And then, there were three! Liz is navigating a transformative season with her newborn son, Cooper, at the center of it all. In this solo episode, she shares the whirlwind of emotions and challenges that come with caring for three young children while recovering from childbirth.  Liz shares her personal struggles, from the complexities of nursing Cooper to the daily juggling act of getting her kids in and out of the car and keeping up with household chores. She also reflects on the isolating...
Published 10/12/23
At her 36-week ultrasound, host Liz Durham received unexpected news that her unborn baby boy might not have a left kidney. After meeting with a high-risk doctor, who offered both reassurance and insight into the unknown, Liz was left with the choice: worry, or trust in God's plan. In this episode, Liz candidly shares her emotional struggle with the lack of control over her baby's health, despite her strong faith. She delves into the complexities of parenting, self-blame, and the spiritual...
Published 09/28/23
Television shows have the power to shape and influence our perceptions of the world around us. In this episode, Liz considers the impact of shows she watched growing up. Have beloved sitcoms like Friends and Sex and the City contributed to negative stereotypes about gender roles? As Liz reflects on these shows, she recognizes their influence on her own views of men and relationships. Now, she sees the need to be more discerning about the media she consumes and the shows her children are...
Published 08/24/23
Gary Ashton is a trailblazing entrepreneur and accomplished real estate agent based in Nashville. With a background that spans continents and industries, Gary's journey is a testament to the power of early adoption, entrepreneurial spirit, and the fusion of human intelligence with technology. In this episode of Being Different, host Liz Durham sits down with Gary to talk about how working with the family business from a young age helped shape Gary's entrepreneurial mindset, and how...
Published 08/10/23
As the definition of motherhood changes over generations, it becomes harder to pin down the idea of “balance.” In this episode of Being Different, host Liz Durham chats with Taylor Brasel, a loan officer who has decided to focus on her career and wait to have children. Thus begs the question, when? From navigating gender roles to maintaining work-life balance, Liz and Taylor provide different generational insights into the complexities of managing family and professional lives. They share...
Published 08/03/23
Pouring a glass of wine may seem like a reward after a tough day with the kids, but did you know alcohol is actually a depressant? And it could make your anxiety worse, not better. The normalization of alcohol consumption peaked during the pandemic, and with phrases like "mommy juice" and "wine mom" culture, the trend is clear among moms, too. In this episode of Being Different, host Liz Durham sits down with her friend Aubrey Arms to shed light on the pressure to indulge in alcohol as a...
Published 07/27/23
We all know proper money management skills are crucial in our lives, so why not equip our kids with these tools early on? In this episode of Being Different, host Liz Durham dives into her personal journey of teaching her kids about money and finances. Liz reflects on her own desire to go beyond traditional approaches to instill invaluable lessons about credit scores, responsible credit card usage, and how to steer clear of overwhelming student loan debt. Liz shares why she thinks there are...
Published 07/20/23
So we’ve heard from Liz - but what’s her husband’s experience?  Host Liz Durham and her husband Luke sit down to chat about Liz's journey of leaving her job to become a stay-at-home mom. From COVID to household labor - they cover it all. Hear about his unwavering support for Liz's decision, initial struggles with the transition, and navigating the division of labor at home - plus, advice for couples who are sharing one income. Despite the loss of her career, Liz shares how she's adjusting...
Published 07/12/23
As a parent, vacations can be the ultimate test of patience and flexibility. It can be challenging, tiring, and downright frustrating at times. In this solo episode, Liz reflects on the challenges she faced during her summer vacation with her young kids.  She shares her experiences and highlights the importance of adjusting expectations and working on our own selfishness - alongside being willing to listen to the same song over and over again in the car. Liz emphasizes the importance of...
Published 07/06/23
Are there hierarchy issues within modern parenting? Today we explore the ever-evolving landscape of motherhood with Tammy Peterson – a seasoned mother and host of The Tammy Peterson Podcast. Together, host Liz Durham and Tammy delve into the impact of feminism, the significance of outdoor play, and the importance of self-directed learning for young children. Tammy shares hard-learned lessons, thoughts on the impact of birth control pills in the '60s, and the over-parenting phenomenon that...
Published 06/22/23
As a working mom, Liz was once taken in by these misconceptions, and now she’s ready to challenge them head-on. In today’s reflection, she breaks down why it’s crucial to understand the impact these lies have on families. Liz breaks down the difference between quality time versus quantity, the daycare dilemma and early socialization, and the myth of our children’s memories in younger years.  How do we model hard work for our children without compromising on our presence in their lives? Tune...
Published 06/15/23
How much of our trouble starts with a lack of of family structure at home? In this episode of Being Different, Liz Durham is joined by recent guest, New York Times bestselling author Mark Mathabane. Mark highlights the crucial roles both parents play in a child's upbringing and how the absence of family structure can give rise to issues. Liz and Mark discuss different approaches to discipline within the family, the impact of divorce on children, and the importance of being involved in your...
