Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhain, and thank you for listening! Betwixt and Between revisit the concept of Witches Rest, talk about the current status of their Tradition, and generally find it hard to focus in the presence of the Witchlettes "being quiet." Enjoy!
Published 10/31/19
A real (ish) time recording! Betwixt and Between talk about Fall in their local environments and then share updates about their current lives and practices. Lots of changes have come down the proverbial pike!
Published 10/02/19
Betwixt and Between, building on their chat with Kit and previous talk about ancestors, delve in this episode into what inspires them about the Stone Age (specifically the Meso and Neolithic periods). Brace yourselves for an abundant and childish use of "Homo" (sapiens, erectus, habulus...), yet ANOTHER recap of the production of fiber and clothing (Between has a problem), and a summary of Jean M. Auel's seminal works. And Between singing. Of course. 
Published 09/01/19
What are your favorite books from young adulthood? And which of them included Witches? Join our conversation with Jacob Haller, our Intrepid Editor, that crosses over with his wonderful podcast, Love YA Like Crazy. We examine what YA is, our favorite examples of Witches in the books we loved (and still love), and (unfortunately) beard nipples. Sigh.
Published 07/30/19
Hello All Listeners! This episode, Betwixt and Between chat with and fangirl over Sara Schuster of the Tending Seeds podcast. Sara is an herbalist, homesteader, soapmaker, podcaster, and Plant Witch (among so many other things!). We hope you enjoy this talk as much as we did, and please go check her out on Instagram and give her wonderful show a listen! https://www.instagram.com/foxandelder/ http://tendingseeds.libsyn.com/
Published 06/19/19
Buckle up, Witches! We're going WAY back into the past to talk about the myth of, and evidence for, matrifocal culture and a "Goddess Worshipping Society." Instead of examining contemporary Triple Goddess praxis and belief, this time Betwixt and Between talk to their friend "Kit," a Witch who merges historical and archeological study with her magical path, about why the Goddess construct IS a positive thing, and where it actually may have come from historically. 
Published 05/28/19
Down at the Cross-Over, as it were, Betwixt and Between enjoy a fantastic conversation with Chris and Tara in this episode. Listen to hear all about their book, their Tradition, and just general merriment and comraderies.  You can find out more about Chris and Tara at www.infinite-beyond.com
Published 04/27/19
Back from her world travels, Between tells all about her trip to Thailand, with specific focus on the spirituality she encountered there. Make sure to check out the podcast website for lots of pictures!
Published 03/21/19
Maybe the Triple Goddess is a theological concept that really works for you...and maybe it isn't. Betwixt and Between explore the pros and cons of the Triple Goddess, examining experiences from their own lives, discussing the origins of the concept, and, of course, delving into hilarity.  This episode does include discussions of fertility struggles and pregnancy loss. It also includes a comparison of the hymen to both a balloon arch and swiss cheese, so...
Published 02/24/19
After looking back at the end of 2018, Between gets angry...but hopefully you'll still like her when she's angry. The discussion centers around Alex Mar's Witches of America, a book Between found...somewhat problematic. Consider the importance and power of how your story is told, and who should tell it (spoiler alert: it's you!). Here's looking forward to an exciting 2019!
Published 01/18/19
Recorded over Thanksgiving weekend, Betwixt and Between gathered with Glinda and her wife, Bryson, and their collective 5 Witchlettes ranging in age from 2-8. What's it like for them, being raised by Witches? Are they Witches? How do they know? Find out in this short--but adorable--special episode!
Published 12/03/18
B&B are super excited in this episode to interview "Niena," a Witch from Between's side of the sister Witch family. With this importance of working with ancestors in the practice of so many Witches today, what do you do if there is some real darkness in your past? How can it affect you spiritually, even if it comes from an ancestor you never personally met, and how can you handle that? This topic resulted in a discussion full of emotion and personal power, and we're honored to share it...
