(Genesis 29:13-20) Imagine getting to be included in the Bible, one of only a handful of individuals who are mentioned by name. Now imagine that you are introduced into the story with a description that just says that you are not a pretty as your sister. Well, if you're Leah you do not have to imagine.
Published 12/12/23
(Genesis 29:1-13) We move onto chapter 29 and Jacob moves on to Paddan Aram. There he has a moment, or at least he tries to.
Published 12/05/23
(Genesis 28:16-22) We wrap up the Dream Saga and reflect on how God works while the world sleeps.
Published 11/28/23
(Genesis 28:10-17) Almost done with Genesis 28. We look at the ways God works in the lives of His people when they are sleeping. Can you think of times God worked through a dream?
Published 11/21/23
(Genesis 28:10-17) Get it? Like, the song? "Carry on Wayward Son" by Kansas....? Nevermind. It's always an exciting time for the Podcast when we encounter some Jesus imagery!
Published 11/14/23
(Genesis 28:10-17) Jacob gets his “Patriarch Moment” and has a dream about the intersection of heaven on earth.
Published 11/07/23
(Genesis 28) "Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?"
Published 10/31/23
(Genesis 29: 1-13) Often we discuss links back to previous parts of the story, and sometime we talk about links to future events. But what happens when you have a passage that links you both the past and the future? That's when you get a Hyperlink.
Published 10/17/23
(Genesis 28:1-9) Celebrating three years of the podcast! Jacob begins his character growth, much in the same way Abraham did. Esau meanwhile, starts doubling down.
Published 10/10/23
Let's take a break from the story and have a discussion about one of the central pillar's of this Podcast: "How did the original hearers of this story approach it?"
Published 10/03/23
(Genesis 27:5-46) Who is the one pulling the stings of this whole deal? Hint: it isn't Isaac, Jacob, or Esau. Today we find out what happens when Mama isn't happy.
Published 09/26/23
(Genesis 27) Nathan Vanhorn is back in the copilot's seat as we discuss the parallels between Genesis 3 and 27.
Published 09/19/23
(Genesis 27:1-4) Exactly how good was Esau’s red meat? I mean, it’s mentioned by the text like 3 times. Isaac LOVES that New York Strip so much he wants to mark the blessing of Esau with a meal of it. This Is a cautionary tale of sensuality gone too far, to the point where you forget the promise of God and turn a blind eye to strife among family.
Published 09/12/23
(Genesis 26) At last we reach the end of Genesis 26! and we get another good look at Esau: the man who will play a major role in this story. Surprisingly, he may not be the man you thought he was.
Published 09/05/23
(Genesis 26:26-33) Clean, flowing water is an unquestionable requirement of living in the ancient world. If you didn’t have it, you had to go to someone who did. So is it any wonder that the family blessed by God, hits water every time they dig a well?
Published 08/29/23
(Genesis 26: 23-25) How do we know Isaac is a real patriarch? Why do we had the repeated phrase "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"? Let's take a look at the man's ancient world street cred.
Published 08/22/23
"Dig Another Well" by Paul Overstreet - https://youtu.be/UpWEtIiL-tw (Genesis 26:12-22) And when Ike went out for his morning drink He got a dipper full of dirt and his heart did sink But he knew it was the devil so he said with a grin God blessed me once and he can do it again He blessed me once and he can do it again So when the rains don't fall and the crops all fail And the cows ain't puttin' any milk in the pail Don't sit around waitin' for a check in the mail Just pick up the shovel...
Published 08/08/23
(Genesis 26:6-11) Another laughing episode. But wait! It's not what you think, this might be the strangest case of laughter yet seen in the narrative. It involves Moses, Samson, and even Jesus. Always pay attention when the story draw your attention to laugher.
Published 08/01/23
(Genesis 26:1-6) We continue our look at the reoccurring themes of Genesis 26. Abimelech, famine, going to a land as God says, and a covenant. Sound familiar? It should.
Published 07/25/23
(Genesis 26: 1-6) And..we're back! I hope you're ready for reoccurring generational themes, restating of covenants, and more Abimelech.
Published 07/18/23
(Genesis 25:34) And we are back! We've got a great show for you today; it has it all: Hitler, Indiana Jones, Monty Python, Allusions to The Exodus, and an unwillingness to move to chapter 26!
Published 07/11/23
(Genesis 25:29-34) I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage The role you made me play of the fool No, I don't like you I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie You said the soup was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you
Published 06/27/23
(Genesis 25:27-28) Esau. A man of the land. A man of integrity. Someone who values family and understands the importance of trust. When it comes to leaders, we need someone who is strong. Someone who works hard for their inheritance. But his opponent, Jacob, wants your trust. Can you trust a man who takes advantage of his own family's hunger? We need a leader who respects tradition, who is honest, who values hard work. Esau, the rightful heir, who believes in justice, truth and family. Paid...
Published 06/20/23
(Genesis 25) Esau really is like the Thanos of Biblical characters, right? But instead of Infinity stones, he has traits from every bad actor in the story. To be fair, Isaac has a few bad traits as well. I guess nobody’s perfect, especially God’s people. It must be exhausting always rooting for the antihero.
Published 06/13/23
(Genesis 25) Gandalf is on vacation, so we don't have a witty description for you today. You know what we are talking about: meal imagery, brother imagery, and pop culture references.
Published 06/06/23