Published 06/08/23
In today's society, staying at home as a mother can be met with mixed opinions and even judgment from others. In this solo episode with host Liz Durham, she reflects on the last five months and her journey into her role as a stay-at-home mom. Liz shares the unexpected obstacles and surprising rewards, lessons in balancing her days, and giving herself grace. Learn how spending more time together led to knowing her kids on a deeper level than ever before. Plus, transforming into a...
Published 06/01/23
How do we navigate the conversation of race with our children? Host Liz Durham sat down with Ace Battle to discuss a topic that is as important as it is complex. On his podcast Until The Tables Turn, Ace raises concerns about the dangers of looking at people in groups and not as individuals, fostering divisiveness and agendas. In this episode of Being Different, he shares the impacts of social media, labels, and CRT, and the importance of speaking with your values rather than just your...
Published 05/25/23
In this second episode with Mark Mathabane, we hear more about his experience growing up in South Africa during apartheid and how his life changed in America.  He joins host Liz Durham to talk about the crucial role of mothers and parents in educating children with balanced experiences and and opportunity. He emphasizes the importance of embracing our common humanity and reaching across racial boundaries. Make sure you tune in to part 1 of this conversation, visit lizdurham.com to learn...
Published 05/18/23
Despite joining a gang at just five years old, Mark Mathabane’s mother encouraged education and he found hope and a new path through tennis. With the help of legend Stan Smith, he secured a college scholarship in America and his life changed forever. But Mark's message goes beyond personal success. On this episode of Being Different, New York Times bestselling author Mark Mathabane shares his honest and eye-opening account of growing up in South Africa during apartheid. He joins host Liz...
Published 05/11/23
As more expecting parents consider alternatives to traditional hospital settings, the choice of where to give birth is becoming an increasingly interesting topic. In this episode of Being Different, Liz Durham talks with Lexi Young Peck about her experiences with pregnancy, home birth, and farm life. Lexi transitioned from city life to farm life with her husband in 2020 and has chosen home birth for all her children, embracing an approach that she says puts the mental, emotional, and...
Published 05/03/23
After leaving the military, Erica Webster decided to redefine what it means for women to be fit and strong. With her own business venture - Dub Fitness - she created a unique support system of female empowerment through fitness for any stage of life. In this episode of Being Different, Erica shares the challenges she faced while juggling back-to-back pregnancies, and how her personal experiences transformed her outlook on fitness, motherhood, and ultimately her business plan. Liz and Erica...
Published 04/27/23
Are you puzzled by the organic vs. non-organic debate? Caught in the whirlwind of food fads and anxious about what and how much to feed your family? In this week's episode of Being Different, Liz and her guest, Kellie Cope work to lift the veil on the organic food marketing machine and debunk common misconceptions. Kellie is a nutrition and fitness expert from Nourishing Our Needs in Knoxville, Tennessee. In this episode, Kellie shares her observations on the biggest nutrition challenges...
Published 04/20/23
Recently on Being Different, Liz engaged in conversations about special needs education in Tennessee and across the country.  Liz was joined by Will Edwards, Michael Collins and Mercedes Lawson to discuss how state and government funding impact education systems. In this episode, Liz is joined by Anthony Palmer, producer of Being Different, to reflect on the role of advocacy in all special needs families and what we can do to support our community.  What’s up next? We want to hear from...
Published 04/13/23
After nine years working as a Special Education teacher, Mercedes Lawson knew she wanted to make a bigger difference. She realized that not every student had access to an equitable education, so she started her own company to help parents and students find success on their own. In this episode, Mercedes talks to host Liz Durham about issues with government funding and how it is distributed in Tennessee, why staffing matters, and why teachers need to be advocates for their students. She...
Published 04/06/23
Finding resources and support systems can be challenging for parents and caregivers, especially when they age out of the traditional school system. Michael Collins, the chief financial officer at Sertoma Center Incorporated, has dedicated his career to providing services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Michael is also a member of the Governor's Council on Autism Spectrum Disorder and has served on the East Tennessee Chapter of the Autism Society of America. In...
Published 03/30/23
As the parent of a special needs child, Will Edwards knows first hand how complex it can be to receive support in the school system - and in life - and he’s on a mission to change that.  Will sat down with our host Liz Durham to offer insight into care in Tennessee. He shares his experience advocating for his child with autism at many levels, from working with guidance counselors in the public school system, to reps on the school board. In the world of disability support, it often comes...
Published 03/23/23
Recently on Being Different, Liz engaged in conversations about the state of American agriculture and our role in it: How much do we know? What can we expect for the future? What can we do now? Liz was joined by Andrew Garfield and Art Whaley to discuss what has changed in farming and how farmers are at the mercy of nature - and the economy. In this episode, Liz was joined by Anthony Palmer, producer of Being Different, and shares her experiences farming at home and encourages listeners to...
Published 03/16/23
As trends drive people toward rural living, homesteading, and farming as a lifestyle choice, statistics show a dwindling agricultural workforce across America. This week, Liz is joined by long-time friend Art Whaley to investigate the realities of supporting farmers in today’s economy.  Art, who studied Agriculture Economics at University of Tennessee, is the Chief Lending Officer for Rural 1st, the consumer lending division of Farm Credit Mid-America. He shares his insight into the process...
Published 03/09/23