Expanding Reality with Brandon Thomas
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What is reality? How often do you put your reality to the test? This week we have a really fun conversation with Brandon Thomas, creator and host of the Expanding Reality Podcast. Brandon is a deep thinker and true consciousness explorer. He loves pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and just remaining open, without limiting himself to one way of seeing things. Some of the topics we explore: * What is the Mandela effect?
 * Are there multiple timelines, and is it possible we’ve slipped timelines without realizing it?
 * What is quantum immortality?
 * Brandon describes his very cool manifestation experiences with the “Shower Portal.”
 * Is this world a simulation? How would it change your experience if you saw the world in this way?
 * What happened that time Brandon did 14 grams of mushrooms?
 * Although it can seem frightening to some, being willing to entertain all possibilities about reality without being invested in a particular model is actually empowering.
 * Does consensus reality truly exist?
 * During these destabilizing times, remember, “Whenever you deconstruct, you reconstruct.”
 * Brandon shares the story of his first ayahuasca experience.
 * Quoting Gordon White: “Response to the crisis is part of the crisis.”
 * “Your attention is your currency, and that’s all you’ve got.” If you don’t like the way things are looking or the negative possibilities, just don’t contribute energy into the system.
 Brandon Thomas is the creator and host of the podcast, Expanding Reality - a show infatuated with remarkable observations, possibilities and potentialities. Gaining new insight and perspective on the nature of reality in an ever expanding universe one conversation at a time. Some of the topics covered include Philosophy, Spirituality, UFO's, Self Help, Life Coaching, Manifestation, Alternate Perceptions, Conspiracies, The possibility of life elsewhere, Music, Movies, Science, Technology, Astrology, Astronomy, Psychology, Psychedelics, and endless other Mysterious and powerful forces and concepts. Some notable guests include, Best selling Author of the "Conversation with God" series Neale Donald Walsch, The Phenomenon Director James Fox, Tianna Roser, Actress and Author Brianne Davis, Psychiatrist Mel Swartz Author of "The Possibility Principle", NASA Aerospace Engineer Curt Carlton, Macroaggressions host Charlie Robinson, Writer, Director and Actor Mark Gantt, Professor and Author Dr Michael P. Masters, Holistic Practitioner Tom Barnett, Dr Ervin Laszlo, David Weiss, and many more. Check out the latest episodes at ExpandingRealityPodcast.com. If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This helps other people to find us.
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