The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x22 (TOW The Ick Factor) of Friends. You’ll learn how to properly name your future children, you'll hear why everyone deserves their own pseudonym, and you'll find out how the biggest conspiracy in the history of situational comedy has now gone international! Time is of the essence, Friendlings. Let's do this. Let's get floopy! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los Angeles, CA 90042 PATREON: http://patreon.com/bofpodcast BOF MERCH:...
Published 09/07/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x21 (TOW The Fake Monica) of Friends. You’ll hear more about Randy Jackson than you were probably planning to, you'll find out exactly what Willis was talking about, and you'll join us in continuing to blow everyone's favorite conspiracy wide open! Are you ready to get floopy, ladies and germs? Because we sure as hell are. We're fired up and ready to go! Fired up and ready to go! Fired up and ready to go! Let's do this, y'all. Best Of Friends...
Published 08/30/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x20 (TOW The Evil Orthodontist) of Friends. You’ll find out which charter team of the new XFL has been welcomed into the BOF family, you'll learn what Fancy Boy Candle is cooking up for 2020, and you'll hear all the latest on the Greenwich Ripper himself — Dr. Richard Burke! Stop what you're doing and drop everything, Friendlings. It's about that time again — yeah, you know the score. It's time... to get... floopy! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O....
Published 08/23/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x19 (TOW The Monkey Gets Away) of Friends. You’ll find out what very special sitcom has a birthday coming up, you'll hear all the latest theories on #RICHARDGATE, and you'll learn everything you need to know about the most anticipated movie of the holiday season! It's never too early to start gift-shopping, so why not give your loved ones what they really want this year? That's right, y'all — the BOF podcast. Let's get floopy! Best Of Friends...
Published 08/15/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x18 (TOW All The Poker) of Friends. You’ll find out why good news only ever fills us with dread, you'll learn which '90s sitcom is about to take the LEGO World by storm, and you'll hear why Taylor Swift is the #1 BOF guest you never knew you needed... until now! Wipe those teardrops off your guitar, Friendlings — because we're about to play our song. Ready for it? This is holy ground. Let's get floopy, y'all! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box...
Published 08/09/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x17 (TOW Two Parts: Part 2) of Friends. You’ll hear the latest on Erin's endless concert adventures, you'll find out what songs you will definitely not hear at Jamie's wedding, and you'll learn which major religion has finally endorsed BOF! Oh, dear Friendlings, it's been far too long. We mustn't waste another moment — tarry not with thine play button and let the floopiness commence! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los Angeles, CA...
Published 08/01/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x16 (TOW Two Parts: Part 1) of Friends. You’ll find out which band is inarguably better than the Beatles, you'll learn which Harry Potter book is inarguably better than all the others, and you'll deal with the fact that both of those claims are inarguably true! It's summertime, and the podcastin' is easy. Grab yourself a cold drink and press play on this hot one, Friendlings. It's time to get floopy! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los...
Published 07/10/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x15 (TOW The Stoned Guy) of Friends. You’ll hear all about the hottest stars in animation, you'll find out who the biggest villain of the show was in the eyes of '90s live studio audiences, and you'll learn why "selling out" doesn't sound quite as bad as it used to! Is this week's podcast one day late, or is it one day right-on-time for America's birthday? Happy Independence Day, USA Friendlings! And a Happy Independence Day to all our non-USA...
Published 07/04/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x14 (TOW The Candy Hearts) of Friends. You’ll hear an unpaid advertisement for some new-fangled messaging software, you'll learn definitively whether or not books can be funny, and you'll find out where each of our six Central Perkians would hypothetically fit into the world of Dunder Mifflin! Now who's ready for another classic BOF adventure? If you answered no, then get your life together. But if you answered yes, then buckle up and smash that...
Published 06/27/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 05x09 (TOW Ross' Sandwich) of Friends. You’ll find out why we're going out of order this week, you'll learn who is/isn't 29 years old, and you'll join us in welcoming very special guest Zara Lisbon (@ZaraLisbon)! You better be strapped in, Friendlings, because this one is quite the ride. Y'all ready? Let's! Get! Floopy! Buy a copy of Zara's fantastic debut novel, FAKE PLASTIC GIRL: https://t.co/fmVP2sRIPb?amp=1 Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box...
Published 06/20/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x13 (TOW The Boobies) of Friends. You’ll find out just how much we definitely don't care about bad reviews, you'll learn just how involved in Jamie's wedding Erin is definitely going to be, and you'll hear just how fantastic a certain BOF legend definitely is in person! Apologies abound for our absence, dear Friendlings. But we're back now and we do not want to leave you again! So what do you say we all get floopy? Best Of Friends Podcast P.O....
Published 06/13/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x12 (TOW The Dozen Lasagnas) of Friends. You’ll find out who amongst us is now engaged, you'll hear all the latest on future Oscar-winning film CATS, and you'll hopefully accept our apology for the title of this week's episode! There's no time to waste, Friendlings. Are you ready to get floopy? Smash that play button and let's get this BOF show on the BOF road! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los Angeles, CA 90042 BOF MERCH:...
Published 04/17/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x11 (TOW Mrs. Bing) of Friends. You’ll learn what we think of this whole "exercise" thing, you'll find out which quote from the show we use most often in real life, and you'll join us in bidding a fond farewell to the one and only Generic White Man Credited Only As Coma Guy! We barely knew ye, Coma Guy — and that's why we've never really cared about your storyline. Good luck in your future endeavors! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los...
