I know a lot of you also left your home town, or even home country, to move out in the world and change your dream, whatever that might be. I guess we all have reasons for leaving, or running away. A big reason for me was that growing up, I never felt like I had people around me who I actually looked up to. I didn’t see an adult person doing anything impressive to me. No one who lived in a way that made me excited to also grow up and take on life. I saw adults around me who were uninspired...
Published 10/29/22
Today I'm sharing one simple idea from the book Yes, And by Kelly Leonard that actually changed the way I speak to myself and to other people.  I’m very critical of myself. I have high standards, I am my own worst critic and toughest coach. Whenever I stand in front of a decision, I used to always say.. “yes, but…” “Yes, but… I am not skilled enough, good enough, pretty enough, popular enough,.. “Yes, but, I don’t have the contacts, the resources, the energy.” “Yes, but, remember what...
Published 10/14/22
What if the universe really truly has your back. What if, every time you find yourself feeling comfortable in life, the universe will make sure that something happens so you can keep evolving. As a person, on all levels. The universe is making sure that you, as an individual, becomes the highest version of yourself. And to become the highest version of yourself, you have to always be tested, challenged to think in new patterns and leave your comfort zone. What if you could learn to see...
Published 09/16/22
The podcast where we ban shallow conversations and go deep 🍷 Grab a journal or a friend and answer the questions from “We’re not really strangers” with me! Send over your reflections on the Spotify app and we can share our stories with each other ♡ www.CharlotteEriksson.com Find all my books here: www.CharlotteEriksson.com/books
Published 09/04/22
Maybe, today, I know that I am more interesting internally than I will ever be externally. My thoughts and ideas and goals and visions are grander and more magnificent than any external achievement I’ve ever achieved, so telling my past story feels small and empty because I carry bigger things inside, so I don’t often talk about myself anymore. I don’t need to. I know one day it will materialise and maybe some people will notice, or they won’t, and I no longer care. As long as I took pride...
Published 08/20/22
An honest, vulnerable and intimate deep talk session with songwriter and artist EVELINE! 💭 Listen to Eveline's brand new single Under Pressure: www.listentoeveline.com Follow Eveline on IG & TikTok: @listentoeveline And you'll find everything you need to find on my website: www.CharlotteEriksson.com
Published 07/23/22
💭 Find all my books, writings and social media links on my website: www.CharlotteEriksson.com 💭 Having a minimalism lifestyle means having less and doing less in order to have more time, space and energy for the things that really truly matter to me. It helps me free myself from overwhelm, stress, find clarity and straighten out my priorities. When my own dreams and visions make me overwhelmed, I know I have made things too complicated. I have made life too complicated. I go back to...
Published 07/10/22
But life is not a static object or a one-way-street. It’s an ever-growing ever-evolving movement, a fleeting process that will flow in whichever direction it can, just because it simply can, and I’d like to mention amore fati; trusting your fate. Every single time something crashed my plans or dreams, I was forced to write a new plan, new goals, and take a different road. I cursed the moon and the stars and all the people walking on this earth who were in my way, because I thought I was being...
Published 06/09/22
“As a young poet, reading is a search for your lost family. You’re looking for your secret poetry fathers and your secret poetry mothers. And cousins and sisters, people who are like you. Not your biological family, but your imaginative family. The family you’d like to be reborn into. Every time you’ve found a poet you absolutely love, you’ve found another relative. People who are spiritual relatives. And that means you’re not alone. It means that you read Walt Whitman and you feel that...
Published 05/14/22
In this episode I share 7 life lessons I’ve learned from becoming obsessed with court trials on YouTube lol. 1. Know what you want before you begin. 2. Don’t make assumptions. 3. Don’t speculate 4. State “Irrelevant” and move on. 5. Move on quickly. 6. Listen and ask more than you speak. 7. Tell a story. Please come find me on Instagram @justaglasschild, and pick up signed copies of my books at www.charlotteeriksson.com/new-album 🤍
Published 05/01/22
“I don’t have another job other than being me and serving my life mission, which is to make people feel less alone and inspire people to design their own lives. But that involves more than just strumming my guitar or writing prose for a book.” Another episode in which I talk about questions, thoughts or struggles you’ve sent to me. I would love to hear your thoughts on the things I talk about on this podcast! Send me a DM on Instagram @justaglasschild, and we’ll create a community of support...
