Homeopathy with Lizzie Martinez
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Many people are seeking alternative approaches to pharmaceuticals, which often just suppress or treat symptoms while also causing many side effects. Did you know there’s a natural medical system that recognizes and removes the underlying cause and has existed for over 200 years? It’s Homeopathy. This week’s guest, Lizzie Martinez, a Board Certified Homeopath, shares why you’ll want to try this holistic health approach. Some of the topics we cover: * What exactly is Homeopathy and how does it differ from Allopathic Medicine?
 * Lizzie’s personal health journey that led her to Homeopathy.
 * The western medicine approach suppresses symptoms, and therefore often doesn’t address the origin of the issue. Homeopathy looks at the symptom pattern, addressing the root cause to bring about the body’s natural immune response.
 * How this suppression of symptoms, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally, could be at the core of much of our societal dysfunction. Are we not learning how to face issues and work through them?
 * “Individualized medicine” - a huge benefit provided by this modality.
 * Homeopathy’s holistic approach takes into account the physical, mental, emotional and even the Unconscious (through dreams) to provide a remedy.
 * Why is Homeopathy considered energy medicine?
 * Lizzie’s clients are often people with very complex cases that haven’t been answered through Allopathic medicine.
 * A large part of Lizzie’s practice is actually undoing damage due to pharmaceuticals.
 * What’s a nosode and how is it used both to treat and prevent illness?
 * What is the Law of Similars?
 * How Homeopathy’s function of “immunological education” helps to prevent health issues.
 * How Lizzie successfully helped many people throughout the Covid pandemic and what she learned through the process. *Legal disclaimer below.
 * Book recommendation: “The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis” by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott.
 * Lizzie shares her own pilgrimage story, first in her neighborhood and then to Mexico, prompted by her dreams
 * Homeopathic treatments don’t really go bad (with basic care of them) and you can create a home health kit to naturally treat the most common ailments.
 Lizzie Martinez is Board Certified in Homeopathy, and provides Functional and Integrative Medicine for Adults, teens and children. To learn more about Lizzie and her services, visit www.lizziemartinez.com. Also go to her YouTube channel for her helpful Homeopathic tips. * Lizzie Martinez guides people in using Homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms that are like Covid. If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This helps other people to find us.
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