20 years ago, India and Pakistan conducted nuclear tests within a fortnight of each other. The world responded with harsh economic sanctions, have they worked?
Published 05/31/18
It has been the backbone of the liberal world order since the end of World War II, but now the transatlantic relationship is in crisis.
Published 05/31/18
Fear of the Islamist militants keeps girls from attending school, despite government claims the group has been defeated.
Published 05/24/18
The former Ambassador to Indonesia remembers the 'Smiling General' Suharto
Published 05/24/18
Terror analysts warn this disturbing trend is likely to continue.
Published 05/17/18
Will Baghdad lean towards Iran or the West when the new parliament is annouced?
Published 05/17/18
Malaysia's hotly contested election resulted in one of the greatest political comebacks of all time
Published 05/10/18
The US President's announcement this week was hardly surprising - but was it the right move?
Published 05/10/18
What is coming in the 2018 Federal Budget?
Published 05/03/18
Shining bright on the world stage, Emmanuel Macron is increasingly unpopular at home
Published 05/03/18
Is Hungarian president Victor Orbán a dangerous populist, or is he merely tapping into legitimate fears about immigration?
Published 04/26/18
The leaders and North and South Korea meet for the first time in over a decade on Friday, is this a step on the road to peace or a path we've been down before?
Published 04/26/18
The speech made by British Conservative Enoch Powell 50 years ago, casts a long shadow over the nation's political history. His biographer, Simon Heffer discusses Enoch Powell and his infamous speech on immigration and integration.
Published 04/19/18
Jeffrey Sachs, the prominent economist and former foreign policy advisor to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders argues that the United States should get out of the Syrian conflict.
Published 04/19/18
Elsa Kania discusses China's plans to become the world leader in artificial intelligence by 2030 and the military applications envisioned by Chinese leadership.
Published 04/12/18
The British MP and author Jesse Norman discusses how the pioneering economist Adam Smith helps us understand some of the problems facing politics and capitalism.
Published 04/12/18
From the largest inhabited rubbish dump in the Philippines, to remote schools in Africa and East Timor - Ambre Hammond likes to perform in places that rarely have concerts.
Published 04/05/18
Former Prime Minister John Howard reflects on one of the most bitter and dramatic industrial conflicts in Australian history.
Published 04/05/18
The expulsion of scores of Russian diplomats from Britain, the United States, EU members and Australia has raised the question of whether the world is veering back to a Cold War.
Published 03/29/18
Jacinda Adhern's fresh centre-left government settles into office.
Published 03/22/18
The war of words and diplomatic actions between London and Moscow escalate over the poisoning of an ex-spy in Britain.
Published 03/22/18
Daniel Pipes and Tom Switzer discuss President Donald Trump's decision to formally recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US Embassy to the city.
Published 03/15/18
Australia and ASEAN have been partners since its inception in 1967, but it's the first time Australia is playing host to the summit.
Published 03/15/18
Why women become targets of sexual violence when war breaks out and the difficulties of prosecuting genocidal rape.
Published 03/08/18
Clive Hamilton joins guest presenter Fauziah Ibrahim to discuss his controversial new book, Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia.
Published 03/08/18