From Financial Ruin to Breaking World Records featuring James “The Iron Cowboy” Lawrence and Sunny Lawrence (Part 1)
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James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, is a renowned endurance athlete born in Calgary, Canada. He gained international recognition for completing 50 Ironman-distance triathlons in 50 consecutive days across all 50 U.S. states in 2015, a feat known as the "50-50-50." His journey into endurance sports began with a Thanksgiving fun run alongside his wife, Sunny Lawrence, sparking a passion for triathlons that led to various challenges and world records. Sunny Lawrence has been an integral part of James's journey, sharing in the love for triathlons and providing crucial support. As a team, they tackled ambitious projects like the "Try and Give a Damn" initiative, aiming to set a world record by completing numerous Half Ironman distance triathlons in a year while raising funds for charity. Their collaborative efforts have not only pushed the boundaries of human endurance but also highlighted the importance of resilience, dedication, and making a positive impact on the world. In this episode of Behind The Seen, Dean and Alana Stott interview James and Sunny Lawrence, a power couple whose journey from financial hardship led to an unexpected world record-breaking endeavor. The Lawrences share their inspiring story, from the early days of a chance meeting in Utah to facing economic challenges and losing everything. The couple found solace and purpose in the world of triathlons, leading to their first world record attempt to raise funds for charity. Join the conversation as they discuss the dynamics of their relationship, the challenges they overcame, and the unexpected turns that led to a remarkable journey of personal and athletic growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS Game Ready for Life's Opportunities: James emphasizes the importance of being "game ready" for life's opportunities, highlighting the need to position oneself for success when chances arise. Behind-the-Scenes Realities: The podcast explores the unseen struggles behind the successes we witness in media, business, athletics, and high-performance culture, with a focus on honest communication and mutual respect. Opposites Attract: The Lawrences' contrasting personalities, with James being more introverted and a dreamer, while Sunny is extroverted and grounded, demonstrate how opposites can complement each other in a partnership. Triathlon as Personal Development: Triathlons became a source of personal development and balance for the Lawrences, offering a way to navigate the challenges of parenthood while pursuing individual and shared goals. Turning Challenges into Opportunities: The Lawrences turned a period of financial difficulty into an opportunity to give back by embarking on a world record attempt, showcasing resilience and determination. HIGHLIGHT QUOTES "This generation, you got to get game ready... when the opportunity shows, boom, someone's going to grab it." "I felt like that was rare... to be so masculine but still be so calm." "Triathlon was something that we could do as an adult, join a community of like-minded people... and balance family and all that." "We found endurance sports or triathlon... something fun that we enjoyed that helped balance out all the realities of life." Connect and Learn more about James and Sunny. James’ Instagram: Sunny’s Instagram: Connect and learn more about Dean Stott. Instagram: @deanstott LinkedIn: Website: Connect and learn more about Alana Stott. Instagram:@alanastott LinkedIn: Website:
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