Published 03/28/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x10 (TOW The Monkey) of Friends. You’ll learn which Broadway musical we absolutely hate, you'll find out what we think of this year's Oscar winners (and losers), and you'll be happy to hear that our stupid audio troubles are finally behind us! WARNING: The following podcast contains extremely high levels of floopiness. If you or a loved one are sensitive to getting floopy, please consult your doctor before pressing play. Best Of Friends...
Published 03/21/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x09 (TOW Underdog Gets Away) of Friends. You’ll hear all the latest updates on everything fancy, you'll find out which new book is taking the BOF literary world by storm, and you'll quickly learn that we actually goofed the audio on this episode as well! But fear not — the problem has been solved and it will no longer be an issue. Are you ready for a regular weekly dose of our podcast in your ears again? Because we're back, baby! With a...
Published 03/07/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x08 (TOW Nana Dies Twice) of Friends. You’ll find out what we've been up to all year (so far), you'll hear even more talk about the (not so) famous Peace Garden State, and you'll learn very quickly that someone (let's not name names) failed to properly set up the studio equipment! We pulled a big ol' whoopsie-daisy on this one, folks. But the good news is that it could have been worse! So please forgive our egregious error, and we'll be sure not...
Published 02/08/19
The one where Erin and Jamie are guests on a completely different podcast — The Real Weird Sisters! Haven't heard it? Well, you're about to. You'll hear us talk about Harry Potter even more than usual, you'll find out what we really think of everyone's favorite characters, and you'll join us in placing the glorious Sorting Hat upon the collective head of the entire Friendsverse! We'll be back in the BOF swing of things next week, so fear not. But until then, enjoy — and be floopy! Best Of...
Published 01/30/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x07 (TOW The Blackout) of Friends. You’ll join us in celebrating the anniversary of BOF, you'll find out how this weird little podcast is actually helping to educate people, and you'll learn way more than you ever thought you would about NBC's Thursday night line-up on November 3rd, 1994! We've been gone for a minute, but we're back on the scene — the 2019 scene, that is! What do you say we kick this new year off right? Yeah, you know what I'm...
Published 01/16/19
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x06 (TOW The Butt) of Friends. You’ll find out who won the SEC championship, you'll learn which country we can't wait to visit, and you'll hear all about our next live event right here in sunny Los Angeles! Are you ready for it? Are we ready for it? Is anyone ready for it?! Only time will tell. Come on, y'all — let's get floopy! Best Of Friends Podcast P.O. Box 421605 Los Angeles, CA 90042 BOF MERCH: http://shrsl.com/?hcgd Support us on Patreon...
Published 12/12/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x05 (TOW The East German Laundry Detergent) of Friends. You’ll learn how much fabric softener is too much fabric softener, you'll hear words of regret from the self-proclaimed world's biggest 7th Heaven fan, and you'll join us in welcoming our first guest of the rewatch/girlfriend of the show — Chelsea Tageson-Crane (@chelseatc)! Fix yourself a plate, pour yourself a glass, and prepare to dig in. Happy Friendsgiving, Friendlings! Best Of Friends...
Published 11/23/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x04 (TOW George Stephanopoulos) of Friends. You’ll find out how each of us celebrated Halloween, you'll learn which musical theater adventures we have scheduled for the coming year, and you'll hear the deepest of teases regarding all the fresh new merch we have coming soon! We've been gone for a few weeks (*INSERT EXCUSE HERE*), but now we're back now and better than ever. Or at the very least, we're back! So what do you say? Should we do it? Is...
Published 11/14/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x03 (TOW The Thumb) of Friends. You’ll find out how we really feel about bread bowls, you'll hear a review of the latest musical to make us feel uncomfortable, and you'll join us in sending a message to Apple re: our disappearance from iTunes! You hear that, whoever-the-CEO-of-Apple-is-now?! We know our rights. BOF will not be silenced! Friendlings will not be silenced! The floopy revolution will not be televised — it will be podcasted!...
Published 10/25/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss episode 01x02 (TOW The Sonogram At The End) of Friends. You’ll find out how Will & Grace has changed our view on reboots, you'll hear us comb through BOF ideas so old that we barely remember them, and you'll join us in embarking on an exciting new podcast journey (that just happens to take place within this one)! Hey, here's a question — do you like the show Friends? Because we do, and we're diving back into it! That's right, folks. It's time for our...
Published 10/17/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss the pilot episode of Friends and the pilot episode of Seinfeld. You’ll hear us create an even dumber timeline than the one we live in, you'll find out which fan-favorite candle-master will be making a long-awaited return this fall, and you'll join us in revisiting the Clash of the '90s Sitcom Titans! Have you enjoyed our comedic departure from classic BOF coverage? We sure hope so. But this is the last week of that nonsense. From here on out, it's all...
Published 08/29/18
The one where Erin and Jamie discuss the pilot episode of Friends and the pilot episode of The Big Bang Theory. You’ll hear the captivating tale of BOF's VIP journey to Will & Grace, you'll find out which Friend we found ourselves close enough to touch, and you'll join us in wondering just how one of the aforementioned shows stayed on the air longer than the others! Warning: If you were hoping for a lot of Big Bang analysis this week, well... we did our best. Kind of. But first things...
Published 08/22/18