Published 11/03/18
This episode’s topic is Bullying—what is it, who does it, what can you do about it if it happens to you? Special thanks to listener “M” who shared her experience with us, and special guest Bewilidered.
Published 10/09/18
If you’ve been hungry for more Betwixt and Between, here’s an extra helping of goodies! B&B team up again with Glinda of the North to talk all about food. What starts out as a discussion of magical food prep soon boils over into a stew of the links between spirituality and food, healthy and disordered eating, food and our relationship with the land, food and our relationship with our ancestors…it’s a smorgasbord of topics and thoughts, all served with a side of cackling laughter. Bon...
Published 09/06/18
If you don't listen to New World Witchery...why? But if you do, you've already heard the part of our crossover episode NWW posted. This is the other part! Betwixt and Between talk with Cory about their relationship with him as a Tradition member, and more about their personal practices of Witchcraft.
Published 08/15/18
Celebrating the fullness of summer with a look at ritual tools. What are they? What did Betwixt and Between used to use, and what are they into now? Are ritual tools just a Wiccan thing, or just a Witchcraft thing? Plenty of hilarity ensues, although in retrospect we can't tell you exactly why...
Published 07/07/18
What is a faerie? Why should you care? How should you interact with them? B&B talk all about the fey, their portrayals in myth, literature, pop culture, and modern Pagan practice. Can you work with Fey from the Old Country? Are there North American Faeries? Are all Faeries nature spirits? And can you talk for an hour when you have strep throat? Find out all this and more!
Published 05/28/18
This was meant to be the March episode, but…April Fools! Fill your podcast well with this episode, in which the ladies talk all about sacred wells, springs, ponds, various and sundry other waters, and magics associated with them. History, geology, anthropology, ecology, and lots of other “ologies” come together in this discussion, which turned out to be pretty deep (pun totally intended!).
Published 04/04/18
(Warning: we sing a lot in this episode. Proceed with caution!) After having a “conversation” with Cory of New World Witchery via the magic of podcast editing about our new favorite topic—Community!—Betwixt and Between ask the question, is Witchcraft a religion? And then, what is religion? And then, can we sing this entire episode in the style of Gregorian chant? It gets pretty deep pretty fast. Enjoy!
Published 02/28/18
What kind of community is best for you? What kinds of communities are there? How do you find a community? How do you leave a community? WHAT EVEN IS A PAGAN COMMUNITY? In this long, and long-awaited, episode, Betwixt and Between discuss the what’s, why’s, and whichamacallit’s of spiritual community, sharing personal experiences and, of course, occasionally taking a bunny trail.
Published 02/01/18
Betwixt tells you everything you need to know about why we haven't put out an episode since October.
Published 01/08/18
Not all Witches jive with being “planted,” so what about Witches who’s jam is to be constantly on the go, but still want to connect with natural and ancestral spirits? Betwixt and Between dive into the spirit of the wanderers and reaching back to the ancestry of hunter gatherers, exploring a spirituality that’s a little less domestic and a lot more mobile. The discussion takes a sharp turn into musing about historical development of spiritualities along with the development of...
Published 10/25/17
Connecting, gardening, and developing the Witchy life when your roots don't go that deep where you live.
Published 09/26/17
Aaaaaaaaaaand we’re back! After a summer sort-of-hiatus, Betwixt and Between are super excited to be back at it, and in an episode chock full of cicadas, birdsong, air traffic, and diversions, it’s time to discuss Magical Books. Explore the difference between books of shadows, grimoires, and other texts, pop culture references, and even texts “made of children.” Get ready for regular recording and more good times ahead.
Published 09/01/17
Betwixt gathers her sister friends, "Glinda of the North" and "Bryson," as well as Jacob, onto the roof of the seaside cottage her family rented this summer to talk old times and the role of spontaneity in Witchcraft. Sometimes you need to plan, structure, and memorize your ritual lines...and sometimes (most of the time, when life becomes as busy as adult life can become?) you don't. Not comfortable with spontaneity? Don't worry--this conversation's got you covered!
Published 08/01/17