25/17
Hello again, welcome to our 10th episode of Beer N Biceps - coming to you a little later than usual due to our incredibly busy schedules (I was tidying the flat so had to reschedule from Monday to Thursday, exciting!). In this episode we talk about the Great British Beer Festival that we attended on the 11th August, we also talk about a grapefruit infused beer called Elvis Juice from Brewdog - a Scottish Brewery that really helped put British Craft Beer on the map. We also discussed some...
Published 08/20/17
Another podcast episode complete, and this time we also recorded a full-length video! At the time of writing it is taking around 10 hours to upload due to 1) it being 1 hour long, and 2) my wifi having dropped down to tortoise-like speeds over the last couple days. In this episode Todd and I focused mainly on why protein is king among the macronutrients. We also talked about weights and cardio, reps and sets, the right amount of beer required for optimal pub game skills, and we drank some...
Published 08/09/17
Hi guys and welcome to another episode of beer and biceps. This is episode 8 and in it we give you a complete myfitnesspal guide. We also discuss fat burners, Kirin Ichiban beer, and our favourite beer memories. Now I am not going to spend the rest of this article giving you an in-depth guide to using myfitnesspal, mainly because I have already completed a myfitnesspal pdf guide which you can download here: Getting to grips with My Fitness Pal Myfitnesspal Guide Check out the pdf above if...
Published 08/01/17
Hello again, another episode in our Beer N Biceps podcast, it's amazing that we've got this far - we'll soon be approaching our 500th download! As we have constantly pointed out, before we started this we'd have been happy with 100 (Hell, we threw a party when we did hit 100). We want to hit 1,000 before September, so you could say that we're becoming ambitious. This episode is mainly focused on diet. We also discuss over training, and we talk about the Tring Brewery (which we visited on...
Published 07/26/17
Another episode of Beer N Biceps is up, and this time we're talking about Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - otherwise known as DOMS. This is the awful pain that you feel the day after a workout, we will be discussing what it is, why it is there, and what you can do to alleviate the symptoms. We also answer some fitness questions on Carbohydrates and Dr Doom (long story), and review a beer called Life & Death from Vocation Brewery. What Are DOMS? I think the best description that I...
Published 07/18/17
Welcome back to another episode of Beer N Biceps, this week Todd and I spent time performing a training review, a look back at what we had done so far, and how it was going. We also answered some interesting questions regarding sleep, kale, abdominal exercises, and broccoli water. We reviewed a Kenyan beer called Tusker Beer, and did our first ever bar review: Munich Cricket Club in Victoria. Our Training Review So we are now 2 weeks into training, which you might think is a little too...
Published 07/11/17
Hello and welcome to episode 4 of the beer n biceps podcast, Todd and I recorded this episode on Monday night - where we managed to f**k up our facebook live, f**k up our video recording, and f**k up our initial podcast recording! It was a bit of a nightmare. But, the true professionals that we are - managed to record the episode one more time. So you are really getting 200% effort for the same amount of content. In this episode we look at creating your perfect training plan, we answer a...
Published 07/04/17
Hello again! Welcome to episode 3 of Beer N Biceps. In this week's podcast Todd and I talk about choosing a gym. We briefly mention Todd's new goals, and we discuss measurements. For about 45 seconds at the end of the podcast because we completely forgot! We also discuss our beer of the week. And have an unscheduled talk on our whiskey of the week (after Todd's dad dropped off a whiskey mid-podcast). Choosing a Gym When we had planned out the week's podcast we had agreed that we should talk...
Published 06/28/17
Hello again guys! Welcome to our second beer n biceps podcast, this week Todd and I looked at goal setting and how to use it effectively for your fitness and nutrition needs. We also briefly talked about the recent hot weather and how it can positively or negatively affect your diet and energy expenditure. We also review our beer of the week, which is Stone IPA (from the Stone Brewing microbrewery). We were also joined by guest podcaster Rodney, who suffers the disadvantage of being an...
Published 06/22/17
This is the first ever beer n biceps podcast created by myself and my good friend (and ex-client) Todd. Hopefully this will be the first of many weekly podcasts between the two of us, walking you through how we both approach training and leading a healthy lifestyle. You can listen to it here: Who Are We? Matt: I'm a fitness and nutrition freelance writer, you can read my work here, here, and here. I mostly do ghostwriting jobs though, so am largely un-credited (means I get to pay rent...
Published 06/14/17