Published 04/03/22
Will I move to Portugal permanently? What is my daily routine? Life-changing book recommendations? A massive Q&A episode coming your way! www.CharlotteEriksson.com 🍷
Published 03/13/22
You can never go back to the same place twice. Something has always changed a little. You have changed, the place has changed, the people in it ... it’s not the same and you need to visit it with new eyes, no expectations, no lofty thoughts of wanting to go back to something. You can’t go back to anything, things are in constant movement and so are you. You must keep moving forward, on and on and not fight it. The ones who fight the natural flow of life will go against the current and nature...
Published 03/05/22
Welcome to a brand new podcast season where you’ll get to join me and some of my most inspiring, intelligent, creative and driven friends for deep talks over a bottle of wine or two! In this episode you’ll get to meet Elto, a singer/songwriter from Austria who’s currently working on a new album here in Berlin. Elto and I always get lost in conversations about everything and nothing, so we decided to catch over some wine and let you in on our conversation. We talk about everything from...
Published 01/29/22
If I could say anything to 17 year old me, it would be this: 1. Don’t be so scared. Don’t waste your days worrying about the next day, next month, 5 years from now. Just do what you can with today. Be what you are right now, and work with it. You’re exactly in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Trust your story, you’re going to be something wonderful one day but now you are something too. 5. Learn to let go. People, seasons, cities and feelings will come and go. it’s...
Published 01/21/22
How to handle grief and loss What is grief? Grieving, to me, is loving. Grieving is honoring. Missing is honoring. Missing the space this person used to take up on the planet, and now that space is aching, it’s empty. The problem with grief is that we make it about us. We always make things about ourselves, when it’s really not about us at all and neither does it serve us to believe it is. It’s never about us. I’ve had this one ringing line repeating in my head lately, saying: “There is no...
Published 01/07/22
The year I changed my own character. The year I stopped fleeing. The year I took responsibility for my own becoming. For my own happening. For my own success and happiness, home and surroundings. The year I learned how to quit being myself, and instead design a new self, deliberately, consciously, maturely. The year my heart broke, quietly dying. The year the vision I’ve had for a peaceful future was erased and gone, the house I thought I was living in was thrown up in the air during the...
Published 12/28/21
I’ve made life more complicated than it is, believing I need things or believing I am lacking things that I saw other people have. But ever since I came here my practice has been to simplify. Do less but do it with more precision and thought. Make every move matter. Each morning I’m learning the simple practice of just walking. Not while listening to music or a podcast or talking to someone one the home, literally just walking, listening to the sky and the waves rolling in.
Published 12/18/21
🍷 My new IG account: @stillaglasschild 🤍 What I’ve learned from having my instagram account shut down, gone, deleted. Yes, that happened. 5 days ago.. Not just my access to the 30,000 people who found and followed me there but I also lost 8 years of memories that I had captured in my posts.. It truly hurts on an emotional level, but it’s also detrimental for my business as a small independent author and songwriter since 90% of people who purchased my books every week found me through my...
Published 12/01/21
I think people who tend to feel or become disposable, are people who don’t respect themselves enough. But the good news is, we can change that any day. We just have to start letting people know that if we don’t feel appreciated and valued, we will find other friends who will make us feel appreciated and valued. If we’re in a relationship where we feel replaceable, we will make the person understand that if we don’t start to feel loved and valued, we will leave and know that there people out...
Published 11/11/21
Come with me for a slow walk through the streets of Berlin 🍂
Published 10/28/21
When you have an important decision to make: If you knew for sure, that you would have a great life and be happy no matter what you decided. Then what would you choose? This is a powerful one. We often base our decision on if it will make us happy or not. And this needs another layer because depending on what sort of personality type we are, we usually lean towards making decisions that will give us instant gratification, we want the happiness now. Or we lean towards being future focused...
Published 10/17/21
This is graceful ageing for me. Entering each age with intention and calm. Not just ending up there, but creating that place. Planning the maturity shift beforehand and giving myself the knowledge I will need, the strength I will need, the relationships I crave … before I get there.
Published 09/25/21
I’ve written four books about leaving, songs and poems, had an endless romance with starting over, packing light. But have you ever tried returning? Have you tried going back to make things right? Have you ever left a city small and sad, determined to never return but then you’re out there for a few years, roaming the streets, intertwining with people. You make a few rounds, collect some hearts, some wounds, and one day you come to one of those lakes where everything is still and quiet. The...
Published 08/19/21
Whenever I am transitioning from one thing to the next, throughout my day, I am practicing graceful transitions. This means that whenever I am moving from one task or meeting/conversation to the next, I am completely letting go of what I just did, and completely focus on the next things I'm about to do. Before I start the next task or leave for to meet up with a friend or whatever I might be doing, I go through the situation in my mind: how I will do this, why I will do it, what I want the...
Published 07/07/21